
Thanks for the nod on the breads Crystal!
Your mint chocolate brownies were awesome too!
Those were MINT chocolate brownies!!!???? :shock: OMG I wish I had had a sweet tooth on saturday.... :cry:
Here were my favorites, in no particular order:

- Apatow (this is the correct spelling, for those who care)
The look of horror on peoples' faces after I revived was great

- Strapping on the armor one final time
Getting to play Garmok one final time was bittersweet, but memorable

- Halgrimson mods
The wave mod was crazy and intense, and the second half was an eerie calm til the end

- Bloodball
Looked so fun... Can't wait to play next time

- One word resurrections
Ive never laughed so hard I cried at Alliance before

- Hengina
Horrifying, but I couldn't look away...