Hello all,
First off let me start by saying to the first worrywart that wants to say 'Wait the bad guys we'll no doubt encounter will listen don't say anything' is don't worry about it, anything here should be easy to find out and won't open anyone up to danger, that said feel free to be cryptic just don't worry people to keep em from talking please!
My name is Kallith, I'd love to get to know people I'll be meeting a bit more so I thought I'd start with a few basic facts. I'm hoping folks will feel free to share a bit about themselves! Please note I'm planning to get into bottling as a hobby so one of the questions is very interesting to me.
My Name - It's Kallith of cousre! I hope you already knew this
What do I do? - Not much, a Magic bunnykyn taught me celestial magic and I can stick the right side of a blade into things, but I mostly hang out and share information I've gleaned from folks more skilled than I am.
Am I a dirty command user like Roff? - Nope I'm clean! I understand Command effects against sentient creatures is akin to Necromany on the creepy scale. I'm kidding, kind of! I love Roff and hope someday to see him turn from his poor life choices.
Interesting, but not dangerous fact to know, about me - I'm young as adventurers and Sylvanborn go, so most of my knowledge comes from people far more experienced than I am, I just like to pass things along!
My favorite beverage in a bottle - I prefer Dark ales made without any sugars I once met a man named Koke and his best brew was titled Zero, name for the amount of imperfections in his brews.
First off let me start by saying to the first worrywart that wants to say 'Wait the bad guys we'll no doubt encounter will listen don't say anything' is don't worry about it, anything here should be easy to find out and won't open anyone up to danger, that said feel free to be cryptic just don't worry people to keep em from talking please!
My name is Kallith, I'd love to get to know people I'll be meeting a bit more so I thought I'd start with a few basic facts. I'm hoping folks will feel free to share a bit about themselves! Please note I'm planning to get into bottling as a hobby so one of the questions is very interesting to me.
My Name - It's Kallith of cousre! I hope you already knew this
What do I do? - Not much, a Magic bunnykyn taught me celestial magic and I can stick the right side of a blade into things, but I mostly hang out and share information I've gleaned from folks more skilled than I am.
Am I a dirty command user like Roff? - Nope I'm clean! I understand Command effects against sentient creatures is akin to Necromany on the creepy scale. I'm kidding, kind of! I love Roff and hope someday to see him turn from his poor life choices.
Interesting, but not dangerous fact to know, about me - I'm young as adventurers and Sylvanborn go, so most of my knowledge comes from people far more experienced than I am, I just like to pass things along!
My favorite beverage in a bottle - I prefer Dark ales made without any sugars I once met a man named Koke and his best brew was titled Zero, name for the amount of imperfections in his brews.