Forum post notification


Good evening,

There use to be a button at the bottom of the forum to register to get notifications of new posts in the forum.

I do not receive the notifications anymore and can't seem to find the button. How do I get notifications of new posts in the Calgary forum?

Thank you.

no clue. I'd toss this on the Off topic forum and see if an admin can answer it.
Incoming forum apocalypse? :whaa:
phil90 said:
Good evening,

There use to be a button at the bottom of the forum to register to get notifications of new posts in the forum.

I do not receive the notifications anymore and can't seem to find the button. How do I get notifications of new posts in the Calgary forum?

Thank you.


Looks like they hae removed that option. That said even when I had the button, it was hit and miss if it actually sent something.
oooooor. you can just log on quickly once a day and see if there is any new posts in your favorite topics... jus' sayin... :whistle:
Who has time for everyday? I'm lucky if I get in here every other day. Might be time to start cutting back on all the different games I play. Or don't.
cutting back is quitting, and we dont accept quitters! :lol: