Feedback from Feb 15 - 17


As always we would like to get your feedback. Please let us know what you liked, didn't like, favorite moment, best role-play... the works.

I would just like to say that I had a really great time. Thanks very much for making this a fun start to the season!
So...cold... Can someone please explain to me how it got colder on Saturday when the sun came out?

Big thanks to the plot guys and NPCs for putting on a great event. Playing the bad guys is hard enough without the added fatigue of frigid temperature.

I really liked the story of the weekend. I am a huge fan of having a weekend goal in mind. Curse of Pestilence was perfect. Here's a thing, it sucks now so you better deal with it, or it's going to suck for a while. Having a short term goal that is part of a longer plot is the type of larping I enjoy.

The 'plot' effects were very cool as well. I like having known repercussions going on as motivation. The whole create undead thing was very engaging for me. It was thematic, not broken, and fun. :thumbsup:

Favorite moment was hearing 'Green glowing eyes" in Chad's voice. I start yelling, "Lich. BIG LICH" He weaknesses me. Knowing that I can't hurt him I just sort of follow him to keep him bothered. At one point, we were circling a large tree I was trying to use as packet cover. Finally Mathis and Tadron showed up to start the beat-down. Cherry on the whole moment was Mathis running right by the lich asking "where?" fun times.

I also really liked the Saturday pools of chaos. Having the different types of monsters really mixed up the fight. Shout out to the pestilence elemental for throwing friggin' darts. Like a sniper this guy. Hope to see you around again.

My only complaint would be the prevlance of spell strikes, packet delivered takeouts and carrier attacks. They seemed to be everywhere. I'm only 9th level and I think I got beaten down, maybe three times. One of them being a slay. Every other time it was Spell strike Drain, or nausea gas posion, magic death etc. It isn't a common issue with our events so it was a little glaring, but I understand needing to mix-stuff up. It didn't really seem out of place for the plot, but it did give me a sense of 'Why should I bother' when it came to certain plot events/mods.

Looking forward to March!

EDIT: I forgot, The psuedo-double-hook ravenswood mod was really well crafted. Close enough to interact, but still feel isolated. Very sweet.
Hey all-

Thanks for another great Alliance South Michigan event! I was able to stay longer at this event than the previous few, and the extra time was rewarded with even more fun.

The jobs board is such an awesome thing, I just cannot stress this enough. At least 2-3 times this event, we were able to get a group together (one time it was three people including me; others, it was far more) and go do something on our own initiative. That allowed us to make the decision whether to brave the cold and go have some fun. Also, it’s awesome that the physical paper the jobs were on looked so period this event. A small detail, but it definitely did not go unnoticed.

I am still trying to find my stride with the levels of the jobs. I completely respect the idea that you guys do not scale, so a green is always a green. On Saturday when we were tapped, we got a group together, which turned out to be something like 10 people, and opted for a couple of green jobs. As you guys warned us at the time, they were not scaled, and they were easy for our group. From our characters’ perspectives, we were doing good work for the common man. But from a gaming/scaling/overall-PC-and-NPC-fun perspective, we should have been doing tougher stuff. I realize now that this is on us to have the guts to take on a red when we are tapped. Sometimes that is a fool’s errand but sometimes we just have to be tough and do it. All of that said, I would change nothing about the system whatsoever. It’s just taking some time to figure out how tough each one is, to be able to manage things like time allocation, getting the stuff done, etc.

Turning to the weekend plot, I just really liked that there was some “weekend plot”—in other words, plot that on its face was to be started and finished in one weekend. It creates time pressure to get the job done, especially when we know there are year-long consequences if we fail. I was sorry to have to miss the culmination of the plot on Saturday night, but alas, tis the call of real life. One side note here is that it never became apparent what the cause was for the three curses, so although it seems like we dealt with the plot, there is a bit of an information void there. I am guessing that ties into the bigger picture, though, so maybe we’ll learn more about that later, and that’s good with me.

At the same time that you guys were pulling off a really fun weekend plot, it was so patently obvious that there was major long-term stuff going on. That’s a tough thing to balance, and I have played in games where the balance wasn’t there. But you really struck it well this weekend.

If there is one piece of constructive criticism I would offer, I would like to echo Joe’s sentiment about spell strikes and carriers. There was a lot of that this weekend, and so many people spent a lot of time drained, nauseated, etc. I am ok with having this kind of thing in play, of course, but it seemed to be everywhere this weekend.

I am a big fan of the fights in town and combat tavern coming back. They weren’t constant but they were there. It made me think, more than once, that I need to get a few more people with me before I walk somewhere. Also, the no wards thing was scary, but thank you for not abusing it by staying up all night screwing with people. Without at least the three hours of sleep I did get on Friday “night,” Saturday would have been terrible.

The food for this weekend was absolutely off the charts. I have not been at a weekend before with this kitchen crew (I believe Becky was the lead? My apologies for not knowing your names!), but I was blown away. When I saw you guys in there Friday night rolling out pastry dough for pasties the next day, all I could think was “Wow!” Having Friday night food was an awesome idea. Matt, thanks for cooking breakfast. The pasties for lunch were SO GOOD. Please repeat those! And the shepherd’s pie was tasty too. It was so obvious you guys took your work seriously, and the results were amazing. PLEASE COME AGAIN!

To the NPCs, including the PCs that crossed over to NPC for this event, the two ladies whose names I can’t recall, Evan who was there on Saturday, and the other guy who came on Saturday evening, thank you guys so much! It seemed like there was a great PC:NPC ratio this event, and the NPCs were working hard to entertain despite the cold weather. Great work, all of you! Thanks again!

And to the plot team, guys, I am continuously impressed with the caliber of game you are putting on. The three of you each bring something special to the table, and it is so obvious that you are working super hard to put on a good game. Chad, like I said at the event, the moments chasing that lich through the brambles were so much fun for me. And the RP as Cessation was so exciting because I think I can see a path forward. Travis, I liked the Waymaker RP and the cool descriptions surrounding the lightning mod. The glass bridge through chaos is such a cool image. Chris, although I didn’t have much one-on-one RP with you this weekend, I saw you working your butt off doing that with others. Keep up the good work guys!

I wanted to make special mention of a plot team moment on Saturday. I came to NPC camp with a stack of jobs we wanted to do, and you guys were in makeup and ready to do something else. Chad and Travis looked at each other and said we can’t do this other thing now; let’s go do these jobs. It’s just so cool that you guys work with PCs and were willing to change things up to make sure things were flowing. I understand that happened again on Saturday with the order of events, and it just deserves a special thanks.

To wrap it up here, I had an awesome time, and I am counting the days to the next one (it’s thirty-two, in case you didn’t know)!


TL;DR – Great job, looking forward to next one!
Alkalin3 said:
Joe Convery,
Why did you think you couldn't kill the lich?

I swing 5's and the first thing he hit me with was a weakness. It was still cool though playing spotter.
I am still trying to find my stride with the levels of the jobs. I completely respect the idea that you guys do not scale, so a green is always a green. On Saturday when we were tapped, we got a group together, which turned out to be something like 10 people, and opted for a couple of green jobs. As you guys warned us at the time, they were not scaled, and they were easy for our group. From our characters’ perspectives, we were doing good work for the common man. But from a gaming/scaling/overall-PC-and-NPC-fun perspective, we should have been doing tougher stuff. I realize now that this is on us to have the guts to take on a red when we are tapped. Sometimes that is a fool’s errand but sometimes we just have to be tough and do it. All of that said, I would change nothing about the system whatsoever. It’s just taking some time to figure out how tough each one is, to be able to manage things like time allocation, getting the stuff done, etc.

I would like to respond to this.

I am really glad for the sentiment that Joe brought up here because it accurately describes the positive and negative of running an open-world campaign in a LARP. The campaign provides options to do, basically, whatever the heck you want. That said the game setting still must be set by numbers to create a challenge that is worthy and fun for those that are playing in it. Because we can't regulate the levels of our players we have to regulate the world. So what does all that mean? Well we have to provide something that exists both in-game and out to communicate both story and numerical challenge... but still keep the whole of all possibilities available to you.

To put it another way... we never like to tell our players "no". I'm proud of that but it comes at a cost sometimes.

The red, yellow, and green markings are clearly out-of-game but still have to be recognized as something in-game. Thus the younger adventures know that a green mod is easier than a yellow or red. The higher players know that a green wouldn't be much of a challenge and wouldn't likely pay on the scale they are looking for/need. How these jobs are done is simply a matter of who wants to do them. If you are a high level taking a green card you should be aware that you will be bored killing ants with one swing and getting paid in copper to do it. If you are a low level taking a red marked job you shouldn't get upset when we walk out with a ten foot troll that insists you call him "Daddy" and punishes you for stepping in his daises by hitting you with what looks like a telephone pole wrapped in superpowered kung-fu grip. You had the information before you set out, and the world doesn't change just because of who set out to face it.

The point: As plot, in the kind of game we run, we can't tell highlevels not to take the green jobs because those are for the "green level" players. That just does not jive with the way we are playing. You should be able to do what you want to do. At the same time you won't see us telling the low levels not to take the red jobs either... but that almost never happens. We also can't tell players not to snatch down all the jobs and hoard them to themselves. The job postings are in-game things that just happen to have out-of-game markings and function. The very best we can do is provide in-game ramifications, but only those that make sense. Like making the act of taking a job that you didn't complete a felony offence... and you can see how lame that is while only reading it. So then the regulation of the job board also has both in-game and out-of-game elements to it that we are all responsible for, but no one more than the players themselves.

I was very grateful to Joe and the others that did the green jobs. They waited until near 6 to do them, and waited to see if any of the lower levels were going to do them, and it appeared they were busy with other things. The jobs represent a need in the land for services. If that is your characters thing please see to them, that's what they are for. We just want to provide a fantasy world that is as "real" to you as we can manage without confusing you.

We are very grateful for this kind of feedback because it only makes it all better. Thank you.
Except for the cold, there wasn’t much I disliked about the event.

So I’ll start off with an apology to the entire plot team, I’m sorry I doubted you. When I read the “Welcome back” letter I thought, “dear God, the entire town is going to res, probably more than once.” You’ve never shown incompetence before, why should I expect you to start now. I also want to thank you for not taking advantage of the no wards or circles thing. You understand to importance of sleep and that didn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated. Sorry, individually, to Inger. When you hit me with a spell strike fear on the Ravenwood mod and my mind went completely blank, to the point of me forgetting I can resist those.

I enjoyed every mod I went on, and especially like the ones that came to us. It was refreshing to have a “big bad” come into town and NOT trying to kill us all. I know that the point was to make it easier for a “bigger badder” to come into town and try to kill us, but still… I liked it. Finding and closing the chaos pools around town was also really fun. Evan did a great job as the caster and was able to laugh off a few blown calls. I hope he’ll come back again. It may seem like a small thing, but a happy moment for me was on the first pestilence mod Friday night. I was hit for 2/carrier and said “no effect”. NPC response was “Hive mind switch targets” which ended with Chad swinging at me for 10/carrier.

The ice node mod was cool too. I’m not sure if both water elementals did the damage switching and reflecting, but it was a bit of a shock when Inger did it. It was both interesting and frustrating. Interesting because it was unexpected, but frustrating because I can only take so many of my own hits.

Like West, I loved having weekend plot. We knew what we had to do and we had a time frame in which to accomplish it. The possibility of long term repercussions made it all the better. It was also nice that the things we needed to do to end the curse never felt impossible or hopeless. The flavor/effects of the curses were actually pretty cool, despite my initial concerns.

Major props to Amber for her role play. Bipolar Elabreeze is scary, but really cool. I like how her make-up changes as the taint hangs around and/or increases.

Thank you to Beth and Kimberly, you were great as always. Wes and Zach, thanks for switching teams for the weekend.

My concerns are similar to the Joes. There seemed to be an abundance of spell strikes, even in areas where magic is supposed to be suppressed.

Looking forward to the March event (pre-registration deadline is Monday, March 18th at 11:59 pm)

Just one fast note here. Major thanks to our NPCs this event.

With very few exceptions, and barring significant RP characters, the plot team played none of the big combat cards this weekend. We handed them all off to our NPCs who each did them very well. I just want to thank each one of them for trying out new, bigger, and badder cards and roles. It was great to watch them kick some arse.
OMG the Cold. It was blistering-a$$ cold out and seemed to get colder throughout the weekend. Thank you EVERYONE for even coming out to this event. Hopefully no one got any Frost Bite :)

As per usual, this was another fantastic event. While I didnt do too many Mods, we were always active. I really love the fact that there are sooo many RP encounters throughout the weekend. As most of you guys know, I am a Stick Jockey. This is the first time in my LARP carreer that I have been exstatic just sitting and RP'ing with all the people who came into town. HUGE Props to the Plot team and all the NPCs who made that happen for me.

Travis, Chad, and Chris: I will never be able to say thank you enough.

Wes and Zach: You guys are absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for taking the time to help make this game better for everyone else. It is sacrifices like these that help make our game great. Thank you again.

Beth and Kimberly: Thank you two soooo much for coming out! You two rock!

PCs: Thanks again for coming out. It was a rough weekend, weather-wise, but it seemed like everyone had a blast.

See you guys in March!

I had a good time. I think I struggled to take Stevie out of the game and get fully into Nigel, and as a result, I didn't get as involved as I normally would. I did do many of the things I wanted though, and my group came through big to take the torch and get some stuff done even though I wasn't pushing it. Through all of that, Plot facilitated it all. I appreciate that immensely.

As usual, you three did a nice job creating a solid event. Sadly, you have set your bar very high, and as a result, we have all begun to expect amazing things every time. Thank you for not letting us down.

Wes, Zack, nice job. Screw you for taking two of my group members away, but I thought you both did an honorable thing by giving back to the chapter you've had fun in whilst also growing as fighters and roleplayers; at times this weekend, I was amazed by your confidence and skill in both.

I had a lot of thoughts similar to those expressed here and will try and shoot the plot team an email later this week but overall I had a really good event. The spell strikes were a little abundant but the modification to the bug swarms helped. For those who were bothered by the spell strikes in the magic suppressed area, there was an in-game reason that was discovered later (find out in-game). It might help to know that "spell strike" was just the way the plot team was able to express an effect in the area without creating a new call (new/more calls = bad).

I liked the weekend plot aspects of the event, knowing that most things would go away but some needed to be handled was good. Speaking of weekend plot, I know that personally I've gotten involved in a lot of ongoing/world plot and because of the size of our player-base I frequently feel that my ability to spend time working on world and/or personal problems limited by the need to deal with weekend problems. So far it hasn't been overly frustrating but be aware that as your players are proactive and find their own goals you may (for your own sanity and ours) find yourself with smaller weekend plot.

See you all in March

Mathis said:
So far it hasn't been overly frustrating but be aware that as your players are proactive and find their own goals you may (for your own sanity and ours) find yourself with smaller weekend plot.

Ya, what he said! This past event, I found myself caring less and less about the weekend plot because I had so many over-arching goals I was more interested in. I will say, I know that those who dug deep into the weekend's plot (not I) vastly enjoyed themselves, so it isn't that I don't think I would enjoy the weekend dish you are serving up, but, at this point, I feel like my plate is already full and heaped-high with delicious plot morsels.

Also. Drop more Vision scrolls. kthxbai.
I feel like most of this is really just a list stuff that I liked or that I was proud of myself for doing, but maybe you guys will get some use out of it regardless...

First off, I had an absolutely wonderful time. I feel like I'm a broken record saying that, but my eyes are still as big as dinner plates at every event that I go to. :)

I loved the plot effects throughout the weekend. I was absolutely terrified at first, but I felt like it helped me stay in character more, because there was an increased sense of fear… You couldn't just drop a circle of power to protect you if things went bad, much less hiding in the tavern or a ward. I had to stay on guard most of the time, which was cool. On a somewhat similar note, I also really liked the experience of roleplaying out my first vision.... Just awesome.

I specifically want to thank Chad & Travis for playing the cool-as-**** lightning elementals. They are by far the most talked about thing from this event for us gypsies. As I've almost certainly told you two before, both the aspects of gathering enough people and going on the waymaker mods are my personal favorite. I love everything about them, and I feel like the ones that we've gone on so far are the perfect difficulty for us.

In terms of negatives... There's nothing that I can really think of that bothered me, at least specific to plot! Weighing in on the weekend plot topic, I actually enjoyed having the immediate danger, even though I didn't do much about it myself. I've also got more things I want to do for IBGAs than I know what to do with! (And I couldn't be more thrilled spending this next month figuring out which ones are more important. :) )

Thanks again for a great event, and I look forward to seeing everyone in March!

Alright, this is later than I meant to put it up, but better late than never.

Im going to agree with my brother Radi, this event as always was fantastic! Im still really new, but every event is giving me one more thing to love.

First, I want to say thank you to plot for giving me an awesome transform that let me feel as sturdy as some of the high levels! The 12 parries let me be the big protector I want to be, and though the spell parry was never really used to its potential, Its still really cool that I can do that!

The next thing that I loved was the interactions with Elabreeze, her swapping between "If you didn't have all that disgusting metal on your face, I'd rip it off and wear it." and then 20 min later picking me up when I fell and begrudgingly accepting my help on her personal quest. Im looking forward to helping with more of it.

I feel a bit like Ian's parrot, but I LOVED the lightning elementals, it let me feel like I got to flush out my character a bit more. When the death lord was telling us about them, I knew it would be something in game I didnt want to meet, so when I met them and they told me I was going to die that night, I got to freak out! Plus the way that things timed out so perfectly, ie. someone saying why not kill that guy?" as soon as I walked in the tavern, and Wayfarer saying "yeah you're probably going to die." So thanks to everyone who purposely and accidentally scared the **** out of me.

For negatives, I really want to apologize to the NPCs that I snapped at on the plan of radiance mod. I felt like a huge ******* afterwards, I was just tired from not getting any sleep the night before sleeping in my full armor, and a bit cranky and cold. I really do apologize, I know you all do tons to let us play your game and thank you lots!