Festival of Crows Team recruitment

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Daimyo Shi

The festival of Crows is a summer festival where various nobles sponsor teams to compete in a number of events for points. The nobles get bragging rights and the participants get a purse from the noble. It is a lot of fun honestly.

Name: To be determined
Sponsor: Count A. Wheatley
Team Captain: Shiv

Needs five member and a spare

It would be handy if there was one good caster, two good fighters and someone that can use an actual bow. personally If you want to join I will take you on my team.

I wait notification of what the rules and events are this years expect many to return this years but some may not and there may be new events.

One on One combat
Mage spell battle
Three on Three combat
Grand Melee [Team Battle]
Real Archery [Thank you Bryan]
Team Run
Trap disarming
Scavenger Hunt
Presenting of Colours
Possible returning
Troll ball [Rugby-ish with boffers]
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There is also an Archery Contest. Last year they shot a real bow at a target.
I am Old, I forget things!
It happens. I just thought I would add that in so people knew. :-)
I'd like to quickly point out that noble sponsorship is not actually a requirement to field a team. More teams is better. Don't let any lack of sponsorship deter you from getting involved.
I'd like to quickly point out that noble sponsorship is not actually a requirement to field a team. More teams is better. Don't let any lack of sponsorship deter you from getting involved.

The team I'm on actually lacks sponsorship at the moment (and another PC, but we have someone in mind at the moment), but if we get one? Great. If not, meh.
Well I cut my deal for sponcership, anyways message me here ask question which ever.
I would Like to put out there I am willing to Sponsor A team for The Silver Clover. Sponsorship involves winnings and Gold. If you are interested, and can pull a Team together as per specifics above, The Silver Clover will sponsor each player on the team 5 gold a piece. If you win, There will be additional benefits. If you are interested, please let me know.
Can I have Two sponcers!
Still not on a team, in case anyone needs a body to fill the roster...
Elachae should be in town for this. if anyone has an open spot?
Well, looks like the 3 of you make half a team. Just need a couple more and you're off to the races.
I know of two people who are both in need of a team as far as I know:

1) Shin (James Coldwell) - Lvl10-11 Celestial MWE Templar Binding Archer (Has two weapon proffs and up to lvl 5 spells)

2) Gunther (Nick M) - Lvl??? Barbarian Fighter (Sword and board)
Looking for a team.
I am really good at the physical events, was excellent at archery the last time I did it (4 years ago XP), good spellcaster with up to 6th lvl spells for the mages dual, really good at combat (now that I'm using a bow :p), and pretty decent at the mental events like riddles and scavenger hunt.
No formals for ritual casting, no legedermain for rouge gallery, minor stage fright for the entertainment portion (not the best at improve)
so, possible team members:
Myself, Elachae, rogue no ledgerdemain
Logan, Cyrill al Basil of Iskander,
Chris Rudd..

want to be the black sheep together? does Clover have her sponsorship open still?

EDIT: sadly, Derrick and Lisa Claire Cannot join us this event, and it looks like colours will be Black and silver.
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so, possible team members:
Myself, Elachae, rogue no ledgerdemain
Logan, Cyrill al Basil of Iskander,
Derrick and Lisa Claire,
Chris Rudd..

want to be the black sheep together? does Clover have her sponsorship open still?
Unfortunately not, she is sponsoring the team Becky and Tengu are on I believe
guess we'll bring our own cookies then, oh well :)

still, nothing in stone yet, waiting for confirmations / ideas.
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