Favorites from February 2014

Zach as Kalgon sending us to our deaths in search of "the perfect snowflake".
Turtles, turtles everywhere!
Sitting outside by the little stove.
Getting other adventurer's names wrong: Violence, Thunder, Dura-da-hell.
Asking the other tribesmen where the strongest one named Nikara was.
Talking with Ark.
Meeting the Shaman.
Trying to interact with Alexander's NPC-kin but it being too creeped out by Jasper.
The final turtle battle - running the buckets.
Figuring out that Kalgon was sending us on fool's arrends in the hopes of getting us killed.
The concept of a creature whose blood is ink running a scroll workshop.
Momma bird trouble-shooting a work around for lunch - very clever solution!
Watching Chris getting the biggest kick out of tending the portable stove.
- Ragnarok Snagglepus becoming Ragglerock, then finally becoming Ragnarok.
- “GRONK never gave you your money, you should challenge him to a duel!”
- Let us remember THE GREAT Slythercarn
- Restraining myself from killing the Shaman’s Son—darn non-juristiction
- Johnathan
- Real High Ogres! And 2 of them!
- “Asher, you have to get the blood out to first aid them right?” “No GRONK, you keep the blood IN”
- Dave’s frost elemental whispering voice radius’ “20 elemental ice, 20 elemental ice, 20 elemental ice” “What? Oh Elemental Shield, got it, got it, damnit”. For a guy deaf in one ear I was more surprised I heard it.
-The turtle soup that we kept planing but never made.
-Finally some other tribesman! Where were you when I fought the panther ghast?
-Learning a little High Ogre history.
-Finding out I actually have something to teach a higher level PC.
-Resolving to plot the deaths of anyone who calls me Ragglerock. With proper first-aid after of course.
-"Sigerth, do you see that big turtle?" "Yes, Ragnarok." "Do you know how much soup we could make out of that turtle?" "A lot, Ragnarok."
-Getting a piece of the FOUNDATION OF THE EARTH.
-GRONK and the other high ogre dueling it out
-'Go home, you're too little' followed by an eviscerate straight into Alexander's big baddie
-Arguing with Ragnarok
-Talking to Asher. 'Am I a healer yet?'
-Getting called Violence by Jasper
-Mama Bird!
-Lunch was fantastic as always
-'The Perfect Snowflake' and everyone realizing we were sent to our death
-Lightning getting protective of Violet's cookies
-Nakira walking up 'are you actively concentrating?' 'gurgle gurgle' 'HEALING ARTS ARE YOU DYING?!'
-The Ogre honor duels.
-The post-Ogre honor duel extortion attempt by Sigerth
-"What is a zombie a-pox-of-lips?" discussion (apocalypse)
-Purple turtle!
-Discussion with the High Ogre shamman asking for sacred water.
-Gathering adventurers for, and leading, on a mod for the first time (and it was spiders...what was I thinking...)