Andrew Nelson
From the Desk of Barron Logan Heartwood of Bastion:
Preparations of the Bastion Expeditionary Force are well underway and the next phase requires the assistance of all those willing to undertake a dangerous mission for the sake of the kingdom. As the old saying goes, an army moves on its stomach and we expect that to be equally as true for our Expeditionary Force if not even more so. To help stockpile as much food as possible for the expedition, we will be sending a group into the Wild Woods in order to procure as many Bountiful Harvest catalysts as possible in order to increase the amount we are able to grow in the next few months. There will also be several additional objectives that will be provided on the day that will help increase the resources of the expedition but are not essential. We thank both our citizens who have answered the call, as well as those travelers who have come to aid us in our time of need.
-Barron Logan Heartwood
Preparations of the Bastion Expeditionary Force are well underway and the next phase requires the assistance of all those willing to undertake a dangerous mission for the sake of the kingdom. As the old saying goes, an army moves on its stomach and we expect that to be equally as true for our Expeditionary Force if not even more so. To help stockpile as much food as possible for the expedition, we will be sending a group into the Wild Woods in order to procure as many Bountiful Harvest catalysts as possible in order to increase the amount we are able to grow in the next few months. There will also be several additional objectives that will be provided on the day that will help increase the resources of the expedition but are not essential. We thank both our citizens who have answered the call, as well as those travelers who have come to aid us in our time of need.
-Barron Logan Heartwood