Favorites for the October HQ Finale!

Vincent Tarethial

You folks know what to do. Post your favorite for the 2016 HQ season finale.

Hands down all parts of the honor combat with Michelle's Vakkar. Being the solo representative for Corrheim for most of the weekend made me step up and represent even more. The role play leading up to it, and man what a fight! It's probably my favorite combat in the 12 years I've been playing. And the RP after, though brief, made the whole thing so well rounded and crazy fun.

The spracta parasites and after removing the first one, and realizing it had a psychic connection, then doing some great mental powers RP with Amaranthus, Nicole, and Kar was awesome. I loved being able to use some RP racial skills and even more so because it had such an impact on the final battle with Daphne.

Fear, fear, fear mod with team uh, no no nope! Lol

Rolling with Misun and Tsuku! Killing, grilling, and chilling.

Loved the squires training Sunday.

Seeing a ton of old faces, Usul, Joshua, Cedrick, Scarn and more.

NPCs old and new! Some very fun fights and great RP with refugees. Awesome job guys!

Michelle's birthday ice cream social!

I'm sure there is more I'm forgetting so I'll just have to add on later!
Christine hit most of the highlights for me.

The combat between two of our many bad *** females went so well, so clean, and so intense. Very well done to both!

Team NO Fear mod was amazing to watch. The NPC's had a rainbow of Arcane Fears raining down, and the PC's said No Thank You.

Michelle's social in the back room went very well, thank you all for attending and we really got her with the surprise birthday bits.

The Squire training. It isn't just about beating you up with the Code of Chivalry. It is camaraderie, communication, and getting to know each other.

Thank you so much for making this year so fun!

Fear, fear, fear mod with team uh, no no nope! Lol

Rolling with Misun and Tsuku! Killing, grilling, and chilling.

Loved the squires training Sunday.

Seeing a ton of old faces, Usul, Joshua, Cedrick, Scarn and more.

NPCs old and new! Some very fun fights and great RP with refugees. Awesome job guys!

Michelle's birthday ice cream social!
Yeah! What Christine said almost word for word the fight scene was fantastic.
And I made steak for Mich Mich!! Happy b-day!
The Nope nope nope nope to Fear mod was great. I love being a wolf. You're not my alpha I don't have to listen to you!

Seeing some of the old guard come round again. See you in another 6 to 10 years Paul if we live that long :)

NOT having to howl over Gwen's remains or waiting outside the guild for her to resurrect. Always a plus.

Going in a 2 hour puzzle mod with a character unable to speak or comprehend much of the babble you furless apes use but inwardly dieing with laughter.
It was an epic closer full of fun and shenanigans. I had a total blast on NPC side, ensuring the game was a total challenge for the PC populace. First thing I wanted to get off my chest was my personal season favorite. It was an honor to play the role of Datura throughout the season, and entertain everyone as the Sith Swamp Thing Fury of Nature. He was a blast to play for you folks and would gladly continue playing any bad guy role that plot would have me play.

-The NPC's always being total rockstars, and the newbies we've brought in are energetic and enthusiastic as ever. You guys Rock!

-The honor combat was glorious, even when I got to 1v1 Will as that crooked Hobling.

-Dryad plot, and all the gears in the background were awesome. PC controlled plot is awesome.

-Return of the fishbowls!, FREDRICK 2017! the teddies will return!

-Erika's set of pipes! I did NOT expect a lullaby and it was beautiful.

-Roleplay as Datura, and the look on Kar's face when Datura got right up to her.

-Trying to murder Hobo Craig!, 14 14 14 14 14......"WAIT!, what's 14 times 4!?"

-THE LEGION! It was awesome to see the team from 9T's everyone had been talking about.

-Clean fights all weekend! Especially the 1v1 duel with Bolli as the Dwarf Pantherghast.

-The Fey Livestock mods, especially the bull mod on Sunday.

Can't wait to see what next season has in store for our community of nerds.

Thank you again to an epic plot team and monster camp, you guys are amazing and it's truly a pleasure to work with all of you. I can't wait to see all my friends again next year.

--Jeremy "Danger Zone" Rogers
In no order:

Monster Camp: Another sample of a whole season of a very well oiled machine. It has been a pleasure working with the old farts, and watching the new players pick up every ball and run with it....even if that mean all the way across a field again, and again, and again!

"So, have you ever played Warcraft? Remember the Goblins....." Red Rover is a fantastic module theme!

New players, new smiles. We have had a wonderful bunch of new players this past year. I hope you all stick with in, and come back. This season was nuts, but next year...there are so many opportunities! Take them!

Honor Combat: From the prep with Michelle, just in case, to watching the whole thing unfold. Lovely fight. I am glad to hear so many enjoyed it.

Daechir's breakfast collection excursion.
- The look of Cadfael's face will be with me always.
- Hearing what my champion had to say

Grim taking an offer of a gift as an opportunity to brow beat someone with a treaty

Watching two adventures decide to wander off into the woods alone with a Goblin to visit Goblin town...and hearing the reports afterwards.

Morgana's delivery service. You request, we deliver!

Meeting the Nine Towers Legion. I know this was a collection of secondaries, but I hope to see them every once in a while next year at least.

A great season, looking forward to next year! WRITE UPS WRITE UPS WRITE UPS!

Let the plotting begin!

Joe Siegel
~Resident Jerk
My favorites from the NPC camp side of the fence:

-The Fae animals mod, had a buch of fun being a belligerant giant chicken.

-Chasing the elf and sarr down into the woods after the fight with Morgana. I couldn't do much to contribute combat wise once they took refuge in the building off the trail, so I took the opportunity to mess with the sarr who had been turned into a barricade in the doorway with a Prison spell. "Mortal... you reek of fear, mortal..."

Looking forward to contributing to new and interesting ways to complicate the lives of those who call Fairedale home next game season.