Feb 2013- Day Event Favs!


Post them here guys and gals!

I want to thank the staff both on the logistics side for having a smooth check in, and pre pulled cards etc. Everything was smooth great job guys but also the plot team and all the volunteer NPCs who were tireless all day especially the new NPCs who got better and better throughout the day. Thanks to the new plot/npc guild members.

Smooth event overall, everything i participated in seemed well prepared and sensical, rough day overall, on the drive back I knew I had been beat up a lot. Above all though it set a pretty good tone for events to come so I look forward to it. I didn't get to RP with as many people cuz I was so busy getting tooled down by the purple people eater with briar for what seemed like 1/2 the day but it was good.

Some Favorites:

-EPIC Charge (sorry Alexander)- The final charge into the Empire would have made Gandian proud and is one of the best moments I've had in a while...the whole town converging on the Empire generals through snow drifts was awesome.

-Spirit Mod- The reveal about the trap, the decision to leave our fates in a stangers hands or to let the box come back was awesome.

-The chaos rune trap! Really cool set up, I was about 30 secs from calling it a day when someone came up with the idea that solved it all, props to whoever that was!

-The entire conversation with Talitha was really great RP. Mariah, you almost made me cry with your story and Fern is now hyper conflicted and confused what to do next.
"Your like my father" "You deserve a better dad"...awesome!

-Fern+Gypsies....oh the deals we make....yall are gunna owe me someday.

-Hobling RP- short but pleasant as always Ethan, can't wait till we have more time to start in on it.

-Nakira...I'm so sorry you had to get sucked in to that dirty dirty fight.

-Kit deathing the bandit...and people think Fern can be mean. lol
Loved the sight, loved the staff, loved all the new players.

-negotiating with bandits for York's sword
-Kale and I facing off against one bandit till another came up. I'm so glad I can yell loud enough for help when I need it.
-Adrian, the Sage of Temporal Terroir, "May time fly when you are having fun"
- Landing two of my wand charges on Alexander's and Ryan's bandits and them taking the time to take my 1 elemental stone. Just wait till I get a greater wand.
- Buying out Tazoultai's shields and Jamina's great suggestion to get strengthened ones, its in the budget now and you will receive my order
-Tazoultai's Squiring thing, congrads you've earned it long ago and it's nice to see some beard plot, especially after two dwarves rezed.
-puzzle mod, I love how scared I got realizing it was a one man mod and it would be Alexander playing a traped creature. so glad we didn't have to fight you. Everyone did a great job working on that puzzle and thanks to I believe the Elf Healer or it was the bow Dyad who got us started on the right path. Thanks Alexander for the challenge and making us remember our affect groups.
-Negotiating with Courtney's bandit, should have took me up on it.
-giving a moral talk about supplies and fighting the corrupt using Zui as an example, I'm glad he kept his mouth shut for that though, I think it put all our actions in the proper shade of greay for Anthony and some of the others.
-Anthony wanting to save all the bandit, If I was Gorka they would have all been first aided and maybe wake up with a little food beside them, so thank you for taking some of that mantle
-Having a good use of disarm scrolls
-Jonathan and Lilly trying to screw each other over
-Jonathan accidentally yelling out Gorka and how it affected people, it means a lot to me that you guys still think of her cus I miss her so much myself.
-Remembering to write down things
-People being interested in my Fight practice on Saturday March 16th

Thanks again to everyone!
I had a great time this past weekend with all' yall! Here's a few of my favorites:

- Teaching new NPC's, I know I threw a lot at you guys in a short period (1-days are really action packed), everyone did a great job!
- Doing my best to cause trouble as a lone bandit in the woods, allowing the PC's to negotiate their toll down, "accidentally on-purpose" dropping one of the coins, and ending up with the haul of the century from the lone adventurer who stopped to help me after his friends wandered off. :twisted:
- Chicken-nu! (sorry that was too good to pass up)
- After yelling at the PC's to stop killing us poor bandits as they were making orphans and widows to have Kit just step up and death one of us was just harsh!

I have to give a grateful thank you to everyone who welcomed me back so warmly. The friendly community within Alliance Larp is what brought me back, and will continue to do so.
-Getting a lesson from Fern and fighting with him was quite a bit of fun, though it lead to me being downed quite a bit..
-Watching Cho Ko Nu sneak up behind a bandit within the tavern and waylaying them. Never do you want such a scary barbarian sneaking up behind you.
-The rune puzzle. "We can't use necromancy, time to leave!" "But... can't we use their necromancy? That doesn't technically count as wrong..."
-RP with Keallit is always a blast.
-The final battle and how well it played out.
-Being physically picked up and carried across the battlefield multiple times by Zui during the blade-eaters fight. Thank you for saving this newbie player far more times than you should have had to.
-During the bandit camp raid, being reduced to paying out of pocket for the bodies of allies. I can't begin to describe how frustrated poor Nakira was.

Again, the warm welcome was lovely. I will be back this next coming game, and can't wait to continue adventuring with you all.
Thank You NPCs and PCs alike...a few favorites...

-All things gypsy as always...Candle Day was fun even if we ran out of "Wine" I would of thougth 4 bottles of applejuice and grape juice would of been enough too, but we are thirsty sorts, lol...
-Asher successfully removing Regans issues for us. Good rp Ryan, so glad it worked..I couldnt decide if I was going to throw deaths or curses if you failed....Glad you made it easy for me
-Box mod was great special thanks to those involved, love Ryan sprinting to get ahead of us when we would walk too far, and loved the curious spirits during the rp
-Ewan sprinting to get the Gypsies to come help the final push against the bandits...Following running in the snow to almost loose a boot when I stepped in the deep stuff and being like maybe I will slow down a bit.
-Keallit/Deirdre med changes and the rps that resulted, this is going to get worse before it gets better I fear
-Guiding back Thorgrim with twisted red riding hood as his rez story, hope it was decent
-Last but not least, the final fight with two major highlights
- I grant you the gift of death..followed by courtney dipping and the poor new npc being like what happened...I guess that is the alliance variation of "aggressive negotiations"
- Also the Charge was epic, the snow actually sold it even more than if it had been a grassy field I think...best charge I have witnessed
Wow there was just so much that happened in one day I'm not sure I'll be able to think of it all... Well some of the best parts were:
Really meeting some people, especially Anthony.
"Chikenu!" That was funny.
Adrian, the sage of temporal terror. Him yelling "may time fly as you're having fun" was the perfect way to leave.
Zip the quickling! It was really fun watching Alexander running around.
The riddles to free Zip, and feeling proud when I figured out the first one.
Jumping in to an argument just for fun, and later debating the laws with Katira, Asher, and Cho Ko Nu
Having Lilly berate a bandit right in front of us. (actually berate isn't a strong enough word)
THE CHARGE! That was one of the coolest things I've seen happen in combat.

It was a great event and I can't wait for April!
What a great event to start the season, and even despite my boasting of bringing around 10 people, we only brought a single newbie from Woodbury XD (unless we count Devin, but I'm not counting my healer-buddy due to his experience at the Banquet). Thanks to all the NPC's and the Plot Team for running a great event, and now to some of my favorites from the event.

-Entering the site, I think the bandits were a great way to get people into the combat early and it was a great way to score some quick loot :)
-The raid on the bandits was fantastic, Chickin-nu was absolutely hilarious and I can't believe that Thorgrim was only worth a single gold to the bandits :/
-The Blade-Eaters/Necromancy Undead thing mod, the puzzle was great and I'm sure that Thorgrim wasn't the only irritated one during that puzzle, and whoever thought of how to solve it was a freaking genius! :D
-Rezzing for the first time, I know this is kind of an odd one, but it was a great experience for both me and Thorgrim, also Kit's rez story was really cool and definitely resonated for Thorgrim
-The Ankheg, I believe Thorgrim is going to have to write a letter to the Roskarian officials about their giant acidic beetle problems...
-The final battle, that charge felt so epic. Both times :P
-The little quick tour of the empire, it was really unexpected, and I actually thought that I wasn't going to be able to play Thorgrim for a while after that XD
-Rifting into the middle of the crowd and interrupting Fern's speech, Paul, I'm sorry I stole your thunder at the end there :P

Overall, Thorgrim had a bad day, dying a total of 3 times, rezzing once, losing a shortsword, 2 daggers, and an axe, and getting sucked through a portal to lands unknown to gain a bit of information and in the end get hit by both nausea and vertigo XD. Vaughn however had a great time and can't wait for the next event/fight practice, which ever he can go to first. Thanks again to everybody for a great time :)
Loved the site, beautiful weather, great food and great friends. The one thing I absolutely did not like was the fact I never considered sunscreen...my poor red face!

- Casting a Ritual on Regan and having my ego boosted for being 2/2, where a certain person is 0/2 on those same two Rituals :)
- Asher and Katira standing back coaching Kale how to fight an Ahnkeg. He did pretty well.
- Having Ser Thaylin chew me out and reverse my long, hard thought, merciful compromise for Cho's fate. Was really pissed about that IG, but thought it was pretty sweet OOG.
- The final fight was pretty epic, I loved the charge, and even more enjoyed DGs face after throwing Banishes into him, even if it didn't do anything.
- Talking with Katira reteaching her 6th, 7th, and 8th circle of Earth. "You know, a GOOD apprentice learns how to teach others"
- Being Paranoid during the bandit mod. I swear one day you're all going to kill me and take my boots...don't be tellin' me you ain't!
- How annoyed I was seeing a spider-kin chased by Trogs. The guy just couldn't be happy with his shovel.
- finally, attuning Hooter McGavin to Gaden. Thanks Alexander for that spur of the moment thing.

- Ryan

p.s. Dear Peter H, if you don't have 4W drive, do not go up a snowy incline. Thank you.
AllianceCHI said:
-The chaos rune trap! Really cool set up, I was about 30 secs from calling it a day when someone came up with the idea that solved it all, props to whoever that was!

That was me, and you're welcome.

My favorites were...

  • Playing as a different PC...again. Also, thanks to Alex...ander, for making my mask!
  • Helping solve the chaos trap. Sometimes you gotta already have the mindset to be willing to use chaos when push comes to shove >.>
  • Carrying Nakira to safety a few times. Because that still counts as being a healer right?
  • Letting people know that I'm just a scholar, then running at enemies and tooling them down claw and shield with mah awesome 2 normal.
  • Quietly listening to Lilly lecture the bandit about stealing things and hurting the effort against the Corrupt, then later we both talked to each other about how little we actually know about the Corrupt.
  • Seeing a completely different vibe in town from when I first started. Definitely a less group oriented town during this event.

Definitely looking forward to continuing PC'ing with y'all this year!
What a fun event it was for me!

-Overall throwing Cho Ko Nu's caution to the wind and letting his true, more sinister, nature begin to publicly shine. Thank you Ryan Bu., Alexander, Teague, and the other NPCs for running with it from beginning to end!
-The large amounts of compliments and running joke of "enough weapons?" for my battle harness of awesomeness. Unfortunately, as with some first prototypes, it had a malfunction in the shoulder strap so I had to lose my longs and two-handers for the rest of the day.
-Beginning the day getting robbed blind by bandits, but finding their camp, and getting the entire town to come to my aid for bloody vengeance.
-CHI-KEN-NU. I had to physically struggle to keep my composure and not join in the laughter. That was hilarious! :funny:
-Meeting another Barbarian, Nakira!
-Debating the logic and laws of punishing a suggestion to use necromancy while allowing many necromantic beings to continually spawn, with the net effect of more necromancy in the land, and turning some minds around to the idea that a little necromancy in moderation may not be so bad. :twisted:
-Taking out three bandits with my newly acquired and favorite skill in the game, waylay.
-Learning 6 of the 7 skills I wanted to learn during the event for a very small price.
-Running into the sunset with Jimmy Three-Face and my new family of bandits, and therefore becoming an official fugitive in Gaden/Roskaria, wanted for necromancy-related charges. This gives me a really good in-game reason for not being around for a while, which I was struggling to come up with before the event. I am very excited by the potential directions plot could take this. :hahaha:

And yes, Ryan Be., I must give a sincere thank you to those who helped get my car un-stuck on the hill after the event. I underestimated the angle and icy-ness of that hill.
Almost forgot the best mod of all...Push Peters car out of the snow.

Seriously though one of the reasons I love all you guys, Ryan Bu and I jumped out to help him without hesitating and before long were joined by Ryan Be and just as we were like we cant do it...Courtney and Dan showed up...

My favorite moment had to be when we all were rocking the car to knock it loose and I looked up to see Peter in a rollercoaster up down tossy curvy turny...He had a big smile on his face like he was enjoying the moment if not the situation.
This one day was fantastic. It felt good to get back into fighting again and the chaos of things.

-Meeting Kale and Tauren, you two brought a lot of energy despite being new players, it made it easy to RP and engage with you. I definitely hope to see you two more in the future! :D
-Zip and Adrian, many thanks to Alexander who single handedly organized, participated and guided us through the quickling mod. It was really special to gather more information about the Empire and its magics.
-Courtney playing her bandits, whether her 'oooh! I love a man who can fight' comment making me blush, or the conflict during the Empire attack I absolutely adore her presence.
-Throwing snowballs at other adventurers, and sometimes getting away with it.
-Both Lily and Jon messing up on names terribly made me giggle.
-Talitha, you never cease to make me smile.
It felt so good to be back with all of you! The winter is always so long.

- Trekking through the snow with the Wolves, and Jon's complaining. Tal says: "It could be worse. At least there is nothing chasing us." Bandits jump out onto the path behind us. "...I'm sorry I said anything."
- Fern: "Tal, don't go back out there. They're being stupid." Tal: "But I'm responsible for stupid."
- Fighting Courtney as a bandit and both of us going down simultaneously as she dies and I lose my footing in the snow.
- Fern helping Tal off the ground at one point, and starts brushing snow off of her, adjusting her cloak, and making a fuss, muttering something about her being trouble. Made Tal feel like an embarrassed little kid who's not quite sure what they did wrong.
- Playing what was essentially a game of peek-a-boo with Ryan's NPC in the spirit world.
- Snow fight with Shanthony, and chasing him down only to have him stab himself in the back with a tree branch for me. "You just got back-stabbed by a rogue standing in front of you. How do you feel about that?"
- Cheering ensues when the only-opened-with-Necromancy door finally opens. Then some sort of chaos damage is called and the cheering stops as several of us drop like flies.
- Jon and Shanthony arguing about the value/usefulness of laws.
- Lilly lecturing a bandit.
- Fern and Tal's talk. "You are like my father." Did not expect the tears. Now Tal's going to want to know Fern's story.
- The charge was awesome, and the fact that it retained its momentum the second time made it just that much cooler.
It's been good to play as Ben again. My favs, in no particular order, and probably forgetting some things,

-Finally being able to make a useful amount of potions every day, and actually having people acknowledge the contribution
-Somehow being put in charge of teaching two of the new players what to do beforehand, and coming into game in the middle of a bandit attack from several sides, and realizing that I never told them who to attack. Sorry guys.
-Finding out the armored acidic armadillo's weakness by pure accident.
-Lecturing the other adventurers on how it's wrong to just kill these bandits that are already unconscious without a trial, and having them be dead when I turned back around. Still don't know who pulled that one off.
-Coming into the final battle with no spells left, and still managing to be useful. Did I mention I love being a potion maker?

See you guys in April
-Lecturing the other adventurers on how it's wrong to just kill these bandits that are already unconscious without a trial, and having them be dead when I turned back around. Still don't know who pulled that one off.

Welcome to my world Seamus :er:
Darkcrescent said:
-Lecturing the other adventurers on how it's wrong to just kill these bandits that are already unconscious without a trial, and having them be dead when I turned back around. Still don't know who pulled that one off.

Welcome to my world Seamus :er:

You know Gorka just shamed or beat everyone into being nice. That or doing it far away from her so she never heard about it.
This was my first game really doing plot stuff, and I'd firstly like to thank our NPCs for making it happen! That being said, thank you to all the PCs for adding the richness that our game has! I can't wait for the rest of the season with you guys. Here are some favorites of mine, in no order:

  • Setting a trap on the opening encounter as a bandit, and having a fellow bandit pick up the trapped item, accidentally Vertigo-gassing himself and another bandit. Good job, guys. :P
  • “Chickenu!”
  • Talking to Lily, Tauran, and Anthony as Adrian, the Sage of Temporal Terroir. Great RP from all of you!
  • The PCs’ reactions to the Quickling.
  • The look on Jen’s face as I was talking to Tazoulti as Lord Thunderstep.
  • “Is it just me, or does it sound like it’s saying ‘Fern’?”
  • Two words: Hooter McGavin.
  • I gotta say: Dave looked great in the Red Lion outfit.
  • Vaughn’s look of wonder/terror when the key pulled him through the portal was priceless.

I look forward to the April game with y'all, and remember: get those IBGAs and feedback in!
OMG I forgot about that "FEEERRNNN" Monster...that was hilarious
I had a great time, and thank you NPC's! Pretty much everything I loved about the event has been said... Except for:

-Great job Teague for waylaying me right in front of the tavern with nobody noticing! :P

Just as we're all entering the tavern, a group of 7 or so people going into the Tavern, and I'm last in line, only to get waylaid and drug behind some trees. I don't know if I'm more impressed that he pulled it off with nobody noticing, or that nobody noticed I was missing. Didn't know I was so unimportant to everyone but Fern, who at least let the battle stay in the clearing when I was confined. :P