favorite editorial cartoons: April 09

Robb Graves said:
Fearless Leader said:
Conservative republicans, of course, hate control and big government. Oh, except when it comes to choosing for yourself whether to have an abortion, who you can get married to, whether you can smoke marijuana in your own home, allowing the government to torture and suspend habeas corpus...

Basically, both parties want the government to decide things. The real issue is over those decisions, not the underlying principles.

i think the key to your comment was "Conservative republicans".

Both extreme fringes want the government to decide things.

I, a socially liberal, economically conservative republican want the government to butt the hell out and let me live my life without taxing me into oblivion because they feel the need to distribute my wealth elsewhere since my being skilled and earning my wages is not "fair". i don't care how many law degrees, doctorates, years of experience, or friends in high places some politician has. no one can live my life but me. it'd be nice if i could choose how i spend my money.

I understand that; there is certainly a larger "libertarian" populace out there who are consistent in their beliefs about the purpose of government. Liberals and conservatives tend to both want big government and lots of spending -- but conservatives (in my opinion) are a lot more hypocritical about it, decrying big government while increasing it and spending more than any democrat ever did...

The fact is that more money has been given to big rich corporations over the past year (by both democrat and republican administrations) than was ever spent on welfare for people who lost their jobs or needed food stamps -- really, it's all a matter of perspective.

What I hate mostly is dishonesty and hypocricy in politics, on both sides. Politicians who whine about how government shouldn't be giving welfare to poor people while they're giving millions to businesses and corporation farmers are not being honest here.
Fearless Leader said:
Duke Frost said:
I find it ironic that those claiming to be "liberals" want to put laws and regulations on everything and control everything. How about a little personal responsibility instead?

I find it ironic that none of the cartoons posted had anything to do with that issue, yet you still felt a need to comment on it.

Actually, Mike, the cartoon Agahi posted had to do with gun control, though unless I read it wrong, it was in support of guns ala "An armed society is a polite society". Thanks for your condescension. I always enjoy that.

From where I sit, our once great country is on a complete decline. The adventurous and pioneering spirit that made us great has turned into an attitude of entitlement and poor me. People don't solve their own problems, they whine and cry and wait for the government to save them. But the government only saves them after filling their own pockets and in the long run only teaches people to be even more lazy and reliant on others. Criminals get coddled like they are misbehaving children while law abiding citizens who work hard are punished with unnecessary laws. One school recently got rid of jump ropes and kids play "imaginary jump rope" so they don't feel bad if they can't do it. WTF? No one is gonna let you pay you for your "imaginary job" when you grow up. Oh wait, maybe they will. Why do I go to work every day again?
Scott, you are right in all of that. But we atill aren't France.

And you go to work to pay for all of those Rock Band downloads.

Well, Scott, you know I agree with you about personal responsibility, but that can't be tied to one party or another, because certainly bailing out huge businesses is an extreme example of the thing you are complaining about...

I can't tell you how many times I have to lecture my clients about taking responsibility for themselves and how it will hurt them in the long run. It rarely works of course, and then they end up in prison and whine about how the system is unfair and blah blah blah.

Once more, I am not convinced this is limited to one party or ideology. Try telling a conservative republican that their mother's medicare will be cut and see if he complains. And there are plenty of absolutely conservative die-hards living in trailer parks who hate liberals with a passion as they stand in line to get their welfare checks and get unscrupulous lawyers to bring lawsuits over minor things so they can be declared "disabled" and never have to work again.

I certainly don't see a lot of prisoners being coddled in my line of work. In fact, I see normal people sitting in jail for months because they were smoking weed. We have the highest percentage of people in prison per capita than any other country, even China and Iraq.

At the same time, I also believe that the purpose of government is to help people who need it -- and that's why I am in favor of a national health care policy and free education and reasonable welfare such as unemployment benefits, although I prefer programs that provide work for people rather than handouts.

Will some people take advantage of the system? Of course -- just like dishonest doctors charge medicare for services never performed. Dishonest people are not limited to the poor. But that doesn't mean you throw out a system that benefits the vast majority of the recipients who need it.
Chazz said:
Scott, you are right in all of that. But we atill aren't France.

And you go to work to pay for all of those Rock Band downloads.


My joy at finally getting two White Zombie songs to download was soon tempered by having to look at Styx and REO Speedwagon for the last week when I go to new songs.

More Kiss. More White Zombie. More Rob Zombie. And the Doors. I would kill for them to get some Doors. I bet they can't because some crazed parent thinks their kids will get drunk and take off their leather pants in Miami if they play a Doors song. Maybe if we agreed to play with a helmet on (just trying to keep with the thread's theme).
Fearless Leader said:
I certainly don't see a lot of prisoners being coddled in my line of work. In fact, I see normal people sitting in jail for months because they were smoking weed. We have the highest percentage of people in prison per capita than any other country, even China and Iraq.

They should have saved their money for bail instead of spending it on weed.

I'm also not spouting Republican rhetoric. I'm spouting anti-government rhetoric. The Republican party no longer represents the moderate conservative. But neither does the Democratic party. And they are the only two parties that get elected. Our government is a big, scam fueled by special interests and lobbyists. They're not there to "Serve the People", they're there to serve themselves and their friends.

Our country was founded on the overthrow of an unjust government. Now we're turning into one. I believe the government should help people too, but all they help is themselves.

I'll probably grab some Beatles songs, but I'm not as old as you so they don't hold the same fascination for me, heh.
D00d, your tellin me? Can you imagine how many times Rachel has had to take the drumsticks away from me because of all this new GnR crap? And you'd think that at least they would put up "Come Sail Away" for Styx so I could try to get 100% while singing like Cartman. People wonder whats wrong with this country.

Duke Frost said:
I'll probably grab some Beatles songs, but I'm not as old as you so they don't hold the same fascination for me, heh.

Hey, come on, I didn't even really know anything about the Beatles until after they had split up. But I can appreciate art that came before my time. I even watch movies and read books that were made before I was born!
The cartoon I posted was in favor of guns not aginst. At least thats what I was thinking when I posted it (in response to the "it's better in Somalia" cartoon). :)

The debate groups I belong to always get caught up in the whole left vrs right thing. I always try to keep a centrist mindset, or at least a libertarian one. Though I know that even if a third party came to power it would likely degenerate into the same type of policies that the existing partys in power use.
Duke Frost said:
Chazz said:
Scott, you are right in all of that. But we atill aren't France.

And you go to work to pay for all of those Rock Band downloads.


My joy at finally getting two White Zombie songs to download was soon tempered by having to look at Styx and REO Speedwagon for the last week when I go to new songs.

More Kiss. More White Zombie. More Rob Zombie. And the Doors. I would kill for them to get some Doors. I bet they can't because some crazed parent thinks their kids will get drunk and take off their leather pants in Miami if they play a Doors song. Maybe if we agreed to play with a helmet on (just trying to keep with the thread's theme).

More likely whoever owns the rights at this point refuse to release them becasue computers are scary and gonna let thier IP be pirated like crazy.

Yea the neo cons really screwed the pooch for the moderates that are left but its the nature of the beast the finge is loud and must be pandered to regardess of party.

I used to think the majority were moderates and the fringe not representative. I still don't think the fringe is representative but the majority I think at this point cares more about american Idol than politics, and thats the real decline regardless of personal politics.
WAIT There are now pirates on the Interweb... NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO... where will it end. I had no idea the Internet Access was so available in Mogadishu.
Duke Frost said:
Do the GnR songs come with free hair implants?

While I wholeheartedly support the bashing of GnR, or the French, the need I feel to derail this thread forces me to state the following:

1) There was going to be a Robb Zombie download pack. Unfortunately they couldn't get the random word dropper to function correctly. Turns out his fans know the lyrics better than he does.

2) Pray they never release the 'Political Ramblings' pack. It was going to have live shows by Michael Stipe, Sinead O'Connor and Bono.

3) More than even the Doors, which I have been screaming for since day 1, they really need to release the "Weird Al" pack.

In 100% agreeance for the Doors pack.

..and I would like to see a Pink Floyd pack. And Queen. And Led Zeppelin.

....but that's just me :)

I have seen Rob Zombie twice in concert. He sang the verses to Dragula in a different order than on the album both times. One concert he sang the same verse twice and forgot another verse.

But it didn't matter, because Hermann Munster was up on the big screen and a bunch of undead chicks were dancing.
Undead chicks have a lot going for them. Zombie Strippers would have indeed been the end of Chazz come Z-day.

Chazz said:
D00d, your tellin me? Can you imagine how many times Rachel has had to take the drumsticks away from me because of all this new GnR crap? And you'd think that at least they would put up "Come Sail Away" for Styx so I could try to get 100% while singing like Cartman. People wonder whats wrong with this country.


Chazz, I would send you a check for the cost of the DL, in exchange for the simple fact that somewhere out there someone is making a bigger *** of themselves then I am on a semi regular basis.

And the GnR pack will be released in 14 years. It will be better then 'Chinese Democracy'. And come with a replacement liver, and will cause the break up of any group of people who play it.