Game race information updates


Hello all, from your friendly neighborhood racial coordinator!

With the season coming up soon(ish), I wanted to get some general information out there that might not be well-known, might not have been communicated well enough, or may even be new. These are in no particular order.

1) There's a poll on the facebook page regarding High Orcs and High Ogres. Due to the ease with which everyone confuses Orcs/High-Orcs and Ogres/High-Ogres, Denver is looking at instituting a "High Orcs/Ogres have pointed elf-like ears, but regular Orcs/Ogres do not" policy. Please weigh in on your thoughts. This only applies to local characters.

2) As mentioned before, we will be a bit more stringent with costuming/makeup requirements this season with regard to races. That doesn't mean we'll be cruel if you're woken up in the middle of the night, but it does mean you need to have your full makeup/costume/prosthetics during normal gameplay. If you have questions, please let me know.

3) Racial aging has been an ongoing bit of confusion, and after checking, a few of the local race packets had less than complete info on this topic. To make sure everyone has the needed info, I've put a chart in below with all relevent race ages. As with #1 above, this only applies to local characters.

<race name>: <basic age of maturity>, <average age for "adult">, <age range for maximum lifespan, in an ideal world>, <notes, if applicable>

- Humans: 16, 25, 60-70
- Barbarian: 16, 25, 60-70
- Biata: Unclear. Clarifying.
- Dark Elf: Unclear. Clarifying.
- Dryad: ?, ?, ?. Dryads are a fairly new race, woken from centuries-long slumber. As such, all ages are skewed and new dryads may not represent the correct lifespans or aging rates. No race packet available at this time.
- Dwarf: 30, 60-90, 500
- Elf: Unclear. Clarifying. No race packet available at this time.
- Selunari (formerly "gypsy"): 16, 25, 60-70
- Hobling: Unclear. Clarifying.
- High Ogre: 8-10, 16-18, 50-60. High ogres rarely live their full maximum lifespan.
- High Orc: 8-10, 16-18, 50-60. High orcs rarely live their full maximum lifespan. No race packet available at this time.
- Mystic Wood Elf: 100-130, 150, no maximum age. Despite having no age limits at all, players are discouraged from starting characters over 150 years without consulting plot.
- Sarr: 14-16, 25, 60-70. Basic age of maturity is determined by clan trials, rather than rigidly by years. Few sarr live to the maximum ages.
- Stone Elf: Unclear. Clarifying. No race packet available at this time.
- Wylderkin: 5-6, 8-10, 40-60. This race's age ranges vary greatly by the breed chosen.

If I come up with more items, I'll bump this post and add to it!