Fire Weapons & Cremations


For the purposes of "cremating" a downed corpse , would a Fire Elemental Aura work? I asked up above and the rules folks basically told me that it's a purely RP related thing and it's completely up to the local chapter.

I'm not gonna get an Elemental Aura if it won't work in this fashion, so I'm just curious what the stance on "elemental aura cremations" is.
This post is to inform you that your question is being discussed by Plot and Management. We are aware of the ARC ruling on the matter and all get back to you on the Chapter's related decisions ASAP.


Just to make sure this is put out there. You're looking to burn the permanently dead bodies of foes that’ve fallen on the field, correct? You’re not looking to burn something still in its bleed out phase or death count?
Yeah, I ENVISION that I would do the 3 count for Killing Blow, and the RP would be that they were cremated. Obviously I'm no connoisseur of the rules fine print, but that would be my best guess.

That said, this shouldn't prevent something from being brought back with a Life spell or having any other "rules-y" effects, it's purely an RP thing. I have no intention of fussing about with anything other than the pure RP of having killing-blow cremations instead of carrying around a match and saying "I burn your body one, I burn your body two, I burn your body three."
Alor said:
This post is to inform you that your question is being discussed by Plot and Management. We are aware of the ARC ruling on the matter and all get back to you on the Chapter's related decisions ASAP.



Also, thanks so much for the hasty reply! Your diligence is well appreciated.
Ayep - we're discussing this via emails as we speak. We've got some pretty cool ideas for how to deal with it so far, but we'll also send you something private so you know what's going on, Frisco.
Might I be filled in on an answer for this as well, when you come to an agreement? This is a situation that would also concern my character a good bit.
Inquiring rabbits also want to know. (also if auras don't work, expect research attempts at an alchemical/potion based creamation paste.)
Lurin said:
Inquiring rabbits also want to know. (also if auras don't work, expect research attempts at an alchemical/potion based creamation paste.)

I will buy you out of STOCK.
Hmm... I remember what ARC said but the rules are tough. I hope lco allows for it. Maybe with some good plot proviso