Please Note: Saturday's prayer service has been changed to 11:00 AM. Additional time has been added to allow anyone who wishes to speak, sing, etc. to do so.
The service will be on Friday March 21st at 1pm - 4pm and then 6pm-9pm The next day,Saturday,there will be a prayer service at 11:00 am.
Joseph J Pula Funeral Home
23 North Ninth Street
Stroudsburg,Pa 18360
Phone: 570 421 7760
Colleen would prefer for donations to be made to a specific hospital located in MA instead of flowers .
Children's Hospital Trust
1 Autumn Street # 731
Boston,MA 02215-5301 Pleast attach memo or note citing care of Robert Finnegan Jr. (John's departed Brother)
If anyone needs more information or would like a message passed on to Colleen you can call myself or Patrick
1 631 681 0034 - Patrick
1 646 247 6508 - Renee
The service will be on Friday March 21st at 1pm - 4pm and then 6pm-9pm The next day,Saturday,there will be a prayer service at 11:00 am.
Joseph J Pula Funeral Home
23 North Ninth Street
Stroudsburg,Pa 18360
Phone: 570 421 7760
Colleen would prefer for donations to be made to a specific hospital located in MA instead of flowers .
Children's Hospital Trust
1 Autumn Street # 731
Boston,MA 02215-5301 Pleast attach memo or note citing care of Robert Finnegan Jr. (John's departed Brother)
If anyone needs more information or would like a message passed on to Colleen you can call myself or Patrick
1 631 681 0034 - Patrick
1 646 247 6508 - Renee