General Meeting Notes (3/12/17)

Plot - PC Town - Suggestion about the circle concerns: They are all located nearish the portal, which will remain as the mist shifts, perhaps the circles remain as well. OR. Each area has circles, but they would have to be a: found and b: figured out how to enter. This provides fun "conditions" that change each event. One event perhaps only blacksmiths can freely pass in/out and use the earth circle. etc. Sucks if we have no blacksmith with healing arts... plot would have to watch the pre-regs and judge accordingly. In the long run, having a multitude of circles in the area would be a nightmare to keep track of, so utilizing this route would also require a reason for short term circles. OR. For this season, make an lco effect that due to the proximity and fluctuation of the portal/mist all limited circles act as greater circles (cannot be extended). Anywho, we have options. I'm sure the plot team will come up with a good one.

We are working on plot suggestions, though we all agreed we aren't going to make you recast them as that solution.

Nighttime Monster Camp Cut-Off - I totally get the safety and sleep side of it. What I don't want to see, is bam, 2am, go to bed. If npcs are still ramped up, let them come out as RP characters? Even if they don't, pcs, this is a GREAT time for things like, parties/bonfires, dragon poker, etc. Gogo community bonding!

Yeah, could possibly. Elements and lighting likely to play a huge factor in the cutoff time. That and the timing of plot. I strongly doubt it is going to be a monster camp closes at this time (and more similar to we will alert you guys when monster camp is closed). The other idea too is that monster camp/npcs all more active throughout the event; while I can function on 2-3 hours of sleep into Saturday; others don't function unless they have 8ish. It will be an adjustment to how we are used to doing things for sure. But yes, this doesn't mean you can't RP with each other.

Food - I strongly urge everyone to group up and plan meals for their group. No one wants to live on pb&j all weekend (except you, you monster!). We have quite a few travelers and things like grills take up space. Maybe try to incorporate a local with resources into your dinner party? I hate seeing people go hungry.

We would love to see this happen. It will also help reduce the cost of food if grouped up. I know I just talked to my plot team and we are planning to help share the load.

Will someone fill me in on what's happening the 21st... since monster camp is in my basement? Thanks!

The next plot meeting is the 21st. The plan is pick up the costuming to sort, organize, and attempt to reduce the totes to a single car load. Don't know the logistics of it yet cause plan is to do this at Thetford's house.
One thing I remember from the meeting that I'm not seeing in these notes is discussion of getting more people qualified to be martials so we don't have to stop in the middle of a mod to hunt down that one person in camp who's a ritual martial, for example. I think I recall that someone said there are tests to be taken?