- Trying out a variety of combat styles, and wielding a different weapon every time I went out, until I found the archer/caster combo (see below)!
- Getting a fishbowl that involved selling my daughter as a wife... to an orc!
- "We're gonna burn, kill, pillage, destroy! We're gonna burn-kill-pillage-destroy! EAT THE BABIES!"
- Being given an archer/caster monster card during a mod and finding my favorite fighting style (hint: it involves LOTS of blue packets and a good deal of white ones too)
- Thanks to the NPC camp organizers for letting me play that same archer/caster in every wave battle thereafter!
- "Death to dwarves! Death to dwarves! Death to dwarves! ... Your mother has a fine beard, but it's not on her face!"
- Repeatedly killing Alda. MWAHAHA! Thanks so much again Susie, for driving me and for all your help!!!
- Singlehandedly storming the tavern during the final wave battle. "Arcane Berserk!" OWNS YOUR FACE!

This was one of the most fun weekends of my life and I am DEFINITELY coming back in May. Hopefully PCing!
FOIGofWar said:
Yup, like six or seven years new. Lol

Lol, I got asked about 6 times if it was my first event at HQ... so I totally get the "new" part. lol
Awesome. Simply Awesome. Thanks to everyone who made this event possible! In no particular order...

* NPCs!!! There were so many of you working so hard to kill me and with a ton of enthusiasm. I loved it. From slays, to hurling elemental body, to killing blows; you either enjoy overkill or fail to realize I'm not all that hard to take down lol. Also props to the NPC who chased me all across the field and back during the final wave. I thought I had you when I remembered pretty much the last useful spell I had in memory, but you resisted it and chased me into a swarm of trolls to be killed.

* Dryads and Dwarfs, oh my! Considering IG that only knew one Dryad before the event, it was awesome to find that so many more exist. Lots of leafy and beardy goodness this event.

* Going down to the stream with Swift Eagle, Reginald, and Deg to look for dropped treasure was fun. Getting slayed and killing blowed... not so much lol. Many thanks to the orc (I am also terrible with remembering names, sorry!) who surprised the crap out of me by having life spells.

* Meeting so many new and awesome people. Rose and Arabella (sp?) are definitely at the top of the list. Thanks for the attempts to make me laugh louder and all the other various role playing.

* Ash Forest! I was so taken aback to be asked to roll with a court and help out. Ezri, you are fantastic. It was great to run with the Forest for the rest of the event.

* There were some excellent rp moments with Mouse. In particular, I remember the NPC who came out dressed as the Ace of Spades and gave her another slightly ominous fortune.

* Scavenging the field on Sunday morning to find a ton of awesome stuff dropped on the field from the night before. My treasury had to increase tenfold because of that.

* Making it into the healer's guild finally for some good times on Sunday was also great.

* Finally... Rezzing. It was my first time ever, and a big thanks to Ruis for bringing me back. The end of the event was so sad and somber, it was great.

I know I'm forgetting and missing a ton, but I had a lot of fun and can't wait to do it again with you guys soon!
OMG! So now that I am.......2/3's recovered from this weekend....The last 3rd is the fever I have....Meh

NPC's I had a blast rolling with you guys this weekend! We totally rocked!

So in no real order...

-The once and Future Troll mod! Mike they were awsome fun. Thanks for allowing Varishik to be there for most of them. I totally owned any PC that came after me!

-Saturday wave battle. OMG! I totally was not expecting Bill to come after me. I thought I got away when Mike came up and was like....Angel you took two eviscerates to the back....Damn....

-Tom's reaction when I activated Suicide ability.....
Tom-"Hey guys. She's dead!"
Not sure who-"What do you mean she's dead you were first aiding her!"
Tom-"Yeah and she died!

-Another once in future troll mod where the PC's killed a few trolls but hen wanted to kill me. I ended up killing all of them.....

-THANK YOU PLOT for allowing me to come out as Lanna for an hour to see the amazing awesome wonderful mod you prepared for the Romani! It made me really happy to be able to be a part of it even if I was NPCing.

-Honor Combat with Bill. OMG! I really didn't think I was gonna be able to beat you. Thanks Collin for helping me out with that. I loved Scotty's face when I looked right at him. hehehehehe I think castlebur pissed his pants a little....

-The wave battle saturday night! So much fun! OMG THE ARCHERS!!!!! Dude you guys that was amazing! Killing the Dryad cause he 1) said my name wrong and 2) called me acedik....Yeah dude you had no chance... Then I got bored and left the battle.

-The last once in future trolls mod I was in me and dave were sitting there talking. First we were bashing Supek. Then we were arguing about who's ideals were better. But the PC's were just standing there.....watching us.....we threw out so many hints it wasn't even funny. We practically TOLD them what to do! But they wanted tot try to kill Acedik.....They could have....just not they way they tried to.

-Going out with Lockabar. Watching the PC's reactions was totally amazing! Collin, watching you writhing on the floor was the funniest thing. I was trying to hard not to laugh! The brilliant RP that happened with that was really fun. An our over zealous NPC's who started attacking.....even though they weren't suppose to.

-Watching the final wave battle. Wow....just wow... The PC's were holding their own. Then Honor combat was asked. I really thought you were gonna take it...But I was wrong and the town was practically wiped....Ithica you're amazing honor combat to save the town. It was brilliant! Nice save!

So now I am back to bed with a hot cup of tea to try to feel better! Loved this weekend Mike. Thanks for the amazing Role! See you guys with my Fiancee in May!

-Another once in future troll mod where the PC's killed a few trolls but hen wanted to kill me. I ended up killing all of them.....

Not all of them. I sat in a corner, refitting and glowering at all the corpses surrounding me thinking "Ouch, ouch, and I told you so." xD
I just want to say thank you to all the NPC's for showing up and being awesome

-All the Dwarves, i had a blast with all of you

-Mike your event was awesome, it'll probably go down as one of my favorites ever

-Castlebur burped and apologized for it and when people asked if he was all right I blamed flint for castlebur being a better person

-Friday night having a 3 hour discussion on Thomas

-Avoiding the trolls i wasnt allowed to kill

-Cooking burgers and hot dogs down by the river so people didnt have to march back up the hill....(and realize this everyone....i love cooking for people it's what i do for a living) and thank you for understanding why i had to take me beard off for it......Beard + Open flame = no more resist elements

-Saturday night getting drunk in game and Kantils in game version of Nord Mead

-Being told to go knock over chairs and then having Ruis picking all of them up as i knocked them over.....and then when i noticed she was following me all i did was go "Is that screaming i hear" and ran off

- Being waylayed due to intoxication because i was a hazard to myself

-Killing the trolls who were making fun of Dwarves

-Ignatious handing me his ax and telling me to kill those troll bastards

I'm sure there is many more things i am forgetting, but my ABSOLUTE favorite part of this weekend was getting to see all my Alliance friends once again. I missed all of you over the off season. Old and new alliance friends alike i am glad to have in my life.

Oh and Angel, I wear a kilt for the reason that i might **** myself, easier clean up

~~Scotty Babcock (Castlebur)
This weekend had more than favorites. It included a few character defining moments. Thank you to the HQ Staff, and all the NPCs!!! There were so many of you it really made the battles spectacular, and there was no shortage of roleplay chops either.

-The always amazing Henry Hart. Almost every time I cry in game it involves this man. In a good way. Seriously. Thank you Tom for giving us another opportunity to love/hate each other :)

-All things forest squad. I am very much looking forward to this season's shenanigans!

-On the gypsy mod:
--Grim: "Hey Ezri, the last time this happened..."
--Me: "Yeah we got attacked. Set up a perimeter?"
--Grim: "My thoughts exactly."

-Awesome fights with Scott as the Duke. I've had a few fights with Scott taking on a whole crowd of people as a big bad, and not only is he a kickass fighter, he somehow does it all with finesse. Good stuff man.

-Explaining styles of healing to Ruis and when I get to backpack "Yeah, Kialda's a backpack right?" I'm so proud.

-The once soft, sensitive healer realizing she really doesn't care that Galanthian citizens are suffering and dying...

-The Gettysburg crew. You all looked awesome as your new characters. I can't wait to play your game!

-All things Kathy. Not just Mouse, but Kathy. We really need to hang out hon... you're less than an hour from me!

-Being Sir Daniel's anchor. For those of you not involved, trust me that's a good thing. Agreeing to give something up in my encounter to get a hint, and groaning when I realized it could only be down the hill. I love you Mike. Really.

-Resurrection insanity and trying to make heads or tails of it... and realizing that in the chaos a very important spirit left the circle...

Not so favorite: Driving home and realizing that all of us must have had a case of the "Sunday Stupids" in the unscaled mod. Enslavement antidote anyone? D'oh!
This was my favorite HQ event so far rivaling and beating july 2 years ago.

1. Vanguard. Kicking *** with class. From downtime prep to hanging outta game to the amazing group of people and characters. very proud of ya'll
2. SGt flint taking no ****
3. Ninja healer Tinder. Do you realize how many packets you dodge and swords you avoid on your way to healing or getting someone up?
4. Iggy... wow.. just.. Best C.O. ever
5. Aven being one tough bitch.. what that troll enslaved someone.. eff her up! Was awesome to see Aven chill and cut loose
6. Zealot Alda, being a great backpack and even talking smack on necromancers.
7. ferra.. even rezzing twice in an event with an awesome attitude. SHe'll be an excellent addition to the family.
8. Grim's way with the ladies... smooth as sandpaper
9. RP with Ruis. Grim changes demeanor from buddypal to sage and nerd and bloodthirsty arse hole. Poor little Ruis saw them all and still stuck around. awesome roleplay and you did great in combat. Nordenn's lucky.
10. Monty.. HOLE EEE THOMAS.. Sir you knock the wind outta me againa nd again i am really amped for eveyrthing you do. you dont screw around and everyones game is better for having you.
11. Deg on the fiueld throwing arrows and gasses even hitting ulthoc. Sorry he;s gone I loved that guy
12. Loken.... just yeah.
13. RP with Baron drake and FLint. Hard decisions but for the right reasons.
14. TROLL FISHING... I happily spent all my coin on drinks and burgers etc cause that as an amazing idea
15. Plot. YES ALL OF THE PLOT... even letting grim do stuff to help the masses
16. NPCS...... dear miss EARTHSHAKER... you know where to find me.. Dwarven.. ladies of the ehem.. evening and the complete inability of our whole team to close the deal. Maybe it was the watchful eye of fera...or just that we have zero game.
17. Thomas.... soo much thomas.. 2 lbs worth...Tinder had it everywhere
18. dwarf just laughing and killing
19. Not going on a single mod. Evidently there's a joke Grim on every mod and every team. Well one team and no mods.. Amazing time.
20. Tell folks to go blow when they asked the dwarves to be in troll bodies
21. Getting lifed by the troll... waking up.. seeing Ruis and saying thank you.. as i stood realizing shes to little to life and noting... it must have been the stoneborn..i think i audbily said " aww ****"... then poor Ruis who was afraid Grim would freak at the price she paid for it. So such roleplay and a great character
23. Hanging with shannon and reconnecting with my old tabletop buddy
24. CHulain roleplay.. explaining the code as best Grim can.. and watching The bad *** sarr go weewonkybonkers on trolls... new recruit.
25. The Lochaber scene " hey lets eat some chilli derp derp derp.. OHMYGAWD the guy we been fighting all winter. ...and iggy not taking no crap acrane terrored and back what 3 times?
26. again just seeing the team fight as a unit and be solid.
27. Seeing my friends and folks I care about rediscover something they lost and rekindle something inside them.
28. roleplay with Ezri.. totally expected to get yelled at and instead one of the most touching scenes Grim ever experienced. I think it worked out for her as well.
29. Good clean fun combat
30. Platemail gymnastics. so very clanky
31. Dinner at the pizza place after game. BATMAN....
32. Thomas's elixer
33. Seeing what we did in downtime had an impact
34. Iggy making trevor his bitch..and grim likes trevor
35. Henry as qualin. Dude.. ourdynamic keeps changing
36. Anna. she;s quiet and reliable. And awesome her saving folks with the circle.. and then sitting and just being with grim when he freaked over lokens death was really cool. They were in the first mod he ever went on. kinda fitting

ok theres more and i love you guys. see ya in a month and look forward for more good times.'

Hey guys, I had a fun weekend from all that made it possible. THANK YOU!!! here are a few of my favs'

• Bopping a Griffon on the nose and running it into a camp full of trolls. Not the best idea in the world, but one of the most enjoyable things I have done in a long time.
• The Alliance Gettysburg team that came out to show off some of our PC races. You guys did a fantastic job. You did a fantastic job of RP with the Icinian's even if they are wierd ;)
• All things Emily, Dustin, Kelly, David, and Tammy… YAAAY BARRAN TEAM!!!
• So … you are at war with us, killing, burning and enslaving… and your people get sick? Now you want us to give you the cure to that illness?
• Running for your life (once in a while. It’s kinda fun…The rest of the time, not so much) In that last battle I took 4 dirt naps. Luckily, I did not resurrect; sadly, many others did :(
• 25+ Brand new players!!! You guys Rocked, NPC and PC.
• Doing something clearly stupid, with Amaranthis and comming out on top. And no collateral damage made it even better.
• Having multiple opportunities to show Andros still has it from everything from facilitating rare goods to helping pop locks, so other’s get their goodies.
• "Burn, pillage, kill, destroy, burn, pillage, kill, destroy...eat the babies!"
• RP with Sir Iggy. Bobo, I love ya Bro!
• Seeing all of my friends after a winter of running around in the real world =P
There is more. There is always more.

Things are looking pretty interesting this year
Yay Alliance HQ 2012 Opener! I couldn't have asked for a more awesome experience. I haven't had the chance to PC an opener in two years, and being the new Assistant GM made things even more interesting as well. So here are my favorites, in no particular order as per usual!

1. NPC's. NPC's. NPC's!!!!!!! Thank you so much for all of the hard work and energy that you guys put into making this event incredible. I had this crazy chill go down my spine when I watched the Binghamton crew practicing combat out in the field before the game started on Friday night. And your freaking archers were out of this world! Khorwyn needs to take some lessons from you guys. Seriously.
2. Getting to meet and greet new PC's and NPC's at the door, and helping Kyle with the flow of his Logistics responsibilities. I was a bit nervous about all of the new systems we were implementing, but it felt like it ran very smoothly.
3. Getting ALL of Blythedale together again, even if it was just for breakfast on Saturday morning. Look out, Fairdale. We're bringing the thunder for the Ducal Tournament again this year!
4. Going on a stealth mod first thing upon entering game on Friday night, and killing it perfectly with an awesome team in the pitch black of the woods! :ninja:
5. Getting to role-play with so many cool characters, like Agrippa, Ivan, Aven, Victoria and Ulthoc, just to name a few.
6. The Circle of (Burger) Power down by the creek. Supreme, delicious awesomeness.
7. Monty! Thanks for being the most diligent barkeep the Black Stag Inn has had in years. :thumbsup:
8. Ivan and Andros with the insane hook-up. They found me a Transfer Magic ritual scroll and its catalyst before I could finish telling them I was looking for one, resulting in the binding of the magic sword, Defender, to my spirit.
9. The hilarious ritual casting that bound Defender to me...on the second try. Thanks Nathan! :funny:
10. Taking my first death, and role-playing my resurrection with so many other fallen foes.
11. Taking a recon mission into the woods, and pulling a flanking ambush on a troll camp when they marched out to meet another party of adventurers.
12. Gaining more adventurer's wisdom, as always, from my brother Ithica.
13. Having two elven gals try to take my life in the middle of the Black Stag, and the interrogation and enslavement antidote play which resulted from it.

I hope everyone had as awesome of an event as I did, and I look forward to seeing everyone again next month! :D
I'm posting some short and sweet favs:

1) My Barran people - Thank you K, D, Tam, & David for your amazing spirit and character roleplay. I can't imagine a better way to debut some of our work
2) Henry & Danielle - Thank you for the amazing roleplay all weekend! I loved hanging out with you both and getting to have all of the amazing character interactions
3) Troll mod "Out of body experience" that required Inama (in a trolls body) to kill. She was so traumatized afterward. She's lived a long time and never even cast a Death spell...so to violently attack something, even if it wasn't her own two hands was just more than my little pacifist could take.
4) Uncomfortable moments when Inama couldn't touch people or accept things from them directly. IT WAS AWESOME! Thank you to the PCs that played along.
5) Galanthian disease plot...Inama is entirely appalled at the level of hatred and heartlessness (thats how she sees it) at not immediately making a cure for the disease, especially since she heard about it already having been made before. Inama takes her vows seriously and literally, as a Neutral Emissary and she cannot imagine withholding a cure that is ravaging anyone - enemy or friend. Except for her vows, she almost set out on her own to find a Wellspring.
6) Getting to argue a "just war" tenant with another PC from a non-violent pacifists viewpoint because of the war with Galanthia(THANK YOU PLOT!!)
7) Knowing that Gawain and Inama would bow/curtsey fully to the King of Icenia as well as genuflect to the Emperor of Galanthia...because as Neutral Parties they always show deference equally (IF they had seen them)...eventhough it would probably not be a popular move - YAY for the intricacies of Barran interacting with the rest of the Alliance :D
8) Asking Izer and Andros why ANYONE would listen to the Trolls, that seems so absolutely set to nefarious ends...
9) Sir Ignatious and his compassion, Inama was happy to acknowledge that she saw some redeeming persons in Icenia...THANK YOU BRIAN BENDER - YOU ARE THE AWESOME!
10) ZEALOUS and AWESOME NPCs! Thank you all for your energy and enthusiasm!
11) Lennox and his many many questions. Inama found him very entertaining and delightful to speak with.

**Note to self** when playing a character that is a non-violent pacifist, speaks minimally, has set rules of conduct, and a restriction on physical contact...the very snuggly, loves-hugs-a-lot player ends up very drained. Wow for a challenge! **note to others** this very snuggly, loves-hugs-a-lot player needs hugs at the end of the weekend! :D

OK - for now that seems to be it. Thank you again for a wonderful start to the year! :) I hope you all enjoyed the sneak peek at some of Gettysburg's races and cultures. :)
Recovered enough to do this properly.

First, I want to thank a number of people who made this weekend possible.
*Noah Mink -> Arranged for 20 NPCs to arrive from Binghamton
*Erica Stephenson -> Sewed the Ducal army tabards that made Saturday pre-logistics wave battle possible
*Erika Noach -> Organized NPC food and water to cover 35+ NPCs
*Brian Whitham, David Tengdin, Angel Belford, Scott Kondrk, Todd Navas, Tracey Smith -> Agreed to play my major weekend NPCs and tolerated the months of paperwork I sent them
*Jesse Grabowski -> Spent most of his weekend in the woods coordinating crunch

If I missed anyone, please be sure that it wasn't intentional. There are simply so many people to thank for helping make this weekend succeed.

Now favorites:

*Amaranthus -> Bill was stuck in the kitchen for way too much of the event, but he still managed to engage in one-on-one duels with 2 of the 3 major big bads of the weekend and even fought Frost in the final wave battle.

*A case of mistaken identity -> Apparently David Tengdin and I look enough alike that a barbarian player spent 10 minutes ranting at my gryphon because supposedly my gryphon had been taken over by a Stoneborn earlier in the weekend. When my patience finally wore out I vampire charmed him to stop speaking..... which naturally lead to another 10 minutes of role play where he accused me of being a vampire.

*Encouraging haste before a mod -> When Tirian (my gryphon) first arrived to help the biata, he was entirely out of patience. Before the biata left to do his bidding, he gave them a time limit. He delivered a killing blow to Zatarina. They scattered. At the same time they screamed for help from other guild members. Apparently none of them actually explained what had happened because all the guild members arrived confused while Zatarina lay dying.

*Ignatious vs. Trevor -> Holy crap, Brian Bender sets the bar when it comes to role play. It isn't just his voice and words. His entire body language tells a story and in this case the story had me almost shaking in my boots. From ranting to cold silence, it was the best role play scene I have ever been involved in (even if I did have to spend over 20 minutes waylayed).

*Ithaca's Stand -> To be perfectly honest, I am still second guessing myself on this one. Ithaca offered his permanent death for the lives of every PC in town. I flipped a coin in my head and decided that didn't quite fit the NPC's motivations, so instead he performed honor combat for the fate of the PCs. But, honestly it was a close call and I was very tempted to tell the story the way Ithaca offered. Either way, I loved the scene and I look forward to all of the potential repercussions of the final wave battle.

*Once and Future Troll mods -> These were the modules where PCs became trolls. I loved seeing the different approaches that each of the PC groups took and loved watching the PCs try to determine whether or not it was worth attacking the Stoneborn occasionally wandering through the modules. At least one group pulled the trigger hard. They weren't successful, but it was exciting to watch.

*Anchors -> I am massively impressed with the sacrifices that the non-biata anchors were willing to make for their companions. Without revealing details, these are the kinds of sacrifices that a parent might make for a child or a person for a spouse. It was amazing to see such close character relationships.

*Supportive PCs -> Throughout the weekend PCs came up to me and gave me a pat on the shoulder or complimented the weekend. The support was wonderful and helped support me when I was tired or flustered.

What a great event! I could have done without the rain, but other than that, this weekend lived up to everything it promised and I'd hoped it would be.

Thanks as always to the NPC's!
Mike - I think your long awaited debut was awesome!

I could probably spin dozens of awesome moment stories but here's a list of some favs that come first to mind-

- Being recruited. Pretty nice feeling, I gotta say! Top on my list of personal goals this weekend was to find some kind of "home" so it's extra satisfying that the Forest Squad is shaping up. I'd had quite a few nice moments with everyone who ended as part of so there's that layer of goodness too. Michelle, the fun that you and I can get into in this game (both as Ezri & Mouse and Kathy & Michelle) brings a big ole smile to my face!

- Sir Ignatius stopping me on the way to bed Friday night asking me if I'd ever thought of "following chivalric ideals" (or something of that sort...) and inviting me to listen in to the nobles meeting the next morning. Totally unexpected. Listening to everyone talk about their favorite part of the code was very interesting.

- Michelle and Danny making me blush at breakfast Sunday morning. :wub2:

- The joy on Cyno's face when I said I knew what a Thylacine was.

- All the dryads. So very awesome.

- All the dwarves. So very awesome.

- Hearing the words "Gryphan Clan" uttered by a Barbarian on the battlefield. Mouse has no clue, but somewhere Selina is smiling.

- Getting involved in the Black Ichor Ezri / Qualin (sp?) drama. Oh the angst!! Qualin quietly nodding his acceptance of my order to "Not 'effin touch her while she's in there" after I'd finished rezzing in the circle and the follow up "Sorry about that, I was a little cranky" role play. Nicely played Henry.

- The "hey I like this chick" moments with Dame Aven, Fara and Valeria.

- All the random - Hey it's you! - moments with people I hadn't seen in a long time and didn't recognize right away. Dave, Luther & Justin - good to see you!

I know there's more, but it's late and I'm tired! (Which explains all spelling, grammer, and name mistakes I have undoubtedly made.)
See you in May everyone.
very late reply.

- seeing scott and dee again after a long winter away
- seeing all the awesome improvements to the site scott and the volunteers have made (that room is amazing!!)
- sleeping totally IG for the first time in a while
- introducing everyone to my IG daughter and the role play that ensued
- jinzors kangzons!
- RP with Blythedale
- ritual fail!!!
- battle vs David's caster. holy crap. that was one of the most intense fights i have ever been in. finally felt affective.
- all the ruttin troll archers. after seeing how much they affect a battle when there are enough for them to make a difference, and when the NPCs have incredible aim.. I was intimidated.
- seeing old friends from black forest and reminiscing in and out of game.
- the 8 on 1 fight with the duke near the woods. wow.. i was sure all 8 of us were going down. sorry we didn't see you die Iggy :(
- giving away free identifications all weekend as a going away present!

dunno when i'll get to play again, but i had some good times. looking forward to new adventures in the months to come.
Okay, I'm a bit delayed in my reply. My apologies!

First, a thank you to everyone! PC and NPC and Logistics alike. You all made my first weekend here amazing. You're wonderful!

Now on to some of my favorites:

--Not even 2 minutes in character and I'm already hugging and talking with the other Romani. And I came in initially afraid I just really wasn't going to fit in. Thanks you guys, all of you. You made me feel so welcome and truly part of the family.

--Watching people laugh from random things that seemed to pop out of Rose's mouth. People laughing = top awesomeness.

--Getting to watch everything unfold around me. Honestly, I love seeing a good story unravel around me and come into fruition. This weekend was brilliant.

--Seeing the Dryads. There were more than I thought there would be! It was awesome to see them. Especially Ruis as she was getting quite a bit tipsy. Ohhhh man, that was hilarious.

--Might not seem like a favorite moment to many people, but it is to me: Realizing that I'm still pretty helpless when it comes to helping others. It's built a determination in Rose to better herself so she can be of more help.

--My most favorite moments, though, were all the ones where I got to sit down and just chat and laugh with random people, get to know them. Every one of you helped me settle into Rose and made me comfortable. Thank you.

All of you are great and I look forward to May's event. Thank you, thank you, thank you!