There was so much good RP this weekend, and so many really good fights.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding with not-pregnant Amory ~.^
Some highlights:
*Talking with Bavaikas <3
*Going into game feeling like Amory's story was a bit adrift - coming out with Journeyman to the Earth Guild and Armsman to the Knights of Aer'Astria

Both those were welcome surprises.
*Drinks and chocolate with Aqua and Lavina.
*Awkward not relationship conversations with Durnic and Aqua :|
*Serious talk with Killian, and all the RP around those two. ^.^
*The "not mage hunters, really" coming in and being subtle as bricks asking about everyone's strengths and weaknesses. Amory's so used to deflecting with them, that it was a shock/relief when the Celestialists responded to their presence with "Bring it!"
*Reminding Aqua that prisons and bendy-posy-paralysis are a good way to reinforce a point >.>
*That Saturday night fight tho. Seriously. Objectives marked, objectives secured, and we're out!
Likewise turning to Kel and asking for a distraction, and getting Kel, Ian, and one or two others to close a flank. Perfection.
*Holding my breath while we walked Illahee past Disease. "Why are you herding me in a weird direction?" "Nothing, nothing. It's fine. Really."
*Meeting Loom, Gali, and Basil - and just having them roll with the adventurer shenanigans and paranoia. Y'all rocked it.
*Telephone paralysis when Gali noticed the Selunari Consortium member getting increasingly sketch. That was perfect timing.
I could honestly keep going. Thank you all for such an amazing game. Really looking forward to further fun in April!