Getting crafty and making better costumes


Hey guys and gals,

I've been running low on projects these last few months (not really, but I can always add more things to my schedule...) and I've been thinking about things I can do to improve my costuming and improve Alliance SoMI by adding to our monster camp. I have to believe I'm not the only one who would want these things so I figured I'd work on getting other like-minded people to help.
I'm looking for any good resources people have for things like, weapon building, costuming, pattern making, armor (of all types), and any other craft you feel would help someone up their costume game or produce things that will make our game better.
Personally, I'm looking for some good resources about making armor pieces (or good monster masks) out of craft foam. As much as I love authenticity metal is expensive and heavy, so I'm looking for good ways to get some less expensive chest pieces into our monster camp so that more of our marauding hordes are strapped for battle. If you've got any suggestions about this or anything else, leave them here.
Also, feel free to use this space to ask for help on things you're interested in.
Just a few weeks and our first one-day will be upon us, can't wait to see everyone.

I always wondered if maybe an empty 55 gal drum could be cut and used as armor?

I don't see why not, but you'd still need to be able to handle the metal working from there. They're not hard to find if you're so inclined to check it out.
I'd guess you'd want to have some good clamps, a malet, a good sawzall (or cutting torch) and a good grinder to get you started.

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Years ago we had many people who used those barrels cut up as plate looking armor. It worked out really well. None of them play anymore though and I don't know how to reach any of them. But if you could find a tutorial or a video on how to cut it and shape it, yeah it can certainly be used.
I made one of those bucket-plate suits in high school. Just look up templates for the pieces, heat them to shape and to get rid of burrs, get good acrylic paints and do a bit of dry brushing to finish.