Favorite October Moments


Time to share your Favorite October Moments.
Favorite Roleplay moment, Sir Egil (probably misspelled, sorry) sacrificing himself to Mercy for a Death Essence.
Favorite fight, the nightmare realm on Friday evening :-)
Oh man, this weekend had so many for me! Let's see if I can un-fog my brain enough to remember them all...

*The "bad omen" of waking up to realize the shark tooth had fallen out of Alis' clan necklace given to her by Skeld, who she was already worried about. In her mind, all things are awful and Skeld is probably dead in a ditch somewhere.
*Being part of the worst kept secret in New Acarthia.
*Drunk Kendrick.
*Little Bear. So much love for my new kin and big kudos to his player who is an outstanding roleplayer and a cool dude, too. The moment when Alis was upset and he took her face in his hands and told her she was doing it wrong was one of the most personal and intense rp moments I have ever had and I loved it.
*Frank asking "Are you just friends or are you sweet on him?" And then the even more hilariously awkward follow up question of "Does he need help getting the hint?"
*The foolish yet epic character choice to go into the Nightmare Realm to rescue people because Alis realized they had taken so many people she truly cares for and was absolutely not going to stand for that nonsense.
*The literally astonished looks of at least half a dozen people who looked at me in my masquerade attire and then did a double-take when they realized that yes, that is in fact the usually black-clad Alis.
*(This is my most favorite): The situation leading up to, and the challenge issued to Andrew the Bard. I really enjoyed the way it made me feel as a player, too, sort of ferocious and defensive, and the fight itself was epic. I deeply enjoyed the entire situation, even if Alis did not.
*Lunch with the Scions of Valerian and the philosophical discussions and character choices made therein.
*The brief but heartfelt and thoroughly embarrassing conversation had with Morningtide at the ball.

There were so many more. I may add to this later, but this is a start. :)
King Sebastian Coldstone and everything that it entailed... including being interrupted by Dame Beverly and responding to the sad news as a good king should... that was not in the script and we totally ad-libbed that entire part after...
Poor Trace. lol
The RP on Sunday in the Duchess' nightmare...
Getting to say worms, spiders, maggots, fire elementals, death and chaos elementals, and watch the tide of battle totally change. (Did any of you just instinctively back away from the screen? LOL)
So much good role-play this event overall... and I'm sure there's so much I missed on your side too...
Can't wait to hear more.
I started out trying to put these in chronological order, but eff it, it’s all over!

* I so enjoyed the additions to the setting for the event: Giant Thanks to whoever took the time to make all those little glowing eyes props and seed the dark trail to Greenwood Circle with them! They made an already spooky walk even so much more delightful for the season. Please know how much our neighborhood appreciated your efforts!

* Everyone's jack-o-lanterns were also such a beautiful touch in the dark night. Tiatar always has its front porch decorated in such a lovely fashion, and their collection of wall-mounted jack-o-lanterns were both a delight, and apparently very useful later on. The Scions’ jack-o-lantern farm was not only gorgeous, but a certain pumpkin brought a great deal of delight to the neighborhood especially after a certain overtired knight may have wandered off with it… I thanked you guys IC for the gift of the Rivervale jack-o-lantern. I’d like to reiterate our thanks OOC. Someone obviously put a very great deal of careful work into meticulously carving the Rivervale crest into a pumpkin. That was truly a thoughtful gift, and we want you to know how much we loved it, and we appreciate your gesture and artistry!

* While I’m talking about pretty stuff: ZOMG! THE MASQUERADE COSTUMES! Wow, Alliance – way to raise the bar!

* How amazing is Tiatar (with help from Warchester) for running the masquerade for us every year? So much work goes into that party, and it’s such a delightful event. I loved it last year, and looked forward to it all this year, and it was even more wonderful! Thank you, Juliet, Ray, Kat, Porch, B, Zach, JJ, Jenny, Val, Brandon, John, Cory, and any other Tiatarans I may have inadvertently left off this list. You guys rock for that gift to all of us!

* Miguel, thank you for the court dance lessons! I would definitely be interested in an outside-game lesson to rehearse for something like that at a future fancy-dress-up occasion. Thanks for bringing some SCA elegance and historicity into our game; it was definitely enriched for it!

* Nightmare Realm fight on Friday night was excellent! Kudos to whoever was in charge of pacing the monster waves – you did great! We were pressed when appropriate, and as the fight dragged on and people got tired OOG, you appropriately lifted the pressure a bit. NPCs were obvious in their care to fight slowly and safely given the darkness conditions. All of the NPCs went out of their way to keep the roleplay levels high, even late in the fight when they must’ve been exhausted. Extra thanks to whoever did the NPC briefings and coaching to come up with those moves – great job! That fight was scary and exhausting, and a great use of low budget tricks to set excellent atmosphere in the game.

* Lots of good moments with PCs handling their nightmare triggers throughout the weekend. Mac McCammon Fawkes was cracking me up with the consistency of his, “Fire elementals?! What? Where??” freakout all weekend long. Zach Brooks and I kept trading places talking each other down from the ledge. Amy and I quietly humming, “Good King Wenceslas” during the Walk of the Dead because it was the only song I could come up with off the top of my head to take our minds off scary nightmares. Zak and Kendrick finding Dame Katherine corner huddling and murmuring, “I’malright…I’malright…I’malright,” during Sunday afternoon’s fight, and being my handlers through the nightmare fear. Just lots of small moments for good actions between characters with those.

* Speaking of Zak, how bad *** is that guy for being the first one to wake up in High Town (Greenwood Circle) during the Nightmare Cabin Raids Saturday night, and run around like William Dawes (that was for you, Amy) shouting in everyone’s windows to wake up?

* Who is the utterly creepy female NPC who kept singing the nursery rhymes and doing the utterly sinister childlike laughter? GO EFF YOURSELF! (By which I mean… great job! You really set the stage beautifully with your acting!)

* David leading the Saturday night Nightmare Cabin Raids: EVENT. MADE. Great encounter! Loved the fear! Paced beautifully, statted beautifully, handled expertly, fought safely in near total darkness with frightened, still-half-asleep PCs. Textbook Quantico LARP cabin raid activity! Rivervale stayed up for another hour pumped up on adrenaline, talking about how cool that was. We loved it!

* Witnessing a cabin raid fight that gave rise to the opportunity for Brooke, Panax, Connor, and Darius to be heroes that was so interesting that I loved just being an OOG witness to it even though my character was Slept at the time!

* Being fey-cursed to occasionally slip into babytalk now and then, being razzed for it (I’m looking at you, Squire Torin and Sir Eldred!), and various ways to get around it – Thanks, Squire Ri for helping out there! (“Who’s got a boyfriend with a Silence item? Who does? I do! Yes, I do! Who’s got the best Silence item ever?”) The very best part of that experience, however, was being under the effects of a Silence spell to spare me the indignation of the babytalk for a few short minutes – and having this fantastic philosophical discussion with Squire Frank about the nature of Evil, with me having to communicate mostly in pantomime, with occasional written notes. I loved how seriously Frank took the conversation, just moving in stride, and keeping his mind on the content, not the communication. That was beautiful!

* On the topic of the Nature of Evil, great Chivalry School on Sunday morning! We had about 16 people, and a really impassioned discussion on this topic. I like the new, more casual discussion forum format. Really glad Deacon was in on that one – He and Connor Rinaldi in particular really brought some great comments and new perspective into the discussion.

* Getting to officiate over the Alis-Andrew the Bard honor duel. Great roleplay from all involved, and way to sell the hits and the fall, Sam Lewis! I loved seeing Little Bear get healed, and rise up with a giant ****-eating grin to embrace his opponent after a great fight! That’s the way to do it!

* Every single moment involving Sam Lewis (Little Bear)! (“**** yes!”)

* Getting to stand up at Phineas’ trial and make a William Wallace speech about our character as a people, and how our actions define us.

* Failing to come up with a similarly inspirational speech to bail out the Duchess in the Nightmare Realm, being just bereft of the requisite heart to inspire someone else in that terrible moment.

* Rolling a 1 on celebrating Kate & Osborne’s anniversary toast at the masquerade by pouring my root beer into his strawberry ale, thinking he was asking me to help refill his cup instead of just holding up drinks so we both could toast to the past year!

* Meddling in a certain other potential couple’s affairs by instructing some sneaky pirate about the appropriate way to ask a noblewoman for permission to court her.

* A certain private girltalk with Tab. Nuff said!

* Discovering Dame Arikaya out on the front porch of her cabin, doing rune castings early in the morning. I usually get up and do yoga first thing in the morning as Dame Katherine. Makes me wonder how many other characters have amusing early morning rituals that most other people don’t usually get to see.

* Getting to meet King Sebastian Coldstone, founder of our kingdom, and the author of the original Code of Man which became the Code of Chivalry. That was like getting to go to Disneyworld for Dame Katherine, an honor of unimaginable joy!

*…Immediately smashed by being literally face-to-face with the ghost of Dame Katherine’s mother, thus finding out that she’s died her final death! That was a drop from pure elation to soul-crushing horror in a single moment. Thank you, Jenn, and Jesse, for all of that! The roleplay from everyone else around me throughout that next hour, and the weekend thereafter was so impressive, from the small and sometimes silent gestures to soft words and a few grand speeches (Chris Fiene!). I thanked him in person, but I have to give a shout out to John Siadak’s roleplay always for being so inclusive in the opportunities he provides to others with his choice of character actions and words.

* All the potential stemming from the Cave of Chivalry revelation, and many discussions about it thereafter among the squires and nobility.

* Oh. My. God. Our squires effin ROCK! I wish you could all have seen the look on my face when I was speaking with the Duchess on Sunday morning, and Wolsey-- EDIT: No, no, I've been corrected, it was Noah -- comes out with this 25-step detailed plan that the squires have already come up with to divide the tasks in investigating Dame Beverly’s murder. I had no idea you guys had come up with so many ideas, or already done so much to organize yourselves. I like to think that I’m ever aware of how efficient you guys are, and I was taken aback in pleasant surprise by the impressiveness of your creativity and plans!... Sidenote: I love story elements which allow this kind of inclusiveness and collective action! The death of a character’s parent is obviously a cool roleplay opportunity for the grieving PC, but it’s usually just personal. Way to go for the squires and many others (noble and common) to jump in to pick up storyline threads, and let us make this a roleplay opportunity for the lot of us!

* “Largarde, if you’d like to get rid of this mark, I’d like to invite you attend the School of Chivalry discussions, and then I’ll teach you how I alphabetize my socks….”

* Graham to Wolf’s NPC: “Oh, you’re from the BARONY OF EPYXIA, you say?”

* The new squires’ oaths for Ri and Graham – each so different, and so beautiful and appropriate for the characters involved! I loved getting to witness those.

* FINALLY getting to see the red belt put on Kendrick!!! That was a beautiful moment pulled together after the end of game in our cabin, but everyone snapped back into character totally for it – and Brooke Blaine with the orange food! Loved the two oathswearing ceremonies we had this weekend, welcoming Connor into the court formally, and how deeply he considered the Baron’s gift so that he might always have something to give others – and watching Kendrick swear the greater oath of a squire, and everything that supports that character choice behind it. RIVERVALE!!!

* Sunday’s closing battle – wow! The escape out of that fight, being on an island totally surrounded by NPCs, cut off from the portal and the rest of the PCs, no healers among us, fighting back-to-back, getting to use a healing item that Sir Egil just gave me to save his life, using a Slay (which I never use) to take out Alex who managed to roleplay while giving me an excellent fight!, using an Endow trying to get Brom’s dead body, fighting for every step, WOW! Talk about high adrenaline! That was one of my two favorite fights of the whole Acarthia campaign so far. That was excellent, I LOVED it!

* Having experienced SO MANY awesome moments this weekend that I know I’m forgetting to list easily half of them in this already long list!

Trace Moriarty
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*The Masquerade.
* Dancing
* Dancing at the Masquerade
*Masquerade dancing lessons
*There was a lot of quiet, sitting-around-the-fire roleplay, which I really enjoyed, and I also had a lot of really nice roleplaying interactions with NPCs. Thanks especially to Miguel!
*Blacksmithing, The Nightmare Realm, and an ever-growing pile of extraordinarily bad choices.
*Alis, Little Bear, Isuald, Seth, The Man I Know Only As 'Meow', and a lot of others- I had some great RP moments this weekend, and I appreciate it!
*Jay spent a moment just absolutely terrorizing Peat and Lumi on the back porch of the tavern on a pile of dead friends. Well done, man, and absolutely panic-inducing!
Lagarde was easily close to tears at the idea of having to alphabetize a sock drawer, Trace. All I could manage was an eye twitch though. :)
You have to admit that it wasn't a bad idea for how to roleplay your way out of that mark, though. ;)
So the sleep dep kinda damaged most of the details in my brain from this weekend.

-Lots of escorts back and forth to Lucky Circle. Good convos along those escorts, and it's fun being on guard for stuff to jump out at any time.
-Guard duty during the Ball. Some good interactions with PCs (RP), and some good keeping-warm fights. The Wylderkin pantherghast was awesome, Kendrick was all like "Frank, here" and magic bladed me, and it was on like donkey kong.
-The brown guys fight Saturday night. The NPCs had us in a lot of very pressured positions, several instances were fight for your life scenarios. I really enjoyed the hell outta that. Finally getting slept by David's NPC was like HAH! The amount of people who like rushed me to get Frank back awake meant a lot to Frank (and me).
-Friday night nightmare rescue plot. While Frank stayed behind to do what needed to be done, it was really good RP with the mod group that came back, and really good RP as everyone awoke. I enjoyed being in on the rescue team, that fight was freaking cool!
-The weird find the undead clinking in the distance crew - you guys were hella fun, smart about it, and it was a good fight.
-RP scene-nods that I can't really do justice, but like it made my weekend: Leora as Alis, Miguel as Jim the Guard, Jenn as the Duchess, Jesse as Jared, Jay as the Sheriff, Mike as Egil, Dani as Ketteredge, Cassie as Arikaya, Trace as Silent-Katherine, the two new "Scouts" (I'll get your names right eventually), Peat/Lumi/Tabatha, Lagarde & Berial over the Wylderkin hunter thing, and I'm cheating with "all of the tiatar crew" and "All of the Warchester Crew" as I had good RP scenes with all of them.

I'll most likely remember more as I get more sleep over the week.

Special mention, the last epic battle of the weekend:

I portrayed a NPC for this, as my PC was back at the cabin keeping guard. Wow folks. Wow. You guys, with dragging/throwing people through the portal, the heroic defense of each other (fallen or still fighting), the cooperation between eachother, holding that defense, making a very dangerous break to get to the duchess' spirit - that was so freaking epic. I'm actually glad I NPC'ed so I got to see all of the amazing things you ALL did to make that a success, as I would not have gotten as wide of a perspective IG. That was truly amazing.

(Also props to Lagarde looking at me with "Thats the guy that put me down!" and snarling angrily at me while we fought)

I also enjoyed NPCing at it too (I know, no surprise there), man I got disarmed and CC'ed a lot :p
Playing the War Chief for me is often 3 days of overload in terms of information, choices, and intensity. It always takes me days to process things, but here's some top of mind -

The Masquerade Ball!
  • This event is special for me for a handful of reasons - it's my 1 year Alliance Denver anniversary! This was mine and Ray's first event last year, go big or go home right?
  • I love the sound of the pinata exploding every year.
  • Getting to see people smile
  • I cannot believe how many people actually got up to dance! I was so pleased and happy with this! (special thank you to that NPC who was a badass about the sound issues)
  • Holy **** - the costumes!!! You guys really brought the A game. I was so damned impressed!
  • The absolute hatred of Ruby the Fae
  • Our many storytellers and getting to hear Leora sing in character <3
  • Squire Yarrow handling security
  • Thank you to all of Tiatar that helped me get the Masq ball up and running! (it takes a village!)
  • Thank you to Ray for helping MC the event
  • The Masq ball this year had a weird moment for me that I haven't had in Alliance yet. As I was standing listening to the many people around me participating in events as I watched the various guards and security deal with the myriad of problems occurring outside the tavern - many of the patrons unaware. I had the odd sensation I've had at a few vampire conventions as a Prince when you know your hitters are putting foot to *** to keep the gathering safe and chill.
  • Being kidnapped Friday night was the first "mod" thing I've been on. Sadly I lost my gloves up at the "troop house" :( Medium ladies leather gloves... dark brown... in case anyone sees them. I really enjoyed this mod as it was very different from anything else I'd been involved in.
  • Thank you so much Tavern staff! Food was awesome, and I sincerely appreciate the continued support in the crazy Tiatarin events :P
  • The Epyxian Dance Instructor was wonderful!
  • The RP from the Duchess being "dream-napped" was wonderful, and will have a long term influence on my PC.
  • The Walk of the dead spirits were a favorite. The poor gal who played my mother did a wonderful job of emoting a great deal of emotion while still conveying the "stiff upper lip" attitude that Elavir clearly got from her. Such an important part of my personal character development. That scene was really important for my PC.
  • Everything about Epyxia.
  • King Coldstone. Such a big deal, omg. My PC was flabbergasted.
  • I have got to hand it to Mac regarding the fire elemental terror... pretty amazing RP there, and chasing your *** is no easy task.
  • The comedy in pitch black darkness before getting rescued Friday.
  • Squire Yarrow apologizing for his uncontrollable fear
  • Poor Wolsey holding me back from running
  • Everyone's genuine concern for myself and others when their fears triggered.
  • Anders and the fire elemental scene was pretty awesome
  • The heartfelt explanation from Egil regarding the life elemental
  • Pumpkins hung up by Vira.....
  • Feeling bad for Laguard getting tortured. Oh that loveable scoundrel
  • "So... what are all of our long term problems" ... 3 hours later...
  • BROM VISION (I have 20 minutes of video from Brom's right shoulder in that final fight) I seriously LOVE my Polaroid cube. omg. I'll try to get it all posted this week.
  • Proving again and again that the Nobles of New Acarthia are in fact not d-bags, but honorable and genuinely caring. I love changing people's perspectives :)
  • I'm going to skin a cat, meow.
  • The resquiring ceremonies were such a point of pride.
  • Poor Pip's first game as my page. For those that don't know I'm miserable to keep track of. Poor Pip and later Wolfgar were my buddies. I'm like a rabid little bunny and dont' stand still for more than 30 seconds. Thanks guys for doing an amazing job!
I know I'm forgetting some!

Thanks all!
I forgot to add:

Peat Moss and Little Bear's make-up moment, which I'm pretty sure I was the only witness to, but was probably the most adorable thing I have ever seen in roleplay EVER. I want this so much.
- The great fight Friday night, creepy and intense and well played by all.
- Talking an Panicked Dame Katherine and Connor down from ledges, and having the same done for me.
- The shocked look on the Baroness face when she gave me an order while I was panicked under the threat of Fire Elementals and I said 'No!' well played
- The Roleplay with Squire Graham while trying to reach Epiphany, and convincing him to go into the nightmare realm with me.
- Wrestling with Eldrid in the Nightmare realm Friday. It's never been so fun to be bruised and sore at an event.
- Running Security for the Masquerade and for plot giving us stuff not only to do, but to highlight why we were needed, that was great.
- Leading the Walk of the dead and the interactions with the spirits on it.
- The re-swearing of Oaths in front of the Duchess, Dame Katherine, the Baroness and Sir Osborne
- Fighting Saturday night and the Barons Sudden realization that ri hadn’t bothered with IG pants before going out to fight evil.
- The roleplay and discussion around the Fae Mushroom plot.

I know I'm forgetting so much, I had some really wonderful RP with a lot of people this event, some really great fights. Thank you everyone for such a great event!
This was an awesome event overall, even if I'm still exhausted today from it! My fun points (In rough chronological order):
  • Walking up towards the Healer's guild behind Brook Blaine and having her suddenly rift out in front of me for who knows what reason, then not being able to find anyone but from the Rivervale court except Pannix.
  • Connor stepping into the line for the Friday night fight on the line, then hearing someone mention friends turning undead from across the enemy's line... and tearing his way through the tavern and yelling at people to stay away. Squire Ri's talking him down from the edge was epically done, calling him to remember who they were and how they had fought together, that then swung Connor into despair that he had just been pointing his weapon at Ri.
  • Oh my lord, the fight in the nightmare realm. Shadows coming out of darkness as my glasses kept fogging up, and the cackling and giggling coming from inside the cabin. Kudos to ALL the NPC's for that fight.
  • Telling Brook Blaine that she should go over with Dame Katherine when spiders came into town, a tired brain not realizing he could tell her without TELLING her why. The look of confusion and lack of a way to explain it...
  • The Rivervale healer squad diplomatically addressing Trolls that held a bridge before an exasperated Baron Darius said "Fine, take them." Everyone just clicked together and quickly neutralized the threat of them with great tactics that kept everyone safe. And Brook Blaine's exuberance at dispatching one of them. :eek:
  • Getting sworn into the Rivervale. It was wonderful swearing in, and the gift, although simple, meant quite a bit to Connor. It really was a highlight of the weekend for me.
  • The 3am raid upon the Rivervale cabin. Screams ringing out as we scrambled for weapons and energy. Those in the front really did buy us time to step up to defend ourselves. The atmosphere could NOT have been any better with a blue light flashing slowly as the outline of enemies coming towards us in the back room. Brook Blaine and Darius really shone in checking and saving us.
  • The night fight outside was nearly as wonderful with half armored people everywhere, and quite a few half dressed as well. Whoever it was that came upon me in front of Rivervale's cabin as I waited for Darius's return, that was a complete lie when I said I wasn't scared. ;) It was equally awesome how out of the night, all the fighter's were suddenly around me, sending the shadow running into the dark.
  • Sunday's fight at the tavern with the ice elementals was great. Nothing big, but fun as it kept us busy!
  • Little Bear... Particularly Little Bear asking "Do I not have child bearing hips?"
  • The fight to recover the Duchess was awesome. Trapped on the front line in the cabin, desperately trying to defend myself as I felt my armor whittled down to nothing. Being able to get a refit once, then come back in and have the same thing happen again and NOT being able to get out for a refit. I hit the ground and immediately heard the magic words out of Baron Darius as he smacked me with healing. B's tirade was infuriating and wonderful. It really sold the Duchess's nightmare to me.
  • Watching the end of that fight from beyond the portal as the knights pulled the last of everyone safely out was a joy to behold. It was great teamwork and use of resources.
(Sorry for the wall, there was just so much).
I am glad I was finally able to make it to an event after a year of hearing about it from my friends. I had a blast NPC'ing. Below are a few of my favorite things.
- Basically everyone I interacted with on the Maribel plot. Most everyone was incredibly helpful and tried to be positive for the NPC even though they could guess bad things had happened. A special shout out to those who stayed up so late for the conclusion of the plot and did an amazing job role-playing being so supportive for the poor former soldier when he found out she was dead but he had a son alive at the orphanage.
- Running like hell away from the other NPC's and screaming when ever I was playing a villager or the tavern-keepers assistant.
- Playing wide eyed innocent when caught spying and instead finding a much better paying job that didn't require me to go to this crazy town New Arcatha.
- Everyone saying "WHY WOULD YOU LIVE HERE?!?" when ever one of my npc's answered that they lived here in New Arcatha when asked by a PC.
- Dragging sleeped or unconscious PC's around to safety as the bartender assistant while bitching about not getting paid enough for this.

-- Stalking through the woods putting things in trees was fun. Both with the folks who didn't see me and the ones who did :D. Also, it occurs to me that I may have something to dump the cool alchemist aesthetic things that don't work for a combat PC on. <_< >_>
-- I had a lot of fun with the booglings -- there's a lot of potential when playing something that is meant to be deliberately scary. Also had a lot of fun with combat, working on exploiting holes in formations and such like. Those darn laughs are still stuck in my head.
-- Finally got to go out as a caster who got to actually cast -- I went out twice last event and one time was a complete trainwreck and for the other peace broke out. This time I actually got to damage people, woohoo!
-- I spent a ridiculous amount of time between last event and this putting together a corset-based outfit that wouldn't kill me (I've got a build that corsets essentially intend to correct, so this is not a match made in heaven), and in the last week an inordinate amount of my mental energy was focused on the logistics of cake. The result was SO FUN. I particularly liked the look on J's face when I had to explain about the double sided tape thing.
-- SPIRIT WALK. So, that was basically my first really heavy RP role. What I was anticipating beforehand was something in the general shape that it turned out -- of conveying a certain presence and giving the information that I'd come there to give, and of hopefully hitting the right emotional notes. When the procession got hung up on the king, it extended the interaction out a lot further than I'd originally expected -- and with the help of the really amazing and deep roleplaying of the folks I interacted with (especially Miragel, but everyone else as well) the encounter really came to life. I think it turned out to be a really great moment, and I'm glad to have been a part of that.
-- Related to those two points above, playing explicitly female characters is kind of an interesting thing for me -- I like putting things together to achieve a given effect, clothing wise, and have a bit more capacity than is necessarily apparent as far as the technical side of performing femininity (although I kind of got off that particular train before it got to the "eyeshadow" station). As my own self, though, there's always going to be modes of expression that I prefer over others, and in addition I've got a bit of history (as one might expect) of having me in a dress and such like being read as the blossoming moment when the movie geek girl takes off her glasses and shakes out her hair to reveal her glamorous true self. Which is... awkward. However, playing the part of a character other than me frees me from necessarily having to represent myself, which means that I get to play around with a broader range of effects -- and that's been really fun. Although it is definitely true that I Do Not Look Right At All in a voluminous red wig.

Overall, I feel like each event has been topping itself for me as far as enjoyment level. Although I have definitely arrived on the LARP equivalent of Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy.
I have many fav moments from this event here are my fave quotes and moments not in any orde

3 skeletons walk by a panterghast... no effec.. : dont knoew iff anyt of the players saw this littl einteraction.. but while stalking in the nic=ght as skeliton crunchys we happend to walk my david who was playing a panterghats.. not being able to see well and thinking he was a player who was foolishly wanderign by himself .. took a swing... no effect.. lol

walking into the tavern as the ghost bard.. the reaction of the players was priceless. .

"la la la la la la laaa " this actually creeped me out and I was one of the booglings....

" stop singing that stupid song .. its not scary .. now get over here so I can kick your ***. "

" The duchess can suck it"

Lagard after waking up from the nightmare realm..... " I taste human ... "

frank.." I smell a trap"

The bachelor party cake.... I had to take 15 minuets to recompose myself because I was laughing so hard

The final battle to save the duchess from her nightmare.. I k ow i was one of the booglings taunting her.. but even I was finding it hard not to cry

Being a ghost in the walk of the dead... being asked so many questions and only being able to pantomime answers and the frustration of not being able to get across what I wanted to say..

The utter look of dread and fear in a new player as he ran across a giggling corps for thew first time.. " two normal.. " " no effect" O..O

so many other great moments form this even t .. i cant wait for next month.. I think i am going to bring my character in finally ..
I had a wonderful time this event. These are snippets in random order. I am still tired. :)

  • Our cabin was actually decorated! Yay! (We really do want to keep Greenwood 2 as our forever home).
  • Walking alone up to the tavern on Friday night, I saw a figure cross the path. I froze. Then glowing eyes appeared in the darkness where the figure had gone. After about three minutes, I tentatively asked, "...Hello?" "Hi! How are you?" O_o Pesky alchemists and their pesky child deterrent measures scaring me...
  • The Mage's Guild party. "Happy circle day to you, happy circle day to you..."
  • Sir Egil can't handle whispering in the dark cave, so we start singing marching songs, dirty limericks, etc. while off to face who knows what monsters.
  • We got a cipher! :D
  • Coming back to the Mage's Guild with practically no spells and drinking intoxicant milkshakes (thank you Shani!).
  • The non-sequitors that permeated my brain during Rivervale snacky time. Sense, they made none.
  • The utterly cheerful Dame Katherine waking people up in the Rivervale cabin. I was flabbergasted by the sheer happy consideration radiating with her smile.
  • The tavern patrons cooperating with Aneira's "efficient serving" methods at dinner.
  • The whole trial was very well done. What I didn't participate in, I got glances of through the kitchen window.
  • The masquerade! The costumes and the atmosphere were truly splendid.
  • Sprinting towards a panthergast in that outfit.
  • Dancing! Pinatas! HOW IS THERE A PORTRAIT BOOTH!? (Squeeee!)
  • The confusion and horror rippling up the line of PCs during the walk of shadows from the undead Banks' appearance.
  • The o' dark hundred fight in Greenwood circle right after I took my night time pills. I was in IG underwear,OOG long underwear, armed with a fistful of packets, a dagger, and unbridled rage with about 20 minutes of coherence remaining. It was awesome. :)
  • The discussion with Juris. Needing to communicate clearly and well with the fighting going on all around me, flexeril and tramadol in my system, and sleep deprivation was actually really helpful in RPing the tumult of emotions (positive and negative) going through Aneira.
  • "There are water elementals attacking the tavern!" Anders bounces up and practically giggles his way out of the Mage's Guild.
  • In the Duchess' nightmare: I have a fortress up, this is working out great, we're set.. OH NOES WORMS EVERYWHERE! *FLEE* I have no idea who talked to me or grabbed me other than Godrick, but it was great RP from all of you. Also, I think that's the first time I've been actually carried in a LARP. :)
  • Dame Katherine and Baroness Elavir almost pleading with the Duchess to get her out of the nightmare.
  • Discovering that I have a battle cry after all.
  • Aneira's hat is lost in the nightmare realm. Surely nothing will come of this.
  • As always, the RP with Anders. This IG relationship is awesomely fun. All shall beware the Inquisition of the Ordered Flame. :)
  • Thank you for existing, Little Bear/Sam Lewis. Try not to die in the military.
I enjoy you all OOG, despite how much you may annoy me in game. Thank you, everyone.

Also: I made a .gif for just one such character.

Baron Darius reacts to Aneira Owens.


I had a great time at Alliance this weekend. A few highlights:
· I was the first one to get kidnapped by the boogey man. It was very scary. First, I thought for sure I was being kidnapped by Nathanial Warden. Then I realized I was completely paralyzed in a pitch black room in the Nightmare realm. The NPC making all of the scary sound effects was amazing. The touch effects for the maggots, worms and spiders (Spiders, AHHH!!) were fun, and the whole scene had a haunted house feel. Then, it was interesting (and somewhat embarrassing) to come back to New Acarthia and tell people I was kidnapped by the boogey man. I wasn’t sure how people would react. I was pleasantly surprised by how concerned Baroness Elavir was when I returned. This was counteracted by whoever suggested that they should cut open my stomach to see if it was infested with bugs… ewww. I’m not often involved in the beginning of a plot line, so that was exciting for me.
· The attack in the cabin was amazing (Although I am not sure I want to encourage Plot to continue attacking us in our sleep . . . I was told safety at night was one of the benefits of joining a baronial court… lies!). Darius had an amazingly cool head given the circumstances. Good thing. I had no idea what was going on. I (again) assumed it was Nathanial Warden attacking and was throwing cure spells. There was a huge adrenaline rush as we hurriedly checked on our court, and then traveled around Greenwood circle to check on our friends and gather support to battle the Boogeys.
· The troll bridge mod was fun. It was hilarious to see the looks on the trolls faces when all three of them were weakened and could only swing 0s. I delivered a killing blow to a webbed troll . . . the first non-undead creature I have ever killed.
· I loved the Sunday nightmare realm fight. It was epic. It was challenging, and I was scared for all of our lives. I loved being paired with Squire Brohm. While we are on the same Baronial Court, we almost never are in battle together. We had fun strategizing together and saved each others’ lives on multiple occasions.
· Actually… all of the fights were great. Most games I only take a few hits. This game I fell (bleeding out) multiple times. I also had to have my armor refit multiple times. Makes wearing the chain mail worth it!
· I liked my role play with Jillian. . . a new healer. We didn’t spend a ton of time together, but it was nice to be able to role play giving her healing advice. It made me feel like a veteran healer. She also reminded me of how fun my first alliance game was, when every experience was new. I was glad to hear that she had a good time at her first LARP
· The masquerade party was great. Thanks Tiatar (and Graham and Osbourne) for putting that together. Also, thanks to Trace/Dame Katherine and Cassie/Dame Arikaya for my costume. The dancing was great, and it truly felt like a special occasion. It was also nice to have an Alliance date with Squire Graham.
· I enjoyed having breakfast with the Scions. It is wonderful to have such a large (and ever-growing), new commoner group. Thanks for the Rivervale pumpkin and the bacon!
· I enjoyed sharing snacky time with Bayenna! I will leave it at that… you had to be there.
· Last, but not least, while I was completely annoyed by everyone getting feared all the time, I really enjoyed the role play associated with those fears. It created an interested (but HORRIBLE) dynamic between Baron Darius and Anders. It is rare for there to be internal strife of that level in Rivervale. I sense an epic make-up in the near future (please!). Thanks to everyone who stopped me from running off and freaking out (too many to name/remember).
Sadly I am trying to remember everything from this event, but the best I can do is remember doing my few encounters as the Sheriff, some elemental stuff and the booglies... I guess I was working the desk a lot this event with everyone marshalling mods and major plot events.
Favorite moments of the weekend.
  • Thursday Night before the event, all the Scions joking laughing and having a wonderful time carving pumpkins, conversations ranging from wholly inappropriate to completely obscene!
  • Friday night fight to save those taken from the nightmare realm. The fighting was amazing and exhilarating. Grabbing Loche when his nightmare was triggered and carrying him back into the safety of the group was one of my favorite moments of the event.
  • Saturday night sneak attack on Greenwood circle, waking up to the cold air from an open door. seeing all the bunks around me empty. In a haze looking out the front door to a pile of Scions and realizing that I was not dressed. Calmly closing the door, pants, shoes, armor, shield and sword 1 minute later, opening the door seeing enemies rushing the door, turning off the inside lights and beginning a long fight through the door. Hearing at one point one of the NPCs mention in a frustrated voice, he keeps striking out of the darkness, I can't see him. Then watching as a line of Rivervalians sneakily rush over to the Baychester cabin, at which point Mahara awoke from the sleep spell and released a banshee like scream, bringing even more help our way from the Tavern. My body was flooded with Adrenalin and there definitely was no chance I would sleep soundly the rest of the night, but it was so worth it. KAI NPCS KAI PLOT!
  • The Masquerade was amazing, thank you to all who organized it and worked towards its success. Everyone's outfits were just breathtaking. Thank you everyone for being just Amazing people I had a great time both inside and outside during the event.
  • The march of the dead had me jumping from emotion to emotion, hatred, disgrace, loathing, disgust, sadness, fear, and ending with utter hopelessness. Only to have Squire Noah and Sir Egle remind me we can face the coming darkness if we work together.
  • Scions, we are family, but boy do we have a dark and twisted sense of humor, its amazing.
  • Other RP moments for Izual abounded this weekend, inducting 3 new stepsons into the family made me feel so proud. I had amazing discussions and walks with Brooke Blaine. Tab, Lumi, and Peat you are always just so much fun to spend time with. Alys thank you for joining us at lunch, IC our debates were allot of fun for me. Shout out to Squire Woolsey who ran behind the enemy line to rescue Izual off the picnic table!
  • Having NPC Maggots come out of the latrine triggering Izual's Nightmare and running into the tavern and doing a full tilt body slide into the secret meeting area, and realizing after it wore off that I had successfully hidden myself for almost everyone.
  • Curse Kitty and Tab's interactions were hilarious!
  • Brooke Blaine Cupcakes OMG!

I know I've forgotten many special moments, and many other moments are best left secrets but this is what I could come up with at this moment.

Thank you to all the PC's NPC's and everyone involved for making this event so much fun for me.
Special thank you to Jack for letting me get face painted with "rainbows and unicorns" in the kitchen