First Time LARPer

Saturday will be my first time LARPing. I will be a NPC...what do I need to bring with me? Wear? and so on...

Thanks for your help!
When NPCing you (generally) need a lot less stuff than PCing, but there are a few good things that I like to have with me whenever I LARP.
- Sleeping bag
-Air mattress/camp bed/camp pad, just something to put between yourself and the floor.
- Camp lantern or flashlight. If it's an LED one, put a bit of medical, or duck tape on it so you don't accidentally blind someone.
- Two pairs of socks per day. Just trust me on this one.
- Long pants and a sweatshirt / waterproof jacket
- Bug spray, and sunscreen.
- Hiking boots, or really good tennis shoes, try to bring a spare pair if able, cause wet footwear sucks.
- Hair ties
- A white sweatband/strip of cloth. It's the universal signal in LARP that you're not currently in game.
- Snacks. You burn a LOT of calories LARPing. I always like to have a bag of beef jerky, and a bag of dried cranberries with me when I LARP.
- A good in-period belt, even a plain brown or black leather one would do.

Everyone has different opinions on what you NEED when you LARP, and I'm sure I'm forgetting something.
This is less of a thing to bring (but it's definitely not a bad idea to bring along), and more of a general tip: Drink lots of water. It's pretty much impossible to drink too much water at a LARP.
I haven't been doing this as long as some other folks, so they might have some better advice than me.
Wear dark / black clothing :)
I would like to add:

A pillow
A cloak, if you have one. It will make a nice light blanket if it's too hot to be in the sleeping bag.
and an in period drinking vessel, if you have one or can get one. Not glass (too dangerous) and not ceramic, which is very likely to get broken accidentally.
As I see that you see just coming out for Sat, I would suggest good footwear, bug spray, sun screen, dark long clothing (covering legs and arms), a belt, a pouch, drinking vessel, and snacks.

We do usually have a breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided (free to NPCs). Saturday gets going any where from like 7 - 9 am and can go to 2 - 3 in the morning, if not later.

Remember to stay hydrated. We will have water available (if not other stuff).

Don't be afraid to ask questions.

Most importantly, have fun.

aka Lou