G4 Episode Airing

Duke Frost said:
dreadpiratebill said:

Han Solo would beat Kirk cuz he would shoot him BEFORE the fight started cuz HAN SHOOTS FIRST.

I said the exact same thing. And of course Todd referred to the "remake" that Lucas did. Han shot first though. I saw it 3 times in the theatres when I was 7. Childhood awesomeness trumps any remakes ever.

that remake was terrible.
Robb Graves said:
Duke Frost said:
dreadpiratebill said:

Han Solo would beat Kirk cuz he would shoot him BEFORE the fight started cuz HAN SHOOTS FIRST.

I said the exact same thing. And of course Todd referred to the "remake" that Lucas did. Han shot first though. I saw it 3 times in the theatres when I was 7. Childhood awesomeness trumps any remakes ever.

that remake was terrible.

While the Greedo shooting first thing was annoying (even to me) I think that the Special Edition of A New Hope was actually pretty darn good. I liked that they put the Jabba scene back in and the special effects upgrades were for the most part very well done. Empire was even better because most of the additions were subtle (like actually being able to see out the windows in Cloud City) and they didn't add or "enhance" character-driven scenes, but Jedi was an atrocity. Both of the songs were replaced by worse ones and putting Hayden in the last shot was like a kick in the nuts from a rusty steel-toe. And while not as long in the tooth as Scott one of my first clear memories is of watching the speeder-bike chase from Jedi in the theater.

ps- you guys should watch the G4 spot, cuz that's what this thread is about.
i disagree re: jabba. no need to have it in ANH, and the CGI for him was just terrible. they should have used a muppet, it would have looked more believable. doesn't matter though, that was just a sign of lucas' dwindling sanity. eps 1-3 were the real nightmares. ::shiver::
What are these eps 1-3 you speak of? Are those the fanfic movies? :P
Duke Frost said:
Stakie said:
Will anybody be recording? I don't get G4 where I live. ~pets Tv~ I want to watchhhh.

I know the show is available on iTunes for $1.99. I'm certainly going to pay that to have it on my iPhone. Not sure if it's distributed through any other service.


Well, that sucks. I don't have that either. iphone or itunes.
I will dvr it, and then burn it to dvd if thats agreeable.
If you have a computer, you can get iTunes for free and then download the show for $1.99. I don't know if it's available through other distribution channels.

Disclaimer: Faire Play and the HQ chapter do NOT condone nor encourage the downloading and distribution of G4 Underground unless done within the legal specifications of the G4 network.

President - Faire Play, Inc.
You can also download it on xbox 360 if you have one of those and an xbox live account.
dreadpiratebill said:
I will dvr it, and then burn it to dvd if thats agreeable.

I'll take you up on that offer. I don't have cable and I'll be too intoxicated to pay attention to anything that day being as it's my 21st birthday... so yeah deffinitly make me one. lol
I would accept drinking as payment too!
Bill only drinks if beautiful women are pouring beverages in to a funnel with tube taped to his mouth. Hospital/frat fetishes...I'll never understand them. You're effin weird, Bill. :?
Tetsu said:
Bill only drinks if beautiful women are pouring beverages in to a funnel with tube taped to his mouth. Hospital/frat fetishes...I'll never understand them. You're effin weird, Bill. :?

i'm going to do that just to make you right justin.

I was of course talking about ME drinking but would gladly accept BOTH of us drinking.