February Role Call


Not an official thing, just curious who is braving the cold and coming out to this event? (Also don't forget to pre-reg)

Brigit and I will be there.

I'm in. Leavin' the GF at home; she's not pulling her IG weight.
I will be there.
Thanks for the "plug" for pre-registering. What's funny is that, except for Thetford, everyone who has responded to the post so far has already done so.

For everyone who plans to attend, but hasn't pre-registered
--> The deadline for the $10 discount is 11:59pm on Monday, February 11th.
--> Pre-registrations sent after 11:59pm Thursday, February 14th will not be accepted and you will have to
check in as though you did not pre-register (this also means you do not get the 30 goblin stamps for pre-registering)
These are hard deadlines, no exceptions. Instructions are in the Pre-Registration post in the announcements section. Please include all information requested (even if your response is "none") including if you are having tavern food.

Head of Logistics SoMI
Us gypsies will all be there!
(Wes, Dave, Ian, and Baylan)

I am really sorry to both the other players but especially to the plot team who worked so hard to create an awesome IBGA. I will be unable to get to the event. :(

I have to apologize too, I really want to come out but have family obligations. And rock on on the IBGAs. See you guys in march for sure.
Looks like I am going to be able to make it after all. Whoo! Drinking tea in the woods!