February 22nd - Roleplay Day

I laughed. I am totally going to open up this tavern with that exact name. "You want an ale with that potato asshat?"
"Bartender, the milk is curdled." "Then don't drink it dummy." The customer service will be atrocious. Plates will be thrown and prices will be inflated. lol

The funny part is I bet this tavern would be moderately successful as a business model. Questionable Content an online webcomic has "Coffee Shop of Doom" which has this model. In Chicago Ed Debevic's basically operates on this principle. The servers all insult the customers and people love it.
There are things in the works (not by me, by others). Thats why i dont want the concept tarnished by the sentiment that its out of spite or something because innitiating that as even a vague idea isnt whats needed. Make more sense?
For sure! I love IG reactions to IG things. Comments that are OOG that noble plot should be removed from the game are OOG comments. "plot" is an OOG comment and event commentary is also "OOG". I have just felt a lot of OOG negative sentiments, but maybe thats just me and I'm too sensitive.
Dont take it personally, its just a lot of people wanting more attention (fair, we all pay the same for game, and everyone wants somethin) and not knowing how to get it in some cases or in others not voiceing or being understood. Noone actually hates anyone, its just frustration. The best bet is for all parties to be understanding, rather than offended based on imaginary-freind-class, Try and see what the other people are seeing, and seek out ways to facilitate what eachother's needs and what they personally want and then go get it or make it. Its literally that simple.

But for cereal we're derailing the thread.
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As written, the Light The Way event was intended to have the Plot NPCs drive more structured conversations about "The story thus far." Unfortunately, 4/5 of the Plot Team were unable to make the event -- 3 at the last minute due to Snowpocalypse... which happens, as we all understand. Ideally, it would've been nice to have more of those pivotal Non-Player Characters there to present the story thus far, and introduce players (or re-introduce them) to social resources like the New Acarthia Town Guard, and its various guilds. Know that was a plan that simply didn't survive the elements, however. I agree with your sentiment, John, that a more structured recap would've been a delight.

Your suggestion about rumor sheets also is an excellent one that could've taken very little in the way of creative resources before the event to setup, but given some crumbs to feed the birds, conversationally. Great idea, and I'll include that in my notes for how to do this better next time!

I had a great time at the RP event. I agree that npcs driving conversations about the story thus far, or some rumors probably would have added a lot. I enjoyed all of the activities. Brooke (NOT Amy) was very upset that she did not win the baking competition, so she decided to try to win the Taft fighting competition. Brooke has no fighting skill (and Amy has never even fought OOC). The Taft fighters indicated that they were willing to negotiate the terms of their battles. After negotiating EXTREMELY beneficial terms (padded spear that could pierce or slash and shield vs. dagger and 3 vs. 5 hits, lol) Brooke was able to win against Kendrick, Izzy and Parcival. She was then able to convince Banks and a new player to participate.

The food was awesome! I was really impressed by the spread... especially given then weather.

I enjoyed meeting all of the many new players. I hope that they all had a good time, and will join us again in March and/or April.

Thanks to all who participated and planned a great RP event.