From the House of Montague

In an upcoming, to-be-announced gathering (OOG: Jan 6-8), I will require aid from some Unbounded. I will be something akin to a Master of Ceremonies for an event in Whitecrown proper to which your community and many many nobles will be invited. I require aid in the form of one to several non-noble Unbounded. While I appreciate the collaboration between our Houses, I will require the ability to have a shorthand with my assistants that noble title tends to blur. Non-noble Honorifics are fine, just nothing that a short exchange might make more complicated.

This aid would be best suited to a mind that enjoys assisting in diplomatic endeavors, has a flair for organization, and can be handed things. It is exceedingly rare that those things are anything more than scandalous, but I have lost a butler to poison before. Most times this communication, I expect, will contain special requests from visiting nobility. I will require this aide to filter those requests and bring suitably important matters to my attention.

As it may be that the Unbounded are reluctant to serve one they hardly know, even temporarily, please consider this my addressing you first.

Ser Bryas Montague
Greetings to you, Ser Bryas,

I believe I assisted you in similar affairs during the Tribunal where you held the role of Senechal, correct? I apologize if I am remiss in my recollection, as much needed attending at that time.

I would be honored to be among those Unbounded who serve in this capacity. I am a Housemother by profession, but I have some training in arts of guest services, handmaidenship, maidcraft, and domesticity. Though I can not serve exclusively dur to other obligations, I would be most pleased to be one of the Unbounded who represent our Community in matters of hospitality and attending care. There are several others in the community who would also be exceedingly well suited to support in this fashion as well.

With humble deference,
Housemother Adlao- HM
I accept your service, Housemother Adlao.

I am looking for yet more to join this endeavor.

Ser Bryas Montague
Ser Seneschal Bryas of House Montague,

It would be my pleasure, duty, and honour to act as a steward to House Montague in this capacity, representing the University of Prademar and the Kingdom of Wayside. The University has a number of apprentice and journeyfolk magistrates and clerks who can act as scribes, record-keepers, couriers, and others staff of House Montague in support of a seamless and resplendent occasion. We will serve your House and the guests of Castle Whitecrown with respect and gravity.

It would be an abnegation of my duties as Chancellor to Prademar University if I did not also request that our most senior journeyfolk be allowed to quietly attend and serve nobles during appropriate discussions of state that they might learn firsthand the rigors and requirements of courtly decorum as well as the varied and rich culture of Rathfall etiquette.

In pursuit of this formal occasion, please send a scribe with House Montague's device that University personnel may be properly accoutered.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Prademar University
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Keeper Hartsboon,
While your assistance and service is welcome, at this juncture the larger University presence is not. I am currently coordinating more than 80 individual Houses, their security details and concerns, not to mention the sanctity of the castle itself. In the future, you may have enough trust to offer this again and I may reconsider. With this known, do you still wish to offer yourself as an Unbounded assistant to House Montague?

Ser Bryas Montague
Ser Seneschal Bryas of House Montague,

While the lost opportunity to my students is palpable, I understand your concerns for the integrity and well-being of the Court. I am still happy to serve House Montague as a steward at Castle Whitecrown in support of the Gala Ball. However, I will do so in my own personal capacity as a freefolk of the Kingdom of Wayside, with any bona fides my name carries. The title of Unbounded is unfamiliar to me and it would be improper to adopt without an understanding of the courtly and societal burdens it bears.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Prademar University
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Then, Keeper Dramthin Hartsboon, I accept your service.

I am looking for yet more to join this endeavor.

Ser Bryas Montague
Greetings Syr Bryas,

I do not know to what extent I may be of service, but I shall assist to the best of my ability.

Elias Ursar
I accept your service, Goodman Elias Ursar.
While this Triumvirate may suffice, I am looking for about two more to join this endeavor. There is much ground to cover, and Housemother Adlao has other duties she may be called away on.

Ser Bryas Montague
Hello Ser Bryas Montague,

I believe I can be of assistance. I will not be someone that will visit often, but since I am going to be there with my family, I might as well be of use. I attended etiquette classes and dance classes last time I was there so I know a little bit about the dinning customs of Rathfall. All I ask is that I will have some time to spend with my family during the Feast

Thank you,
Lorelei Beinae-Stormwolf of the Golden Leaf Crown
Lorelei Beinae-Stormwolf of the Golden Leaf Crown, I confess I am unaware of the nature of your title. Are you nobility of some sort? If you are, it would necessitate a discussion between us before I can accept your service.

Ser Bryas Montague
I do not have a title. The 'of the Golden Leaf Crown' is just a simple expression of pride of my home.
Then Goodman Beinae-Stormwolf, I accept your service. This may end the need of aid, but I would consider more.

Ser Bryas Montague