G4 to be at April Event

Thanks Eric.

I was worried you had never seen G4's "Wild Larp'ing Kingdom" segments and had visions of them showing up in African Safari outfits and speaking in cheesy Australian accents.

<Steve Irwin> "Krikey! Here is an example of the rarely filmed Stone Elf LARPer! Now watch while I..." </Steve Irwin>

Wow... Im kinda bummed I cant make the event. Id have to drag some of the CT Hardcore NPC crew down there, just to represent that we have girls, and they can and do righteously kick ***.

Im glad to see that we are getting some good press. I mean its not going to change that a large number of us will call what we do during the weekends "full contact improvisational camping", but hey, perhaps it will get some more people interested.
Lugo said:
Wow... Im kinda bummed I cant make the event. Id have to drag some of the CT Hardcore NPC crew down there, just to represent that we have girls, and they can and do righteously kick ***.

Dude, why do you think me and Tori are going?

Chick death knights represent, yo.
uh oh... death knight chicks...

this event could be more dangerous than i thought. perhaps i should reconsider PCing
In case you missed this information on the other G4 thread:

G4 will be taking pictures of players to identify those people who do *not* want to be on film. During editing they will use the pictures as a reference to make sure that you are not on film, if that is your request.

I recommend that all our players make it very clear to the G4 producers regarding whether or not you want to be on camera. If you don't want to be in the segment, even at a distance for, say, a battle shot, make it clear. So don't freak out if the camera is looming near you and you don't want to be on film. Don't call a "hold" and scurry out of the way or slip out of character.

Also, bear in mind that they will likely be filming a lot just to edit it down to a few minutes of actual screen time.

Lastly, I'd like to appeal to our players to really "bring it" for this event. Great costuming and great role-playing will create a great atmosphere for the game. Stay in character as best you can. Die with realism if you can instead of just dropping to one knee and saying "I'm down" (I understand that there are those with health and/or physical issues where this is not easily achievable... just do the best you can).

If there are any issues or concerns during the event, please come to me and I will handle it.

Thanks in advance to our awesome players. Without you, this game is not possible.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Fearless Leader said:
IvanDrake said:
It is for television broadcast for their G4 Underground series.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake

If we end up looking good, we'll have to find some way to post it on You Tube and link it to our site!

Figure out Quick!!!, I don't G4 :cry:

I have been told by Robb that everyone will need to sign a G4 waiver stating whether they give permission or do not give permission. Those not giving permission will have their picture taken to identify them so they can be edited out of any footage they happen to be in.