There are pictures and they will be uploaded. However a good deal of editing will be taking place, and thanks to my wife some great .gifs need to be made.
I thought ALL of the prop monsters were fantastic! Though I thought the Draconian costumes were cool, I was worried that you guys were going to break bones if you fell. You guys did an excellent job!
I'm sure you were. Nonetheless I didn't want to see anyone get hurt, nor did I want to be the guy who got a little too excited and ended up knocking one of you guys over.
As Chad said this weekend all prop monsters are an experiment. If you have any suggestions of things you would like to see, things you didn't really enjoy about the fights, or just observations you wanted to discuss please let us know here.
I feel we learned a lot over the last few years about doing these but even at this event there were things I learned and now want to try differently.