Favorite Moments for August Twinspire event!


You can find our event feedback form here or copy and paste from the stickies and email your feedback to logistics@alliancesf.net. The deadline for feedback is Monday August 19th at 6pm. We use your feedback to adjust the game for maximum enjoyment, so if you didn't like something, or really loved something, let us know!

And if you have favorite moments or war stories, let's hear 'em!
Re: Feedback for August Twinspire event!

Re: Feedback for August Twinspire event!

My favorite part was probably standing outside the Diplomat's tent, listening to the players following the clues I'd left for them and working out the crime scene.
OMG, there were so many.

Feeling like a rock star, and controlling a battle field with Magic Storm. I have never had that spell so dramatically well for me.

The diffusing the rable rouser with Brandon. There was a really intense moment, where so much of my character came into focus, and there were tears in my eyes at the resolution.

Paul and Rain tying themselves to the redwoods, with a "trees need heroes too!" I swear to god, I had a hard time keeping in character.

Some really intense role-playing with several of the players. There was a lot of development and growth.
Oh, yeah, the "medieval CSI scene" That was cool on many,many levels.
-Playing up the low intelligence.
Goblins talking (where we knew players could hear) "Hey! Don't just stand there, waylay him!" "Okay, which way should I sneak?"
Goblin "He's weakened! Get him!" 'weakened' player "20 magic"
And of course, my favorite low intelligence creatures, the tree hugging hippies.

The over-all role-play was awesome.

Mods/missions with objectives other then 'kick down door, kill monsters, take shiny' was cool. Several times players achieved their objectives without killing all (or any) of the monsters.
Ice cream sandwich
Licking walls
Attack plan: Gettum
Finding out how many of the diplomacy mods I went on were actually written as combat mods.

I cannot say enough about the huntsman mod I got to go on. The fay were just spot on. And I loved that Grant's fay was really cautious of me until this little exchange...

Grant: So how many fay have you... you know.. -mimes shanking someone-
Me: I haven't had to kill any fay.
Grant: Oh! You're so much better than the last one!
**later, back home**
Me: I haven't killed any fay because that was the first one I had to deal with.
Shay: Yes but /he/ didn't need to know that.

Also, pep talks with Kreiger.
"There are not Earth Circles for Trees!"

All the great rp with players, especially forming up a team. Also, all the snickering and tongue-in-cheek comments about Marmalada Butterbund.

"Sneaky" goblins.

Tough but yippy kobolds.

Ciphers and diplomacy.

Complex and dignified dwarven beards.