Feb Event Favorites

There are many, and I will prob edit this several times.

The NPCs and PCs putting up with the cold!
The idea of opening a vault door in an ancient Quell ruin. (Recap on this please)
The behemoth concept, and getting run over by it.
The animals were played very well by the NPCs.
The food and hot drinks were wonderful.
Getting to throw a big gas globe at the scorpion.
The Gryphon's Wing - thank you Dure'dhel!
Vermouth and basket antics.
Role playing MWE with Tondra.
Seeing Icy in action.
Urt "I am told you can't spell hurt without Urt"
I very much enjoyed the event as well :)

Loved being a part of the Behemoth
Very Friendly Group to a first time player.
Hot Food and Drinks was wonderful after being cold.
Gollum Mod :)
First off, a very warm thank you to all the NPCs that put up with the frigid temps. Nothing like accurately phys repping the environment.

The Crown Ancient - Crown Seed Avatar fight - fighting 4 against the hordes was taxing, even when you have Dured'hel's golem fighting with you. 5 more minutes and we would have been overcome due to a lack of weaponry.

The initial assault against the scorpion to talk, but then getting to assess its fighting skills.

The brisk wind.

Speaking with Master Harkon (sp? - dwarven foreman) and Betsie (I hope you've gotten enough to eat now).
Definitely good to get a larp fix before May! Good to see all those who came out and the 2 new NPCs who looked like they quite enjoyed themselves!

- Puzzle Mod. "If Fiona were here, she'd have been done by now and made 2 hot cocoas by now" and 10 minutes later, "she'd have solved this and made 18 hot cocoas by now". Also plugging in the incorrect last combination and opening the lock in front of Tandra, Artemis and Jasper with a huge grin on my face--then replacing the contents with an arrow.

- Fluffkins the kin, "Wait, so you haven't had anything to eat for 7 days? Then grab that sword, and move north to the Grasslands, because when we leave, so does the food!"-Vermouth

- When Jasper put on all blue, "Thank you for getting rid of your shininess and being respectful for me"-Vermouth

- York duel fighting. "You know, you don't always have to hit my right arm"

- The Behemoth was pretty cool concept--though Mist Sid happened to have it out for me...
For My Fist game as an NPC i can see a whole new side of the game which was really interesting.

The wasteland native that talked a lot and the fools allowed behind their mage.

Patches the Foxkin. easily the most fun I had. When he asked what racism was and simply got the response of "your cute" made his day.

My first 'Big" card as a sky golem. Elemental. Thing. No idea what it was but It had a lot of body and it HURT. Simple but awesome.

Stephen's incredible pole-arm skills. Not only does he swing for 12's but i cant hit him. Normally the roles are reversed and I'M the one with the two hander hurting.

The Behemoth, while a pain for NPCs was an interesting mechanic. I'd love to see it again but rather be a PC when it comes back.

Lasty what can I saw. I kept spawning near you. I purposely spawned far away once to try to not be near you and you were right there when i got to the fight.

All in all an excellent event and while I wished I Raggles could have been there I'm glad I NPC'd.