Favorites & Feedback

I really enjoyed the event.

-I enjoyed watching Bleak grow up.
-The first Draconian walking out of the darkness was amazing to witness.
-All the prop monsters were great. I was very worried about fighting a bleak that moved around the field, but the shack idea was great.
The whole event, start to finish, was incredible. The story was great, the events surrounding the finale were well thought out, the costumes and props exceeded my expectations. Despite the rain, fighting the spirit dragon and Draconian in the field was a lot of fun, and fighting Bleak in the shack was an awesome idea! Thank you for making this a very memorable experience!!
Oh man, these favorites are always the hardest things for me, because I love the entire event... Let's give it a shot:
  • Summoning Soman(insertwordvomithere) into the communication circle... That could have gone better.
  • Increasingly becoming more and more of a big bag of dicks, due to Bleak trauma and slowly losing my humanity
    • Talks with Tadron about it, after him and I got in a face to face argument earlier in the market day
      • Tadron, after the Bleak fight: "Are you still an *******?"
      • Banradi: "Yes Tadron, sorry"
      • Tad: *laughs* "That's alright, I just thought it might have had something to do with Bleak"
      • Radi: "Not so much...", and then more philosophical timeless talks
    • A+ conversations with Kit & Fredrick about being human, being a creature of power, being timeless, etc.
  • Getting to spend so much time with Waymaker, almost seeming to talk about things on another level, and yet there's still a million things we could talk about, but just not having enough time in the day to do so. (Follow up: The Waymaker Stone in Bleak's tail was a nice touch. :) )
  • Relating with the eldest version of Aden so much - "When you're tapped into that much power, you start to lose empathy... You're starting to Mathis, but HE absolutely understands.", "don't let someone with so little power talk that way to someone with so much", etc.
  • Thinking I saw Savoy, only to realize it was one of the Celestines
  • Trying to determine what the best ways we could use us being stuck in the Spirit Realm to our advantage
  • All of the amazing prop monsters... Playing 17Hz during the final Bleak fight is one of the amazing details that you all think of that just makes our game that much more immersive.
  • The perfectly timed thunder & lightning during the rite
  • Not understanding how chess works... Specificaly Taios:
    • T: "How do you not know how to play chess!?
    • B: "I have enough trouble paying attention to what you have to say.... What makes you think I can play an entire game where you have to sit and focus!?"
    • T: "Fair enough. Although for us being twins, we really had COMPLETELY different childhoods, didn't we?"
  • The way plot represented the fact that the entire world was helping fight Bleak... We saw some of our closest allies fight them, saw the impacts of our choices, heard stories about how the armies were doing and that we had a significant impact on how they succeeded. It wasn't just a matter of "Oh well, Bleak now only has 10 thousand body instead of 1 million".
There's so much more. This was just what I could think of right now, but I'll definitely add more as I fully process the event. As always, I can't thank our plot team enough. The three of you do such an amazing job I always forget how spoiled we are to have you guys run. Thank you for an unforgettable season closer!
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Me: "I don't have enough flame energy to destroy the circle."
Foss: "Could I just hit it?"
Me: "A flame eviscerate might do it..."

Dure'dhel, through your sword a Circle was destroyed, thank you, lol
Oh another one:

-Trellis eating meals with his hands because all of the silverware is metal. :)
Oh wow- where to start!!!

This event from start to finish was AMAZING!!! AAAAAAAAAAAMAZING!!!!!

Ok the prop monsters - I have never seen anything like them. Each one made me stop and just stare for a 3 minutes or better--- yes those voice radius hurt as well as the hits... but worth it to admire the amazing work done by our Plot Staff! I felt so immersed - so visceral- it was amazing!!

- the three Drakes- OH MY--- that was a "code brown "
Moment for sure ... how on earth did you guys move so well in those!!!!????!???? Pretty sure you are not human!

-the spectral dragon guardian- wow--- the rain made that fight even more - ethereal! I have never ran a field so much and been so scared we did not have enough to get everyone home... so much running and dodging- and this was AFTER the three drake fight!!!

- the final bleak fight.... how to even describe this one!!!! The use of the Waystone was brilliant! The head and claws coming in and out gave a great sense of size - like
Wow - Bleak was amazing !!! The use of the sound and the sheer set up was--- we were all gonna die feeling ... and then the amazing use of the "ally coins"!!! That was a perfect plot use that allowed us to feel like we were not alone- we had such much support from the world!!

Plot - those monsters - they were amazing!!!

I greeted plot the next morning with "Good morning you Glorious Bastards!"- and that is what you three are! Our plot is my GBs !! Thank you!!!

Ok - non amazing monster highlights:-)

- the sneaking with Waymaker that got al of us into the spirit realm.

- the games in the spirt realm- how they worked and what we had to do... even if it meant I saw the circle because of Dice!!! Dice!!!!

- sacrificing for Trellis... Cyn would not let the Dryad resurrect... too close to the Irani and herself lol

- sitting and crying as a spirt in the circle for way too long... that is gonna leave a mark...

- Ardos resurrecting me

-being scared to refuse resurrections from Naomi and Saloan (sp) but doing it because Cyn needed certain things to feel safe

- kit figuring out what a Cyn needed to resurrect and making it happen!

-talking face to face with Kit!!!

- getting yelled at by Radi and having him throw dishes at me... that hurts... so deep ...

- helping with my potions- felt I really helped the final fight!!!

- whatever blue haired thing Chad played that was called into the circle... that was a needed bit of laughter... and the licking... what is with the licking...?

- the PROP monsters !!!!!!!!!!!

- Great flow!!!! So much to do!!!

- whomever plot managed to sacrifice to the greater storm
Beings to keep things so perfectly thematic!!!! Wow!!!!just wow!!!

- standing in the pouring cold rain- waiting for Foss because - no one goes alone...

- likely more ... still processing...

Best event ever - so much immersion and wow!!!!

- Nette

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