Favorite editorial cartoons: June 2011

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Robb: I have been saying this over and over again: nobody is saying you can't comment on them. They're asking you to be civil. If you are somehow incapable of responding to something you disagree with in a civil way, that's your problem, not ours. And you really aren't getting the definition of satire here. Satire is defined by Merriam-Webster as:

a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn
wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly

Comparing a cartoon that's holding up the perceived folly of outright denial of climate change to ridicule (which is actual discourse in politics) to posting Nazi imagery isn't just comparing two completely unrelated things, it's willful ignorance. If you want to have a discussion about this, be informed and don't make wild exaggerations like that.

Also: if you're going to call anything expressing disagreement with you offensive and comparable to racist imagery, that's a pretty big logical fallacy.
wowy319 said:
Robb: I have been saying this over and over again: nobody is saying you can't comment on them. They're asking you to be civil.

and I am saying NO. Not so long as what is being posted is not civil itself.

wowy319 said:
If you are somehow incapable of responding to something you disagree with in a civil way, that's your problem, not ours.

I am making it yours.

wowy319 said:
And you really aren't getting the definition of satire here. Satire is defined by Merriam-Webster as:

a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn
wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly

my bad, i thought satire had to be funny too. thanks for proving my point though..

First Cartoon I commented on: Now, I know it doesn't come right out and say it... but let me take you down this logical road with me.. when a cartoon says: "This week's "climate change: fact or fraud?" discussion has been postponed due to the flooding, the sudden blizzard, the firestorm, the tornado warning, and the hail the size of coconuts" - what it means is: "If you don't believe Climate change is real, you are an idiot". Now, i may have "leaped" to the man-made argument, but that is because I have had these debates in this very forum in these very threads, before. And I was picking up where the insult was left off.

Now.. is that Satire? Ok, sure... It certainly is meant to discredit people with my beliefs and scorn our way of thinking. I'm glad we allow satire in this forum and it is spread by our very own Fearless Leader. What an inspirational thing to have on your LARP forum.

wowy319 said:
Comparing a cartoon that's holding up the perceived folly of outright denial of climate change to ridicule (which is actual discourse in politics) to posting Nazi imagery isn't just comparing two completely unrelated things, it's willful ignorance. If you want to have a discussion about this, be informed and don't make wild exaggerations like that.

No sir, you simply do not comprehend my meaning. Willfuly, or not, it is you who are being ignorant.

I see where this is going...

Please, don't post kitlers.

Really, don't even try to photoshop them.

No, I'm not joking.

I know what your meaning was. The example you gave to get it across was in direct conflict with it.
And there is a reason this part of the forum is called "off-topic."
Guys you need to relax.

If it offends you that much, you are welcome to not read the posting. Use the "back" button, navigate away, use your power of choice in how you respond/react. If you don't like the channel, feel free to change the station.

I for one appreciate those who take the time to compile the several lists of political cartoons in one place. I get a chuckle out of some, or think others are outright ridiculous.

I would suggest that if you feel the need to instantly flame something that you need to leave it and come back a day or so later and see if you still feel the same vitriol. Most likely you don't. And if you do, there is a larger issue going on than a few political cartoons.

Just my $0.02

@ OrcFighterFTW

Those are all pretty funny. I don't agree with most of them, but I can at least appreciate the humor.

It could have used a corresponding dig at Republicans like Mike posted one at Democrats with the Weiner joke, but overall a good slew of comics. Thanks!
Duke Frost said:
I Personally, I'm offended by a lot of Mike's political cartoons, but I actually discuss them with Mike and tell him he's mean and he hurt my feelings and I'm gonna run him over with the tractor at Faire Play if he keeps it up.


Does that tractor have a 2 inch thrustie?

Oh, and just to be a naughty boy...

wowy319 said:
I know what your meaning was. The example you gave to get it across was in direct conflict with it.
And there is a reason this part of the forum is called "off-topic."

awesome, so let's remove the moderators power from this forum, and the ability to let people report posts here. I'll await the committees request to do so, It's a quick 5 minute modification. Then my original post to mike would not have been reported, and this thread would have been a lot shorter. :thumbsup:

I'm going to report your post as offensive. There is no way that cat earned that Iron Cross. Everyone knows they only gave those to their telepathic dogs.

Dr_Chill said:
Guys you need to relax.

If it offends you that much, you are welcome to not read the posting. Use the "back" button, navigate away, use your power of choice in how you respond/react. If you don't like the channel, feel free to change the station.

I for one appreciate those who take the time to compile the several lists of political cartoons in one place. I get a chuckle out of some, or think others are outright ridiculous.

I would suggest that if you feel the need to instantly flame something that you need to leave it and come back a day or so later and see if you still feel the same vitriol. Most likely you don't. And if you do, there is a larger issue going on than a few political cartoons.

Just my $0.02


I can't unsee the kitler. They made me cry. :-(

I asked not to do it. I even said please.

I hate you guys. A lot. Really.

**EDIT: I don't hate all of you. Just shocked me that someone would blatantly do something that contributed nothing to the conversation, just to spite me, after having done nothing to earn spite from that person.
Insinuation, name-calling, flame-baiting, and trolling are not acceptable. If you have something to say, say it respectfully and directly.

The "kitler" image was removed because player very nicely asked that it not be posted and it had no positive or constructive addition on the discussion. By posting it, that is disrespect and needlessly pouring gasoline on this discussion. Don't do that.
Robb Graves said:
Inaryn said:
Post Reported

awesome, so let's remove the moderators power from this forum, and the ability to let people report posts here. I'll await the committees request to do so, It's a quick 5 minute modification. Then my original post to mike would not have been reported, and this thread would have been a lot shorter. :thumbsup:

Inaryn, you know I can read your reports right? So how is this trolling? I am literally giving an alternative solution to the only other 2 solutions that have been given:

1) allow these types of "satirical" ie offensive posts to continue and just suck it up Robb
2) disallow them by the rules of the board
3) remove moderator oversight from the off-topic board and reporting function, allowing me to respond to Mike V however I want.
I think we need to add a new section called "Not Sensative Zone" Anyone who wants to rant blast post pics of the kittypocalipse can do so freely. (yes i know this will never happen) but seriously i think sometimes we all get a little too sensative at times. When it boils down to it we all are good peeps whom don't want to see anyone upset!

Respectfully, this gs the point where I feel compelled to ask Robb to step down or to ask someone with the ability to do so to remove him. Publicizing other players' reports is both unprofessional and unacceptable, no matter what the context.

This is how I feel on the topic, wearing my GM hat as the General Manager for Alliance LARP Chicago:

These boards are for the free exchange of ideas. If someone posts something, even if it's Mike V, there has to be the ability for people to respond, showing whatever viewpoint they choose. Those opinions should contribute to the discussion at hand.

Robb, while I may not agree with all of your viewpoints, I agree that you have the right to criticize the pictures that are posted, as does anyone else. I can understand that we have to watch what we say, and stay civil. However, I do not see how Robb crossed the line. At no time did he post a falsehood. Only opinion, that stayed on topic. He may have approached the line of appropriateness. But he did not cross.

I know for a fact that not everyone in this game shares the same politics. However, we all share a few things. We share a right to civil discourse, free from moderation until that discourse becomes less than civil. We share a right to press the "Back" button on our browsers when people post things we don't like, such as kitlers (evil posing as evil incarnate... *shudder*).

I do not appreciate the manner in which Robb has been attacked. Mind you, I've never met Robb. Never even talked to him on the phone. He's just a name on a screen to me. However, I fear the day that I might be in his place, with multiple moderators attacking me, for daring to criticize those in power, with a civil tone.

Also, I do want to apologize to Markusdark - I may have overreacted with my reaction to your picture. For that, I am sorry.

Robert Sachs
General Manager
Alliance LARP Chicago

*edit to fix punctuation
Step down from what? I am nothing, I hold no titles. I help because I like the organization and I am technically capable. Inaryn knows I have admin rights, it makes no sense to continuously report me to the mods just because she disagrees with my point of view. I could say alot more about that subject, but believe it or not, I am being civil, considering the personal attacks she is making against me.

This isn't trolling, I've defended my viewpoint that Mike's posts are offensive and there should be some kind of change in standards for the forum.

@Robert Sachs: thanks man, that's pretty much how I see it. Ever since the moderators were activated there have been a few key people really pushing the line with their reports. This has continued in this thread and I think it's BS and I know several other people agree with me.

Am I crossing a line by calling Inaryn out? Sure.. but I was reported and warned by a mod for my FIRST post in this thread.. and what do we do when we disagree with the person reporting us? when we can't even face our accuser because they hide behind mods? and if the mods come tell us all to "play nice" and "remind us of the rules" when the fact is, that's an INSULT when we haven't broken any and it's all a matter of opinion and sensitivity.

The Mod Chair, or Christina can do whatever they like. If they'd rather have Mike V posting this stuff in here continuously, than me standing up for those of us who don't appreciate it, then I don't really feel like volunteering to do the work anyway.
Let me clarify: Whatever your gripe is, you've abused your privileges as a board administrator to call someone out for a private report, and you need to not have those privileges any longer.

I'll apologize as well. I found the image to be ridiculous and felt that it helped to show how ridiculous some of this argument has become. But it would seem that the mods felt otherwise.

Just for the record, my last name is "Mensch" and although I'm not going to discuss my religious background I can say that whether I am either Jewish or German, the holocaust is something that is also a very sore point. However, I have found that by giving even the absurd of it power over my emotions is to lengthen its control and abuse. I may be singular in that thinking but, at the same time, especially in a board set for political satire, I felt that it wasn't out of place.
Robb Graves said:
Step down from what? I am nothing, I hold no titles. I help because I like the organization and I am technically capable. Inaryn knows I have admin rights, it makes no sense to continuously report me to the mods just because she disagrees with my point of view.
Regardless of who agrees with whose point of view, you're doing a job that you're no longer qualified for. With Moderator access comes a certain level of discretion, and since it's really hard to show that someone has that, we as a community take it on faith that our moderators have it. Only when they show that they don't do we have a reason to lose that faith. This:
Robb Graves said:
Inaryn, you know I can read your reports right? So how is this trolling?
in addition to the other issues that I assume have been brought to you in private and are outside of the purview of this conversation, are sufficient to call that faith into question.
My only two cents into this would be to note that Inaryn never posted anything against Robb's comments in this thread wheras Robb has stated that she has 'continuously' reported him to the mods. Maybe he just got tired of being called out in private and I have seen more than one person take a personal email and repost it here for everyone to see.

Robb already admitted that he stepped over the line. Personally, I like a person who will do that on rare occasions as it shows the passion for the game that they have. Repeatedly doing it though is another matter and to my knowledge this is the first time Robb has "gone off the deep end" as it were - even though I believe his statements have been within the required norm.

I've always been a little leery about mods without faces. It works in large business settings as the people who mod the boards rarely, if ever, know any of the people personally who post. Here though, I cannot tell if one of them has a personal problem with me and/or if they're using their position to point out flaws in a specific view to make me more of the bad man than I am. If I knew the names, at least I could defend myself by letting the mod manager know that "this guy" has a beef with me IRL so please take any comments from him about me with a grain of salt. Not saying it has happened, just that with my clinical anxiety, such paranoid delusions are not beyond me. :)

I also would love to do some calling out but I'm already on thin ice and am really trying to mend fences.
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