Fort Hood Shooting information.

I'd also like to send her a card - can someone PM me, as well?


Joy and Josh - you're both in our thoughts, prayers, and intents.

~Kate Hetu
(along with Mike and Morgan)
I have her barracks address, I'll try to get a hold of Josh to see if they should be sent there or to their Iowa address.
I will get back to you all tomorrow when I find out what address would be best. Thank you all for the help with the chip in, I think it will mean a great deal, and the cards will be awesome as well!

Please PM me the address as well.

I didn't even hear about the shooting until I went to work and someone in my department was looking at the story in the newspaper. Then I come home last night and Maria is telling me about Joy being there. Definitely a shocker. We're definitely sending her all the positive energy we can muster for a speedy recovery.
Any word on how surgery went?
Jesus I just saw them both at the Caldaria closer. Glad she is ok, and that the first surgery is a success. Here's hoping that all remaining medical time is as successful. I never wanna see anyone I know as a patient. (i'm in prosthetics). Best of wishes to them.
Joy and I would Like to thank everyone for their best wishes and support.

She has just been taken to the O.R. for her first ( and hopefully only) surgery. The surgeon hopes to be able to repair the shattered bone with a metal plate and a graft. The doctor is hopeful that after a successful operation they will be able to dischagre Joy from the hospital tomorrow.

That's about all I've got. She is doing rellay well, and so much better for the support we have received from friends and family.

Thank you all again,
Josh C
I just got word from Josh that the surgery went well and that Joy is in the recovery room :)

I'm very glad to hear that everything went well.
Here's to a speedy recovery for Joy.
I will keep the prayers going though.
Thanks for the update.
Alan Weier.
Hey Guys,

I just spoke to Joy for a bit she is doing fine, pain but slowly recovering. She was thankful for all the folks out there who are supporting her through this.

In speaking to her, I asked where we could send support in the way of flowers, cards, etc. She really appreciates all the support you guys are sending her but asked that in lieu of flowers and cards that we go out and donate blood or money to the Red Cross. The Red Cross is doing a great job helping families travel to be with their loved ones.


Paul Foisy
AllianceCHI said:
Hey Guys, I just spoke to Joy for a bit she is doing fine, pain but slowly recovering. She was thankful for all the folks out there who are supporting her through this.

In speaking to her, I asked where we could send support in the way of flowers, cards, etc. She really appreciates all the support you guys are sending her but asked that in lieu of flowers and cards that we go out and donate blood or money to the Red Cross. The Red Cross is doing a great job helping families travel to be with their loved ones.

Will do. Thanks for letting us know!

I'm glad to hear they expect her to make a full recovery!
Hi, all.

Just wanted to send a quick note to thank everyone for the thoughts and prayers. Josh has been keeping me updated on the boards, and your support has meant a lot to me.

I got out of the hospital yesterday and am feeling better, though still pretty sore. I will be in Texas for a few more days, then oprfully the Army will send me home to recover.

-Joy Clark
It's excellent to hear from you directly, Joy! Having your words and condition relayed through others, though comforting in many ways, just isn't the same as hearing you say you're doing fine. I wish you a speedy recovery, regardless of whether you spend it at home or away (though let's hope for the former).

~ Alexander
Just a quick update for you guys.
I heard on the radio earlier today that the attorney handling the case for the victims of the shooting is trying to get the injuries sustained reported as "under combat duty". This would mean that the soldiers who were injured are liable to receive additional benefits past what they would have otherwise, as well as the possibility of earning a purple heart. I didn't catch a ton of details from it, so I'm not 100% sure on what the official terms involved are.
Until I'm able to locate a transcript for the broadcast, or someone else can confirm it, I would count this as a rumor for now.
If it goes through though, it's good news for Joy and everyone else that came under fire that day.
Also, best wishes towards you Joy, and prayers for a speedy recovery.
Josh and I are home now (in time for the Holidays!) and settling back in. I've started therapy for my arm and hand, and while the pain is mostly controlled, I still have a lot of restrictions on what I can do and will for several weeks yet. Things are going better than I could have hoped for, given the circumstances.

Thank you, all, for the well-wishes and good thoughts. Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

-Joy Clark