Duke Frost
Fearless Leader said:We need to view social security as "poverty insurance," where you pay into it to make sure you don't end up in poverty when you're old and incapable of working. If we do that, as well as limit it to people who are truly elderly and poor, it won't cost as much and not as much will have to be taken out of our paychecks.
It's not unfair that rich people get it -- it's just that if we're trying to balance the budget and cut expenses, you cut the unnecessary ones first. Money given to people who don't need it is a waste. It has nothing to do with "rich is evil." I wish I was rich! It has to do with using your tax money wisely.
Hard Work = Poverty Insurance.
Paying into your own social security is kind of like poverty insurance I suppose. But asking people to pay their entire working life and then giving it to someone else is just another tax. Telling people for 40-60 years of their working lives "This money you're putting in will give you an annuity at the end of your life" and then taking it from them because they are successful is an outright dishonest thing to do and a complete lie. Bascially you'll be telling people "We told you we were investing for you for 50 years, but you were really paying taxes in disguise". That's ******** and so dishonest.
And who decides where to draw the line? Who is rich? Who is poor? Especially after retirement when people no longer have income from their employment.