Favorites from the May event


Gettysburg Staff
If you would please be so kind. If you had a great time tell everyone! =)
Even tho we had a huge rain storm Sat afternoon, plot still sent out a from of orcs chanting "turtle,turtle!" Only to come into the tavern get prisoned and killed and sent back into the rain, those poor npcs. I also like how vox came running out of no where with blue and yellow streamer. I only saw the yellow and ig I thought it was my fault cause I gave vox something to do with the plague. Glad it wasn't the case lol.and the sad panthergast (sp?) Looking for biata which there were none. And the pre dead walk mod took all our life spells.than the next night another mod is given out only we were assured ,at least I was, it wasn't going to be as bad. Lol
I had a lot of fun watching each of you interact with our world and see what you could do with it.

* Candlelight date that ends with the betrothed in tears and an angry father looking for payback.
* Yes, if you drink this you can beltch fire. ... no, seriously. FIRE.
* Turtle and the Warlord that wasn't.
* Spiders, Lanterns and JuJu
* Watching an long time veteran do his first ritual EVER and do it as you would in Barran. =D
* If anything can go sideways with a standard snatch and grab encounter, it did. (and grats guys!)
* Vox the Piniata. Lilly the negotiator.
* "So let me get this straight, you're allowing me to hunt people and I can get stuff for doing it AND I won't get into trouble for it?!?!?!?
* Why yes I would love some feyander to eat. Thank you.
* Guild Plot and everything that was not invloved in guild plot. (amazingly there is a lot that does not invlove the guilds in Barran).
* Watching reactions to the new crafting that is possible.
* Hurt legs and hard lungs, thats what LARPing is made for.
* "NO!!! you're stealing the WRONG PERSON!!!! well you have them now, so run off with them and flay them open as well." (lol!)
* Piñata. My voice/throat still hurts.
* Charlie: "Do you accept physical role play?" Vox: "Yes" *runs up an embankment to avoid getting tackled*
* Managing both the Celestial AND the Alchemists guild. Whew busy.
* Holy crap did Vox get a workout this weekend. I haven't EVER fought this much. I actually put a dent in my arrows. (432 by the end of the weekend, 80 of which were Vorp Serious)
* Accidentally replying to "Slappy", the new nickname for Vox by the new Biata in town. grrrrr
* Power Bottom

******* awesome weekend, y'all
  • New weapon style: sword-archery. LCO, only usable by V. Flaw: must be intoxicated.
  • Erathuil. I am really excited to have another PC Red Back to hang with - especially one who jibes so well with the Family IG and OOG. I have never seen a first-time player RP as hard and as consistently as Matt did and I am so impressed and excited to watch that character develop.
  • Never in a million years did I think a freakin' repel would be the most useful spell in my aresenal not once, but twice this weekend in a very big, very lifesaving way. I will gobby the player who can donate a new right arm to Customer Service.
  • Quality morally conflicted healer time with Zindolo.
  • Dissolving any potential conflict between Ike and Erathuil with one sentence: "I assure you the next time he urinates he will be in a world of pain."
  • Yelling at Cadeis. Realizing that is not a good idea. Apologizing for 30 minutes.
  • Charlais teaching Erathuil to waylay and his inevitable comeuppance.
  • "Litch witch bitches get bitch litch stitches."
  • The Spectre dragging me to Barran from my bed in Kupspar. She was delightfully terrifying.
  • Cellia's mistake of leaving her polearm on the porch during deadwalk, which lead to the Huntsman snapping it.
  • RP with V. She was a lot of fun.
  • Accidentally joining Vox for his magic vortex ride.
  • Running into the tavern as an Orc, demanding cow juice until the other Orc reminded me we were looking for the turtle, then ripping apart very confused PCs.
  • "Drifting in" as the water elemental, giving Erathuil ice horns, and having everyone name me (Fjord, Eddie, and Mwoist are the ones I remember, but there were more), before embracing Kur in a big wet hug.
  • The spiders putting webs all over our home.
  • The panterghast that calmly came after me and walked right up to my ward before pointing his weapon at me and calmly saying, "Shun", before walking off.
  • The final battle was crazy. My fight with Emily was incredibly one sided, but fun.
As always GB you NEVER cease to amaze and entertain me!

-for the first time in my 10+ years of playing this game, CASTING MY FIST RITUAL AND IT BEING A SUCCESS!!
Thank you Rich!

-flirty harpy attempts of trying to get with Jadden, Then she finally says the right things and scares the crap out him (literally) to which Chris had to break character and rogue outa there! Love ya Em.

-fun times with charlie!

-the gem mod with the NC ppl! Thanks for coming guys it was so awesome! I hope you guys had as much fun as I did!

-to my loving, wonderful fiancee thank you for everything is weekend! you keep me going and were by my side every moment of that game! you are such a great counter part to this character and you are amazing!

-All things Vox. I really feel that Jadden and Vox made an amazing connection this weekend and I look forward to more great times in the future!

-The amazing racial rp with Kris as V. The fact that two racial "enemies" were able to sit down and learn from each other and create a friendship is what makes this game go round!

-sitting in the shade with the wonderful dryad ladies and teaching them on Ta'hori and how we are different than other dark elves from other lands.

-helping out with the breakfast crew saturday morning! anytime you guys need help don't hesitate to hit me up.

-gathering information on the undead beastmen, i felt like a reporter on a crime scene lol!

thats all i can think of. Can't wait until August!
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AGB I love you guys!!!!! Thanks so much for running a great game!

Friday night when we were trying to get to the tavern and having to throw our ward up early without our third person in the cabin. >.<

Actually getting behind people and doing some damage with my backstabs!

Rescuing Black Forest from the spiders. Wow! I was kinda scared.

The gem mod first thing in the morning Saturday. I was literally getting ready to come into game when Chris came to tell me that they needed me NOW! Lol

The wonderful nap I got while the rain was falling.

Getting to see Chris all excited about the ritual he did. It was adorable.

Seeing Jadden freak out cause of the Harpie. All the laughs we got from their interaction. Not to mention the seriously intense RP Chris and I had.

Beating up the spiders and not being effected by most of them.

The nice little fire we had. It was fun RP and OOG chatter. We all had a great time.

We felt bad not waking us till the final wave battle was going on. >.< We were both super tired. Hopefully we will be able to wake up in time next event.
-Rat battle while intoxicated.
-Being an Orc in the rain yelling about a turtle, and the confusion on the faces of people who had NO idea what was going on.
-Drunk V and 'rali
-More Spirit of the Forest RPs and the new confusion for Keldar
-Loneliest Panterghast
-The glare of defiance from the Panterghast that I beat to death with a stick.
-Order of the Wild, and the look on the 'Rali's face when I won.
-The confirmation of Keldar's Juju bubble superstition.
There may be others, but those are the first that come to mind.
  • Charlais conversing with one of the turtle-seeking orcs (who deserve a bullet point of their own) near a cabin, directing him towards the denizens therein, and promptly waylaying/KBing him
  • Rali receiving a certain special semi-permanent gift from Cadeis
  • Twitch being given Fae herpes (and being a good sport about the nicknames)
  • The brief moment before Saturday's dead walk when Charlais decided he would rift out with Terror, and the entire tavern touched him in hopes of travelling with (... boo selective rift)
  • Grim teaching Angdala how to parry
  • The harpy who gave out sensual protectives :)
  • How very understanding everyone was when I would ask OOG questions in combat, thank you
  • LARPing for the first time and having a barrel of fun!
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Wow, I have never felt as ridiculously badass as I did this weekend!
*Killing spiders and "investigating" farmhouses with Ike.
*Using my first Life spell!!! Congrats Ike on being the recipient.
*Trying to take a calm stroll around the lake with my Sisters and having our plans blown apart by gnolls.
*Two little plants dragging an empty stone elf up the hill. Followed by super focused rage killing of elosti.
*To Kai, "I'm going to do something stupid." Angrily, and uncharacteristically loudly, demands an audience with the dragon of discord.
*Thank you Rich for the awesome RP with my favorite pain in the *** dragon!
*Erotic adventures with sexy harpies. Offering my family members up as sexy playthings to break lol.
*Teasing Charlais about his girlfriend.
*3 DRYAD PANTHERGHASTS! Having to play fighter with Kailani as my backpack and us managing to kill two of them. Pro-tip: Don't piss off liches.
*Thanks everyone for helping me replace my stolen treasury plus a good deal more!
I forgot a BIG favorites of mine.

Player smiles :)

Watching how players choose to interact with your world. You guys are what makes little sleep and long nights TOTALLY worth it.
Good event! Rali cleaned up in LCO scrolls. I am SO EXCITED to use them!

Favorites for the event:

1. Cadeis's "gift" to Rali. You are such a ****, and the only perspective she got was how much it sucks to have hypersensitive horns protruding from one's skull :p However, the subsequent RP was GREAT. Erathuil intercepting an amorous Charlais with the MOST BEAUTIFUL WAYLAY. All of the waylay interactions this past weekend were hilarious, but man, that one took the cake.
2. New NPCs. You guys did GREAT! You were great sports while learning, too. "With mystic force I bind you! Are you bound?" "Yes." "Ok, you can run when bound. With mystic force I pin you! Now you can't."
3. All things Order of the Wilde. THANK YOU SO MUCH. You guys made Rali's black little dried up husk of a heart feel a few emotions. Thank you for being stupid in the woods with me :)
5. Running from pantherghasts forever. Subsequently coming home and finding a magic, unshatterable longbow tag in my treasury. Whomp whomp.
6. Spiders FOREVER. God damn, cloaking binding and a PA+3 never made a girl feel as hardcore as they did this past weekend. ARCANE WHAT? CLOAK. STOP TICKLING ME. Also, the rat dance.

Really good event. I am probably missing some stuff, but that is the gist of it :)
So many favorites and so little time

First and foremost, Thank you Plot, Staff and NPC's you made the weekend! One of my most enjoyable weekends in the last few years! Thank you!

Favorites (in no particular order):

1. The failed attempt on trapping/killing that Looney Bin Necromancer wannabe girlfriend of mine, Korina. Susie Lee is amazing at playing the role of the psychotic, obsessed love interest. Amazing Role play at the "dinner", complete with conversations and actions that have left a lasting neurosis for my character to deal with. Wedding Rings made from the hollowed out horns of a fellow MeWe? Sure, lets just push Charlie even further down the rabbit hole of insanity and self loathing. Loved every horrible minute!

2. Finding and debuting more fun stuff at the bar. 2 unique recipes, both with awesome effects. Gotta love the Guilds

3. Teaching Waylay. If there's a event where I don't get to assault somebody and am able to casually explain it away, then I'm not trying hard enough. Thanks Kris for being such a good sport.

4. Vox Pinata!

5. Rali's Unexpected Race Change and Charlies ZOMG! reaction to it. Plus the way the chase ended. *Smack* I'm so proud of my pupil, they grow up so fast. Props to Emily O' for taking the ridiculous amount of sexual double entendres in stride. Charlie enjoyed your stiff upper lip. (*nudge* *nudge*, see what I did there? Waka Waka!)

6. The "Reason that shall not be named" why Charlie became a raging ******* for the first part of Saturday. Well done, "you know who you are"

7. Em's Harpy. Saving me in more ways then she can possible count.

8. Chris and Angle, love role playing with your dark elves, Sorry if we broke you Chris, you still owe Charlie a sandwich...

9. Chulainn and Rayna, even after he acts like a jackass you still have his back. Charlie couldn't ask for better friends.

10. Food committee and everybody who volunteered to help in the kitchen. Its a shitty and exhausting job, but you guys rock it like champs. Thank you for everything you do.

11. Getting to blast undead with 21 earth... I WILL KILL YOU WITH GOLD!

12. Ditzler-gaunt... you re-attuning SOB. ;)

13. People ordering so much Dwarven Whiskey that I actually ran out for the first time ever! (Kyle, If I drank 5 shots of lemon juice like that I would hurl!)

14. As always, seeing new faces and meeting new people. Hats off to the first time players on both PC and NPC sides. Please come back, we love you!

Right. There is loads more but I'm fried. See you all in August.
1) Rali's birthday presents :D
2) V's yelling at Cadeis. He was actually a little surprised.
3) Charlais reacting to a new pair of horns in town, however briefly lived
4) Charlais (again) and his wedding negotiations
5) Buying dinner and snacks
6) Some very clean fights with specific people - thank you especially to Robert and Frank
7) Susie helping me keep my head on straight all weekend

and lastly

8) Cadeis making new friends :)
Good times for the whole weekend! Doing my best Black Knight impression fighting one-limbed against the spellstrike wither machine was a good time especially.

Most importantly a thank you to everyone who made it possible to have my now-fiance abducted so I could propose after saving her! A great time was had by all on that one, even my brother who almost rezzed because Mairead couldn't stop weeping with happiness long enough to Life him.
Any event where Mairead openly blubbers is a good time. :)