General Site and Game Notes


Chicago Staff

We have a few more notes for you from plot and logistics before we all gather. The site will be open at 4pm on Friday for everyone.

Considerations for Rain
Looking at the upcoming forecast, we may be anticipating some rain. By all that we can see, it shouldn’t be super heavy amounts of rain and should only be during portions of the day rather than constant, but nonetheless, we want to prepare our player base for what rain may entail. If rain is super heavy, it is entirely likely that people’s first impulse is to get inside, which is entirely reasonable. That said, we currently have a lot more PCs and NPCs than we usually do for events, and stuffing everyone into our tavern building at once may be difficult, especially when keeping COVID considerations in mind. A big part about being able to prevent a COVID spread at an event like this is to keep ourselves outside and spread out a bit, but huddling inside from the rain makes that concept more difficult.

If you are taking shelter from the weather, we are asking all players that you do your best to spread out into multiple areas as much as possible to help mitigate the risk of COVID issues. There are many sheltered areas on the site besides the tavern building, including the many cabins, medical lodging building, multiple pavilion areas, and the bathhouse. With proper consideration, we should be able to keep everyone inside while keeping risk of COVID transmission to a minimum.

Phone Charging Station
There will be a power strip located in the medical cabin at window between the kitchen and sleeping sleeping area.

Logistics will be held in the Pavillion behind Whippoorwill Lodge; unless it is raining, then it will be held in the office in the pool/bath house with the line starting at the door closest to the road.
All coin for the weekend for your craftsman other skills are in your welcome envelope.
If you are crafting at logistics or on the fly, please have your log filled out and coin ready for a quick transaction. The member of staff fulfilling your production will initial your paperwork upon completion.
Saturday and Sunday Logistics is from 2pm-3pm.
On the fly crafting can be performed by Logistics or a Rules marshal any time during the event.

Anachronisms and Garbage
We like to establish a neat in-game atmosphere, and to that end, we try to keep things looking in-game as best we can. To that end, please do your best to conceal things like modern food packaging while inside in-game areas (ie: rather than drinking from a Gatorade bottle in the tavern, try to remember to pour your drink into a cup and dispose of the bottle, etc.). Please endeavor to clean up after yourself - do not leave garbage lying around, and let’s keep our play areas looking nice!

Bug Spray Considerations
We have a player - his name is Jared (in-game, he plays the elf Glenn) - that is dangerously allergic to DEET, a frequent ingredient in many forms of bug spray. He will make himself known at the beginning of the event so that you recognize him. We typically do our best to provide non-DEET alternatives for bug spray to help with making things as safe as possible, but if you end up using a DEET product, please remember the following points:
  • Do not spray DEET products indoors.
  • Do not spray DEET products near doorways.
  • After applying a DEET product to yourself, wait about 15 minutes before having close contact with Jared/Glenn.

Plot and Mechanics Notes
“Piercing” Damage
This event will have some NPC creatures that have certain effects that will bypass Armor Points they might have, dealing damage directly to their Body Points. To help let you know that this is the case when it happens, you may hear a response call of “Piercing” to indicate this so that you know how your attack affected the NPC. (ie: You hit a zombie with a weapon swing of “5 Healing.” Healing bypasses the zombie’s Armor and deals damage straight to Body, so the NPC replies “Got it, Piercing” to let you know.) It might not necessarily be called with every attack made against the NPC - maybe just the first one so that players nearby know the effect was Piercing, reiterating this info upon engaging with other players that aren’t yet in-the-know - and will not necessarily be called against Body or Chaos damage.

“Minimal” Damage
If you hear an NPC call “Minimal” as a response to an effect, this means that the NPC has taken 1 damage instead of whatever the effect was (ie: You hit an NPC for a weapon swing of “10 Normal”. The NPC calls “Minimal”, and you know that you dealt 1 damage instead of the 10 you swung for).

Crafting Stations
Crafting Stations for creating Production items outside of Logistics can be found in both the main tavern building and the Medical Lodging building. Crafting Marshals capable of facilitating this will be made known at the event.

Permanent Circles of Power
Outside of the main tavern building, there is an illuminated Circle of Power. This circle is the nearest Permanent Earth Circle and will be where you will go in the event that your character resurrects. Resurrections may be begun in this circle by any character with the Healing Arts skill. The Earth Circle is an open circle that auto-recognizes anyone in and out. Feel free to enter and exit the circle as often as you’d like! Note that the boundary of the circle is virtually nothing and will NOT protect you from incoming packets, weapons, etc. From all that your character can tell, there does not seem to be a Permanent Celestial Circle in the near vicinity to where the PCs are stationed.

The Book Table and its Circle
There is a very prominent table in town featuring 8 notable Books at this event! This table is very obviously located and encircled within a multicolored Circle of Power. Please make sure you are acquainted with the following important notes about the Circle and the Books:
  • The multicolored Circle of Power is an open circle that auto-recognizes anyone in and out. Feel free to enter and exit the circle as often as you’d like! Note that the boundary of the circle is virtually nothing and will NOT protect your character from incoming packets, weapons, etc. The multicolored Circle appears to be neither Earth nor Celestial in aspect. What aspect it is, however, you can’t tell.
  • The 8 Books are Indestructible, meaning that they cannot be damaged or altered in any way. This includes writing in them - do not write in these books! The Books can be picked up, opened, and otherwise examined, but you can’t actually harm/change the books in any way.
  • The 8 Books are Circle Locked, meaning that they cannot leave the confines of the Circle of Power by any means.

Plot’s Locks
Locked Containers, Boxes, Doors, etc: Due to a peculiar enchantment by The Author, if you find a container that is locked by a physical lock of some kind, that container and its lock are both considered to be Indestructible per the magic item rules. You cannot use a Shatter effect to destroy the container/lock to get at what is inside; you must successfully open the lock to get inside. An container/lock that is under this protection will be marked with a LIME GREEN STICKER. Please note that all of these stipulations only apply to containers and locks provided by the Plot Team and do NOT apply to PC-supplied locks. Dismantling containers in some way to get inside (such as unscrewing hinges, physically breaking a box, etc.) is strictly prohibited. In short, if a container is locked, you will need to unlock it the way it is intended to be unlocked. Once the container is successfully unlocked, the enchantment upon it fades (and its green sticker is removed), and neither the container nor the lock are considered Indestructible anymore.

Locked Doors: For safety/site reasons, any doors that are locked in-game will not be actually locked out-of-game. Instead, the handle of the door will be clearly marked with one of the lime green stickers and a separate lock mechanism will be attached to the area near the door’s handle. The door will remain “locked” and unopenable until the attached lock mechanism is opened, at which point the door can then be opened.

Padlocks: If a container/door has any kind of regular padlock, feel free to pick it! We plan to be using nothing more complex than basic diary locks so that we can best appeal to a variety of different players’ skill levels when it comes to real-world lockpicking talents and tool accessibility.

Combination Locks: For assorted plot and puzzle purposes, a couple different combination locks will be used. We know there may be ways to pop open combination locks without knowing the combination, but for the sake of the enjoyment of our players doing assorted in-game tasks to discover the combinations, we ask that you not force/pick any of the combination locks; please open these locks as intended using their specific combinations. A character does NOT need to have the Create Trap skill to enter a combination into a combination lock.

Directional Combination Locks: You may encounter directional combination locks during the event, which require a sequence of directional inputs to open rather than a sequence of numbers. Discovering the proper sequence to open these locks is something you’ll have to find out in-game on your own, but please note: You should click together the lock mechanism 3 times between each attempt to unlock it. Doing so “resets” it for a new attempt at solving the combination, and if you don’t click it together a few times before an attempt, your correct input could possibly register as incorrect. A character does NOT need to have the Create Trap skill to enter a combination into a directional combination lock.

Thanks for your patience and time!

Daphne, Logistics