For those with more than one PC


So, just out of curiousity:
Does anyone else get that excitable feeling of getting to dust off a character you haven't played in a while and just go nuts? I've been playing my healer/NPCing a lot and I get to dust off my wrecking ball of a fighter this weekend, and I'm very happy to do so. :)

I needs me some MaDCap time! If I feel like dealing with the heat I might play him at HQ's solo tourney.
Dust off PCs? I have to dust myself off for each event :x
Duke Frost said:
Dust off PCs? I have to dust myself off for each event :x

But that's just because you practically live in the barn onsite, doing all the wonderful Faireplay work that you do!
I play as Argus alot, but sometimes I like to go and play as my fox Wlyderkin, Semaj.

Does it count if you just really, really -miss- playing your other PC? Shin hasn't been at a game in almost three years now...
Laguna Hallik said:
I havent been doing the PC thing for long enough yet. My PCs still have that new adventurer smell.

that is so true :p
Yes, not having pc'd in 3 years can certainly say its fun to dust off a pc that has not been played in awhile (although only have the 1 pc)
Heh. I'd love a chance to play him again, but until my knees stop rebelling, I can't really fight his style well enough to do the character justice. :(
I try to switch back and forth between characters fairly often (this is helped by having two chapters in easy driving range). I would (and did) find it to get a bit boring over the years when I didn't play another PC and find the change of experience refreshing for my LARPing needs.

I am a bit of an elitist in that sense - I strongly encourage *everyone* to play multiple PCs and tear themselves away from that 25th level character they've been playing for years. You can always come back to them, but it gives a great change of pace to play a lower-leveled character occasionally and interact with people different from your usual group.

I'd just like to get one of my characters up to a good old 25th level to tear myself away from first... ;)
Dreamingfurther said:
I'd just like to get one of my characters up to a good old 25th level to tear myself away from first... ;)

I second that! :lol:

*warning warning shameless plug inbound*

To help with that you should attend Chicago's event next weekend :p

I won't lie.... every time I pack up my stuff to play Riddick... I see that lonely yellow cake makeup...

Dikembe will make his trumphant return....
Dreamingfurther said:
I'd just like to get one of my characters up to a good old 25th level to tear myself away from first... ;)

don't we all.... well all of us who don't have a level 25 char :lol: