Faire days == good days (favorite moments)


I really enjoyed the rp'ing with the giants, even in a beat 'em up fight, they were a lot of fun.

We had some great rp'ing amongst the PC's as well. The "I got hit in the nads by a giant's boulder, and I still fought!" will stay with me for some time.

I really did like the riddles and maze. It's nice in a day event to actually have something like that, where we have to think as well as thump things.

All in all, I think the new SF plot team is showing a lot that I look forward to!

Couldn't agree with you more Davio! This was an awesome day event. Mad props to our junior writer!

My favorite moments included:

Those red fern things just whooped on us something fierce. We need to take them down, and the tree creature said he could show us "Where the Red Ferns Grow".
"We can't go there, we don't have Shin."
"Wait, doesn't he have a sister too?"
"Guys, I don't like that idea. Do we really want both of them to die?"

To the NPC's, you did a phenomenal job. Great job of easing up when we were getting rolled, but still keeping the pressure on.
Thirded, excellent day event, great work by the Junior Writer and by Monster Desk.

- Fighting the giants. Great RP, plus super-fun to be a high orc getting to slay his first giant. It was one of the moments where Longaxe really felt "on" in terms of his RP and the way the fight was handled was part of that.
- Having to bite my tongue through the (awesome) riddle mod.
- Everyone trying to make excuses for why I looked so happy to be fighting bug-possessed Resete.
Yeah, why were you so happy again? LOL Good thing there was an explanation you know, otherwise I might have though it was personal.

OOG: Isaac Dealer
Character: Resete