Favorite Movie Sequence

Maxondaerth said:
I always think of the scene in Good Morning, Vietnam! where Williams goes out into the bush to confront his young friend, and the shouted argument they have back and forth emphasizing his sudden reality that there is in fact a terrible war going on around him and he is a part of it.

I, too, would like to add this as one of my favorite sequences of all time. Good call.

That part in The Dark Knight where Batman decides not to rescue his girlfriend, but for the good of Gotham City, rescues the man who becomes TwoFace.

The "Springtime for Hitler" Scene in the Producers.
Ren Suzume said:
Geoffrey Rush is a genius.

But for the ultimate for that actor you need him as the Marquis de Sade in QUILLS.
AHHHH QUILLS!!! TOOO TRUE (althought a bit sexually dirty)

and I forgot BOONDOCK SAINTS!!! I love the little prayer the father and sons say before they whack someone...and the way willem defoe describes what happened

Secret of Nihm - the owl....everything about him is awesome.

you guys are making me remember some of my favorite flicks now i have to go home and watch !!!

and if we can go dip into the ridiculous for a bit.....
Conan - ahhnold (as conan of course) pretends to be gay to get the priest behind the rock to knock him out and take his head piece and robe. i can't stop laughing when i see that.

Chuck and Larry - beating up the cab driver, the scene where that other fireman comes out of the closet to adam sandler on the basketball court.

LOTR - Gimli's explanation of female dwarves, drinking contest with Legolas and Gimli
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
AHHHH QUILLS!!! TOOO TRUE (althought a bit sexually dirty)

It's the Marquis de friggin' Sade. What did you expect? ;) If you want the really nasty stuff you should check out some of his writing. OMFG Some of that stuff would still be considered "out there" even today.
honestly i had no idea that was a real person...jeepers....

Little Mermaid - singing:"i dont' know when I don't know how but i know something's starting RIGHT NOW!"

and....my favorite villain URSULA THE SEAWITCH singing: "I'll admit that in the past I've been a nasty, they weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch, but you'll find that nowadays i've mended all my ways, repented seen the light and made a switch - true? - yes." GOOD LORD SHE ROCKS... ::points at the posters of Ursula in her office:::
Was already mentioned, but definitely deserves posting:

Warning: Language And violence, but beautifully done.
Backstory: the person held at gunpoint is the head of the Italian mafia.
can't see what zhenyu posted :(

i have a new funny favorite moment!!!!!!

i saw a movie for the first time this weekend and there was a scene that made me laugh that even when i think of it now i keep laughing OUT LOUD.....

so i saw Young Frankenstein I think it was called...its in black and white but its not an old movie...and its a spoof on Frankenstein and there is a scene where the doctor and the creature are in tuxedos dancing on stage to "Puttin' on the Ritz" OH MY LORD...I nearly peed my pants when the creature tries to sing "puttin' on the ritz" but it just comes out all mumbly!!!!!!!!!
I've seen a few more movies since this was posted so I'm gonna add 'em, necrothreading faux pas be damned!

That scene in Cabaret when the Hitlerjugend kid starts singing "Tomorrow belongs to me" and everyone just slowly starts singing it too until everyone at the picnic except for a few minorities are singing it...gah! Just gave me chills because you know what's gonna happen next.

"And the World Will Know" music number in Newsies.

The end of Inception where the top just keeps spinning so you're not sure if it's still just a dream or what.

The homage to the video game in "Doom" where it's like a first person shooter for a battle sequence! Kinda cheesy, but awesome!
Princess Bride : Too The Pain (plus a ton of others)

LotR : March of the Ents

Hard Boiled : Hospital Shootout: my 1st run in with John Woo movies... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OPyoJgV_YY

Highlander : Death of Laura

Heat : Final Bank Escape: about as realistic of a shootout without you having to worry about bullets hitting you.

Indiana Jones -Lost Ark : opening temple escape

Star Wars -Empire : Father Scene
Mine will always be towards the end of the Return of the Jedi...having the great fortune of being a part of the original kid generation of Star Wars fans, when the phenomenon was still just exploding into pop culture, I got to see it in the theaters when it debuted.

When the Emperor was zapping Luke with Force lightning, killing him slowly, Luke pleading for his father for help, and as we, the audience, began to see Darth Vader's conflict...when Vader grabbed the Emperor and lifted him high...the entire theater leaped up onto its collective feet, fists pumping the air, everyone loudly cheering as if their hometown team had just scored the winning touchdown in the Superbowl, the roar of the crowd drowning out the theater's Dolby sound system...I've never had a movie experience quite like that before or since.

And, perhaps secondly, the execution of William Wallace's love in Braveheart, her teary eyes sweeping the area in hopes that Wallace will save her, the powerful, heart-hitting score of James Horner wailing in the background, followed by his revenge that sparks the Scott's rebellion.
Too... many... to choose from... off the top of my head:

Maverick: The card game in the saloon and the meeting in Maverick's room after
Love Actually: The end of the body doubles first date
The American President: the final monologue and the first time Shephard and Wade meet
Untouchables: scene in the train station
Airplane: The entire dialogue for the take-off.
Matrix: I can still recall the feeling of amazement from the wrap-around kick scene, the shoot-out in the lobby, and the bullet-time scene on the rooftop.
Officer and a Gentleman: Foley meeting the recruits for the first time
A Few Good Men: Court scene with Nicholson and Cruise
Up: Opening sequence for Carl's backstory
Serenity: The abrupt shock of the "I am a leaf on the wind" scene. (And let's not get started on favorite scenes from the show...)