Forgive me if this was covered already but its golem time

I'm fairly new to alliance (only had three events) but apparently I'm at the point where I'm noticed now by high level players (being part of the discussion does that) and I would basically get curb stomped a few times by the players if I'd say the wrong thing and a celestial caster really can't do much to a golem (I know its part of the game which is why I'm asking this). How/when can one get a golem body? They seem really awesome and pretty convienient. Any help would be great so i'm not as squishy
Re: Forgive me if this was covered already but its golem tim

Mirgar Drakenfist said:
I'm fairly new to alliance (only had three events) but apparently I'm at the point where I'm noticed now by high level players (being part of the discussion does that) and I would basically get curb stomped a few times by the players if I'd say the wrong thing and a celestial caster really can't do much to a golem (I know its part of the game which is why I'm asking this). How/when can one get a golem body? They seem really awesome and pretty convienient. Any help would be great so i'm not as squishy

You probably should ask this in the in-game forums as your character. It'll be more fun. :thumbsup:
Re: Forgive me if this was covered already but its golem tim

thanks :D I wasn't sure if this would be find out in game or not. I just dont wanna be squishy. Its fun to play no matter what and i have yet to need to rez but It'd be even more fun if I didn't have to worry about being killed for talking :P
Re: Forgive me if this was covered already but its golem tim

Its worth noting that Golem-ized casters can still die.

Also (speaking from the experience of someone who has earned more than his fair share of.... trouble... by talking), you may want to consider that if the things you say make people want to kill you maybe the best way to handle that would be to just watch what you say.

Re: Forgive me if this was covered already but its golem tim

lol. I figured itd be the watch what you say thing and that golems can still die. I am also aware that golems are significally stronger so I was hoping for more info
Re: Forgive me if this was covered already but its golem tim

Ok then.

You don't earn a Golem body through build. They are essentially magic items built using the ritual system. Typically you need to ask more specific ritual questions In Game (but you'll find any number of discussions regarding their use in the Rules forum).

They are difficult to come by, but the best way to find the pieces is to play the game (and earn build points to earn the skills you'll need to create it, use it, and defend it). They are treasure, so you'll want to learn the economy of your game world and start selling/trading what you find to help build up to it.

Re: Forgive me if this was covered already but its golem tim

You asked a legitimate question and deserve a comprehensive answer.

Golems are created using the ritual rules. The kind of Golem that allows you to store inside of it requires a particular ritual (the exact ritual changed recently so I can't remember the name, but look in the ritual updates thread on this board). It also requires a different ritual to actually transfer your soul into said golem. The mechanics for casting a ritual are listed in the rule book, so the majority of this is available in public domain. The exact text of these two rituals are not available, but the rule book also includes a synopsis of each of the necessary rituals.

Finding the necessary ritual scrolls, components, and possibly catalysts to create an appropriate golem and store in it (especially if you want the golem to last longer than a single weekend), will probably take something on the order of 5 years of constant play. You will also need to have a character that is at least level 15 or so in order to have the necessary abilities to cast the above mentioned rituals.

I hope that helps.

Re: Forgive me if this was covered already but its golem tim

You can also store into a golem using a high magic, each day costs you 5 points of high magic. If you're a celestial scholar, it's a good way to save components and the hassle of finding the scrolls.

But I agree with Mike Strauss, 28 ranks of rit (if you're going to build the highest level), 30 components, a scroll and a catalyst (plus the Preserve and 10? more components if you want it to last more than a year) will take you quite a while to gather on your own. 28 ranks of rit alone, for a scholar, is almost 9 levels of build (84 BP), and you have to get at least a pencil (another 73 build), plus your prereqs (another 7). So you're looking at 164 build minimum to cast it by yourself, if you've got not a single other skill on your card. I'd suggest having other people help cast the golem, especially if you're part of a guild or team. That way if you can't be in it for a weekend, someone else can use it via high magic storing, or at least give it orders if you somehow get banished out of it.

Being in a golem isn't something that makes you immune to harm, however. You aren't affected by life/death, or any necro or healing, but a few people swinging swords on you will kill you fast. And unless you spend 20 points of your possible 60 to make it a golem "suit", when the golem reaches 0 body, you're going to rez. No cure light, no life spell, just a pile of dust and a walk to wait for an invested member of your local Permanent Earth Circle. Shatters and Destroys can also eat away at your body, at 15 and 30 points of damage, respectively. 5 Destroys, if you're not sporting armor, and *poof*. And these are just the skills that PCs have. Acids, explosive traps, vengeances, Warder Glyphs with the right kinds of damage output... If you're looking for one because people attack you physically for talking, you're putting yourself in more danger.

And Celestial casters can do plenty to hurt a golem. If I see a flame golem, I'm going to try my ice wand on it, to see if that hurts it. I'll see what elements it's immune to, and what it's hurt or healed by. I've also got Shatters, Destroys, Enflames, and Prisons (so I can Prison and KB the golem, putting the golem at 0 body, destroying it, if it's not healed by them). A caster with a 4 column and wand charges can take out a golem, so long as some of that 4-block is something that hurts the construct, and they're not immune/healed to every element. Even if the construct has innate reflect, it's not going to be able to reflect my wand charges, and I'll be able to do some serious damage. And if I have my own reflects or Banes, that gets spells through the innate reflect, and the golem can't have spell shields (but they can have dodges or cloaks or banes).

Golems are situationally useful, and situationally deadly. I've seen 25th+ level players in golems run from certain fights, BBGs, and situations, because they know the wrong thing will get them rezzed.

Join your local Celestial guild, or send in plot writeups to your local chapters looking for more information IG (if there are universities, or libraries you can go visit to study).
Re: Forgive me if this was covered already but its golem tim

This stuff really helps! I understand fully that golems can be defeated (almost did it as a basic flame elemental) but also at the same time, they can be really useful and can help out alot. I know I will probably have to wait awhile for it or at least until I have a team of helpful players (I joined the celestial guild and am getting out there but I'm still getting used to the no emotions and my character is kinda quiet which causes me to talk less) but talking to the celestial guild and making the right connections could really speed up the process. We actually have a guy who sells alot of ritual components so this could be possible for me.