Fire attempt 2 also looking for a cool hat


I tried to host a bonfire a few moons ago, but it didn't go well because only Wycliff and two others showed and it was very sad, and Wycliff wouldn't go away. Very bad. I don't know where this fire will be held, however, I will bring many sugar filled items and work diligently to secure intoxicates. I think the second night after dinner...? Everyone is invited. Even Wycliff!
On a side note, I am currently looking for a new hat as I accidentally sat on mine. Its very sad. I am willing to pay a moderate amount for a cool hat. Please no cursed helmets.
My dear saro. As my adventures keep me away from spending time socializing most market days. I will set aside time for you. You are a valuable member and have some matters to speak to you about also.
