For Drinks

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Briony ran a brush through her hair, grinning at the warped, makeshift mirror she used. The Festival had been a lot of fun. She felt like she'd maybe found a place in this strange little outpost town, and with things moving forward so smoothly for the Deep Irregulars, it was time for the woman to get a bit of business done. Tying her hair back in the messy loop she'd been fond of lately, she stood, straightened her overshirt, and marched out of the building she recently called home. She hefted her greatsword over her shoulders with a soft grunt before continuing down the steps from Rosewood Antiquities.

A lazy grin tugged at the corners of her mouth as the human made her way to the tavern. Walking to the door that led to the kitchen, she leaned in and gave a soft knock. It was about time she got to know this new cook and barkeep.
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