Gameday 6/02/2007


When 6/2/2007 at 11am. Sign in starts at 11, game starts at 12

Arc: Golden gate

Summary: The Golden gate events were slowing down, and it was almost quiet in that spot of the woods. Untill late last night when the Golden gate flashed once more and brought more visitors with it.

Location: Hamlin park
Level cap: None
Class focus: (New section) No main class focus but celestial weakness in some encounters.

As always if you have any questions PM me, ask me here, YM me or e-mail me. You may have noticed a new section, this is so I can note a class or area focus for the players. If I say class focus: Rogue that means there will be things to use rogue skills on even if you are not one. If you have more than one charicter it may help you pick which one to bring. Dont know if I will keep the section but it may be usefull.

As always I want the NPCs to show up early or as close to 11 as they can so I can get you all started. As soon as I have NPCs and monster camp its down to checking in players and that shouldnt take long.

As an added note, I am starting something new to try and get more plot to players, if I get my side of it done in time I will explane it at the gameday. It will be fully voluntary and will not count against you in any way if you do not use it.

A few added notes. Pre reg. Aka e-mail logisics and said "hey I am going". Post here on this post so that others can tell your comming. If you know someone who plays nero who doesnt read the board, tell them about the game day.

I am not scheduled to work so I am planning on being there pending on whether or not I get a call back for a show. If I'm there Alex will probably be there.
I will hopefully be there to npc. Work needs to fix my schedule that they messed up and when they do I'm going to try to get Saturday off. Assuming I can come I will be bringing my girlfriend as well for her first try so be nice!! =)
For those of you that went on Monday I took her to the memorial day showing of Monster Camp and to my surprise she actually enjoyed it so she is going to give it a shot.
Yeah, I might show up to NPC.
Sorry everyone.

Crystal, mark, and me were in emergency move mode. We had no large vehicles and a killer deadline. Sorry we didn't get the boxes to eveyone, I'll end myself as soon and the painkillers wear off.
