In regards to folks who are staying overnight or are still interested in staying overnight:
1. There are still a number of bunks available. A few additional folk are likely coming, but a few folk on the list are likely going to tent instead. So....there should be bunk space if you decide last minute you want to come.
2. Remember the bunks do not have mattresses, heat or electricity. If you have a portable propane heater, extra blankets, a tarp to hang on the front of the cabin, etc bring it.
3. The bathrooms on site are portajohns. If you want electricity, running water, mirrors, a shower, etc you will need to drive or walk (~1 mile) to the campground.
4. Meals: No one is providing meals, but I would highly recommend talking to your friends and car buddies to bring a cooler with some food in it or a cookstove if you need it. I will likely be bringing stuff to make smores for friday night. But remember you will still likely want breakfast and lunch, and I highly suggest you bring food to game. Feel free to try and arrange stuff here if you would like too. For dinner, since most folks are not staying overnight Saturday night I figure we can all try and track down a place to go out and grab a bite. At least those that have time and interest.
5. If you would like to stay Saturday night you are welcome too.
6. Remember overnight stuff is OOG. We are just chillin' with our homies.
7. Logistics will open at 10am, with game on at 11am. We will expect folksto have their OOG stuff packed away before game-on. If you are staying Saturday night we just want to make sure stuff is tucked away or that tents are zipped up.