Overall - I had a great time. I felt kind of useless overall in the dungeon (except I did eventually remember that Artie said to tell them he sent us - but I was Paranoid when the rest of the party started talking to the NPCs and for some reason was under the impression that they were talking to an Ogre when I was expecting to tell that to a thief's guild. I love, however, that it gave Kimahri a chance to try to sell them coffee

Between failing to spot (let alone disarm) every trap and spending a fight literally dumping out my bag wondering where I put my Cause Damage gas globes while everyone else was fighting werewolves w/o silver weapons was annoying (I also should have known from my foray into the smurf village last summer that giant frogs sometimes have acidic skin - damnit!). I was pleased that I managed to unlock the first door we encountered with tweezers (even though the NPC promptly re-locked it before I could convince the fighter to open the door) I was also kind of pleased when Abbey (as marshal) asked me how I unlocked the door to the werewolves so quickly. "I had a key..." "Yeah.. but it was a puzzle lock." "Uh... okay that explains why the sliding bar was shaped so weirdly, but it seemed pretty straight forward to me, did I not do it right?"
I loved some of the alternate uses for skills - digging a chest out of a wall with a blacksmith phys-rep while the celestial casters kept the frog at bay (we didn't want to kill it) was kind of fun! I'm just glad the marshal was counting because I kept losing count - 5 minutes is a long time to focus when you have ADHD
In retrospect - we probably shouldn't have gone in with 7 people (even though I was the most vocal in saying it would be the most fair to all who arrived) This, combined with the fact we were a little nervous to go into the rooms was what caused the fights in the hallway to be very, very bad for us (but I couldn't bear the thought of leaving a player behind just because we had one too many people

) I very clearly remember at once point everyone cowering behind me since I had the most armour (10) and whacking a zombie for 2 with my staff before ducking into the room where we fought the werewolves ... only to hear the walls falling down in the hallway behind me.
I was really looking forward to 'double hooking' and a little sad that I didn't get a chance to play a monster

The twist at the end - having pretty much every person that Math considers a trusted ally all being arrested for Treason all at the same time... quite a shock!
Garnett wrote;
"Walking away with two silverpieces when it's verbally known other groups walked away with up to two gold pieces a member would irk me as well, and when I asked about magic items four of their members blinked and asked “We got miniscule rewards at all, what about magic items?” "
While the coin distribution is already being addressed in detail - I do want to point out that Math has *never ever ever* seen a magic Item except for a Titan Token that was given as a reward for RPing (1 event use only) and a silence item that got used ON him (but he doesn't remember that). Also - this was the first event I've ever seen a reagent - and I've been playing nearly a year!
Maybe this can be chalked down to the fact that I'm a support character for the most part and don't loot bodies directly, but it does seem a little annoying when people talk about magic items non-chalantly and I'm like 'wow - those things are pretty rare, I don't even believe they exist'.