Feb 13th Day Faire Information

The Dinner is being held on Februrary 13th, 2010 (Saturday)

The Dinner will be held at Bendon Hall
Bendon Hall Location Link http://alliancetraverse.com/alliance/location.htm

Pre-reg deadline for the event is Midnight Feb 9th (Tuesday)

On the day of the event, Logistics will begin at 10am and the event starts at 12 noon. (pre-reg'd individuals will still have their packets available after that time, anyone else will have to wait for a member of logistics to be available to assist you.)

Snacks will be available to munch on, Dinner will be served at 2pm.

Anyone who wishes to show up early to help set up (and earn some Gobbies) we will be posting a time when we will be at the hall.

Donations of Out-of-Game items are needed for the Auction. If you have an item that you think might make a good donation, PM me or email at alliancetraverse@yahoo.com . All donations get Goblin Stamps for the donation, as well as the Goblin Stamp value for what the item goes for in the auction. (So even if you can't attend the event, you could still make a donation and bank in on some Gobbies.)

Current List of Auction Items: (we will update the list as we get donations)
1. Dragon Statue - Matt Byers
2. A Real Girls of Gaming Calendar - Alliance Traverse City

Thanks to all who can attend and make this event a success.

Matt and Beverly - Alliance Traverse

We changed our dinner start time to 2pm. That way if people show up at 10am to help set up it isn't a too lengthy period of time before we eat.