Feast fit for a Royal Knight


Friends & Adventurers,
As most of you may know a Few months back I was able to locate the Permanently dead body of Sir Bryce. It deeply saddened me as I know it did many of you. Being in Evorra at the time aiding Sir Logan and so far from home, we sent him to the Hero's Graveyard with Honor and Kind words upon a burning Pyre.
I will be at the up coming gathering, I will be bringing Sir Bryces Ashes with me to be given to the Nobles of Ashbury. Saturday evening I have made arrangements to prepare a feast in Honor of Sir Bryce. I invite you all to join me, as well as seek some volunteers in preparing the feast.

Squire, Commander Ithica
I, Sir Daniel Grimsby Merrick, shall be there for you Brother Ithica
Glory and Honor,

Ill be there sir.

Glory to the honored dead. I shall be present. Let me know what assistance you may need Squire, and I will be happy to help.

-Gwendara Alanik
Friend Ithica,

I would like to thank you for your delicious feast this gather! I did not know your lost friend Sir Bryce but I am sure he would have been very pleased at your tribute to him, and personally I was honored to have been there for it. I look forward to seeing you again at the next gather my friend!

Be well until then!