Feedback April 12-14

I also wanted to give a few shout outs this weekend.

Becky: Your food is normally awesome. It was exceptional this time though. This wasn't just a good meal at Alliance, it was a good meal period. With out the turkey, setting the mood for the feast would have been harder, much harder. Thanks for all your contributions.

Jorshua: You came through for us re: Voth. I appreciate it. And I think for the first time this weekend, I saw you really get into character like in the old days. It's super refreshing.

Joe West: You helped Keith learn the **** out of the game. While Chad and I were scrambling, you taught him what he needed to know. Thanks.

And lastly Travis. I know you and me disagree about everything in regards to plot sometimes. But, you missing Friday night was noticed. I think the event got 10x better when you showed up Saturday morning.
I was only out for half the event (and I'm all broken up about that) but here are my thoughts.

Pros: An enemy that is willing to negotiate and not just murder us all.
Interesting abilities on a giant prop monster (also two great props/costumes).
Awesome RP between players who want the same thing but have different styles about reaching their goals (Stevie, Chris T., & Brigit).
People (Ian is my prime example) taking craftsman skills before getting basic skill sets. I love the fact that people embrace the idea of making characters unique early in their time playing.
Cons: Me keeping Plot and NPCs waiting for hours because we got distracted by other stuff going on.
Not being there for the feast.

I was super glad to see more people finding something in the world that Plot created to get excited about. I've had my nature stuff for a long time and have thought that the guys did a great job of picking it up and running with it, but I've noticed that not everyone else has the same investment in something. Hearing people talk about things at the event I can see more and more people finding their connection to the world and I hope you're all enjoying the story as much as I am. Now we just need to sit down before the next event with our lists and make a list of lists so we can turn the tide against the Plot team.

Can't wait to see you all next event.
I had tons of fun, even though the lack of facilities was a bit uncomfortable.

I was amazed by how wonderful the feast was.. I knew the food would be great, but didn't expect so much attention to the ambiance. It means so much to me that people went out of their way to help us produce our vision, and beyond our wildest dreams. Thank you so much Becky, Beth, Ashley and Kristy (who came out after working like hell all weekend just to play an important role for us!)

a HUGE thank you to Blaine and Michelle, two displaced players from the old Ohio chapter who came up to play, and after struggling a bit to fit in and deal with our out of game challenges stepped up and helped behind the scenes during the feast so everyone could have a richer experience. You guys ROCK!

Keith, Soren and the Gentleman who was with them... (sorry i'm terrible with names). These cats came out to play CARPS, upon reilizeing that the CARPS event was moved they stayed and NPCed. I had a great time RPing with the Gentleman as my intellectual son over lunch and nearly forgot we were there to talk to PC's. Keith's portrayal of "sir" thorn brought a depth to the feast that we hadn't considered. Thank you guys for helping out.

to Wes and Zach who put a lot into a weekend plot line on a shoe string in a New York minute, and hold themselves to the highest of standards.

and to Jess, who with just one event behind her, was a fantastic addition to the NPC pool. Even RPing being tortured with a smile and a skip!

Best parts:

"sorry to say this... but... all I can think of is the Kool-aid man."

"MISTER thorn!"

Cessation asking Kegetsu to participate in his "pet projects"

have Josh bring two years of a behind the scenes, theoretical relationship between Thaddeus and Vothe to life in thirty seconds.

the perfect moment before Sloan attacked upon realizing that I realized her realization.

Having a great team, with great communication, for the Scorpion

"I'm a bear!"

I felt we had a hard time getting our footing Friday night, sorry for the confusion.

miss-communication about mod times ( at least I got the space heater fixed)

nearly falling asleep while talking to Nigel after the feast... (I blame the turkey :P )
Alkalin3 said:
Wes and Zach totally killed it. How did I forget them?

Zach made Chris cry! I saw it! ROONT!

(I hope this will suffice as my in-depth event response)

I too only got in on half the event but this particular event was very unique for me. Besides two very short combat roles I spent one full day role-playing with our PCs in two completely different roles.

In each case there were times where I was thinking to myself "Oh my god, how long have I been here? I need to get out and fight these people so they don't get bored..." and then I realized I was surrounded by characters that still wanted to talk, still wanted to engage the story the Plot team has written. That was a huge thing for me. I'm really grateful for the experience.

I would like to add my Becky rules all... and remind her that I owe her money. It could not have been a feast without you. Period. Best food I have had in a long time, and I work where there is a banquet hall.

I also want to thank the late night PCs that let me OOG blow off the last of my energy chatting with them... and I have bad news... I meant every word I said. :yes:

To Inger: never stop arguing with me. It only gets better when we do. Also thanks, really.
I had a blast at this event. Everyone was awesome to interact with. the Mods were different then what i am used to, but they were a welcomed change for me. I cant wait to come out to the next gathering.

Hi there, this is Michelle (Suune).

I wanted to say that even though Blaine and I had to leave early due to the cold, we both really had a lot of fun, and we're both really looking forward to coming back.

The mod system is really cool compared to what we have previously been used to, and it's going to be a lot of fun playing with that. Also, the role playing is great. I had such a good time just hanging out at the feast talking to the baron, and the other characters in this world. They're so well developed and interesting. And of course the feast itself was absolutely amazing, as was the rest of the food. Such good eating is pretty rare at a larp event.

I wanted to be sure to thank everyone who helped us get on our feet, both in game and out. It really was a lot of fun.
I'm glad I was at this event to witness the first snowfall of summer.

W00ts: As everyone else has said, this was most definitely a major RPing weekend for most, which was definitely enjoyable. I know there is not many plots that I am very invested in, however it was definitely harder to sit alone and just watch everything happen because there were many interesting things going on around me that I wanted to be a part of, so props to plot for making even a newbie player feel decently involved.

Booz: Almost every monster that I encounter has been scaled up to a point where I can hardly make a dent in it. I understand that I'm a low level, and that some of these things are aimed towards bigger groups/higher levels, however when almost every single green job has been taken by saturday afternoon, it puts me in a spot where I can essentially did nothing.

It was also slightly troublesome that the knowledge I gained from my IBGA was something I couldn't move forward with during the weekend, which is potentially all my fault for not asking the right questions.

And again, thank you everyone for putting up with my lack of knowledge on the majority of the background/effects/mechanics that were in play. I've yet to have a moment where I've not felt welcomed by everyone. Except for Steve. I think he just enjoys sending me outside for every conversation he has. :p

Thanks to everyone involved in plot/tavern food/NPCing, you guys are all fantastic and I had a phenomenal time overall.

I know I am very slow on this response, but I have been super busy trying to get our back to back events in order.

That being said I had a fan freaking tactic time at the event. i loved that the plot team is ever-changing and up to experiment with things.

Loved the food. Becky you did an amazing job with the food, and the ambiance. Thank you.

The feast was crazy fun. I felt like every single NPC played an awesome role and were really into their characters. Ashley's barb was an awesome new character. I kept saying to Sloane that there was so many new faces and it was really overwhelming and scary to be surrounded by so much unknown.

Josh playing Voth again after so long really made the dinner for me. I loved the tie in to the new nobles in game for me. I also loved that you guys were willing to go outside the box for my favor instead of wanting me to stick to the normal item or other favor thing.

2 Prop monsters first night!!!! OMG i loved it. I had not been that scared in so long, it felt amazing. I also loved that the spider was willing to role play and let us try a few things. It was a great combo of role play and combat, really started the event out good for me.

All the extra role play was really exciting that weekend. I did not really see people slipping out of game too often because there was always in game chat going on with other PCs and NPCS.

One of my favorite moment of the weekend was Travis playing the Oni and sitting in the tavern. When he told Nigel about Stonerest being so important, I actually felt smart for once. It was a great moment.

The "Spirit Man" and Sloane all weekend, AWESOME. When Chris came in with the jester character I don't think any of us could stop laughing, he was such a great entertainer.

Second favorite moment of the weekend, the almost throw down with Nigel. I had not felt that close to PVP and consequence in so long. And I knew Stevie wouldn't hate me out of game for it and vice versa. That was so much fun.

My favorite part of the event, which I told him at dinner, was seeing Chris look like he was having fun while running this time.

All in all I loved the event, and don't really have any bad things to say. Keep up the good work guys, I cant wait to get to the bottom of all these huge plot lines I am invested in :).


This is totally the game designer in me but, I have the most fun when I know other people are having fun. You don't see unhappiness. You see determination in my face to make sure everyone loves the event. Also, I've been trying to get into better shape so I can run events more easily. So I've been less exhausted at events recently.

-Other Chris