Gameday saterday 14th.


Where: Hamlin
When: Saterday 14th 11am check in, noon start time, NPCs should show up 10:30am

Who is running: Me/Kauss/Phil
Name: Fell mist
The Golden gates are gone, shattered into gold shards. Mist rises from where the gate's stood and where the shards fell, and places outside of that. The baying of wolves fills the air and the stench of celestial magics gone wrong seep into the mists.

Who do we need: All classes, a nice mix would be good. Celestial and earth casters have a part to play.

Note: If you have an active charicter who was ever in the "Fell" realm, PM me for some plot info and what you see that saterday no matter where you are. Note if you were ever tainted or tainted/cured as well. This is for those people not going to the gameday as well, and people who never go to gamedays.

As always if you have any questions PM me and I will try and answer.
Kauss said:
All classes, a nice mix would be god. Celestial and earth casters have a part to play.
We prefer the term "Advanced Kung-Fu Mecha-Warrior."
I got the right arm covered, pull in that earth caster for the left, and a couple fighters for legs, and:
With our powers combined!....

Wait, my car's broke, and we'd need a head. Oh well, maybe next time.
Or maybe said God could be FSM (flying spaghetti monster for those of you not cool) and we could all be his Noodlie Appendages!

It's a real religion and if you don't believe me google Him.