

Are there any gambling gamed that take place at the tavern? If so what are they and how do you play?
Most of the time if there is gambling going could be poker of some kind, liar's could try to play most gambling game. You might have to change the name...
Liar's dice and poker are common, although I keep hoping someone's going to start a pantherghast book.
Deadlands Roulette is a good one. We get a dragon to stand in the middle with a spell shield on, and everyone else stands in a tight circle around him with no spell shields or dodges. Then you take wagers on who's going to move out of the way, before the dragon tosses an Obliterate packet into the air.
What is the pantherghast book one?
Vry_Young_Pup said:
Does using a Dodge count as moving?

Of course it does. Don't be a... old-timey slang term for a cat.

Elandril said:
What is the pantherghast book one?

It's like a sports book, except the bookie takes bets on whether the pantherghast wins or loses. Actually, nobody do this, I'm making this my "I want to sit in the tavern and eat" NPC.
And the liars dice is just the liars dice directions I'd find on the inter web?
Yeah, I'd say so. Bear in mind that none of this stuff is official and is entirely player generated, except dragon roulette, which isn't a thing.

I'll just hold my sword in the air above my head when the Obliterate is thrown and then spell parry it.
I can bring my liar's dice set to game if folks want to use it.
Dragon Roulette Isn't a Thing... but "who throw's faster dragon with an oblit, or dragon with a spell shield" at an unspellshielded PC is totally a thing. We call it "Shenanigans"... Spell Shield won, barely.
Pretty sure the point of a test of courage isn't to attempt to circumvent the test, Albert.
Arcane obliterate it is then.
Not circumventing. Changing the conditions of the test. I don't like to lose, nor do I believe in no-win scenarios.
I don't want to be bald. My hair is terrific.

Although I did say "Make it so" to someone this weekend.