Garridan's Journey from Faybridge...

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Garridan took his leave from Faybridge, and took his time wandering his way back to Calanhelm. On the way, he came across an old hag in the woods selling some interesting trinkets. He purchases one with a wicked smile knowing someone will get a kick out of that particular object.

Upon arriving in Calanhelm the following week, he enters the marketplace, looking out for somone in particular. He finally spots his "prey" a few days later, and slips something into the man's pockets, knowing the object will make it to it's intended recipient.

Recalling a conversation on a certain subject, Garridan recalls he needs to visit a certain Earth Weaver, to find out some more on what he and Third have been discussing. After that, he'll pop by the tavern and see if Artie's around.
Garridan exits the Earth Weaver's guild and returns to the streets. Heading back through the markets, he passes into an alley and exits, stuffing something into his pocket. He makes his way out the gates, heading to Parson's Breach, by way of Brightmoor.
Having spotted Garridan leaving the EarthWeavers alone, Hamish determines that Third must not be inside otherwise he would be with Garridan. So Hamish takes off through the market after Garridan, finally catching up to him at the city gates. "Oy! StoneCock! Slow down for an old warrior. I'll be walkin to the breach with you, we can watch each other's back."
dontneednoname said:
Having spotted Garridan leaving the EarthWeavers alone, Hamish determines that Third must not be inside otherwise he would be with Garridan. So Hamish takes off through the market after Garridan, finally catching up to him at the city gates. "Oy! StoneCock! Slow down for an old warrior. I'll be walkin to the breach with you, we can watch each other's back."

"Sounds good Hamish. We have one stop to make in Brightmoor on the eve of the full moon. We have a dire mission to undertake with great danger, that only valiant heroes such as you and I can accomplish. We are needed...dramatic pick flowers." With tha, Garridan lets out a hearty laugh. "We're trying to get ahold of some Wolfsbane to help out Third. And possibly Frederick."

"Along the way you can start showing me how master all of these fighting styles, and maybe teach me something."
"Third dinnae tell me he needs wolfs bane. Well while he's frolicking about under the full moon we'll pick his wolfsbane for him. We cannae tarry long in Brightmoor for the Breach has been infested by goblins and I think the Brotherhood needs to give em the boot. Let's be about it then."
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