Gjstu Uftu


Ifbs zf. Ifbs zf. Nbpx jt opx sfcsvjujoh gps uif gjstu Dpnnpo Bmmjfe Uijfwft hvjme. Bmm joufsftufe qfpqmf tipvme tfoe b tjhofe qjehfpo up Nbpx. Tff zpv tppo boe ibqqz ivoujoh.
Quantum said:
Ifbs zf. Ifbs zf. Nbpx jt opx sfcsvjujoh gps uif gjstu Dpnnpo Bmmjfe Uijfwft hvjme. Bmm joufsftufe qfpqmf tipvme tfoe b tjhofe qjehfpo up Nbpx. Tff zpv tppo boe ibqqz ivoujoh.

And, a pleasant hunt to you as well.

Master Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Taitned Grove
Mobius said:
And, a pleasant hunt to you as well.

Master Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Taitned Grove

Jo b upxo gvmm pg bewfouvsfst, uifsf jt op pof xip jt joufsftufe? J sipvhis gps dfsubjo sibs Eldandril xpvme sjtd up uif pddbtjpo. Uifo J xjmm ibwf up ep nz cftu xjui xibu J ibwf.
~Maow Toodaloo~
Don't take it personally Toodaloo, I'm sure there are interested parties, they might just be off with the Lord Fallingstar. There was a call to arms from the far east, and many adventurers sprang to battle. When the Emissary returns, she, perhaps, won't be as busy and might look you up.

Master Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Honorable Master Hartsboon,

Can you explain to me what is being said here?

Herald Garmok
Its a cipher.

A rather simplistic one from someone claiming to be recruiting for a thieves' guild.

You simply replace each letter in his missives with the letter immediately preceeding it alphabetically.

Except for the occassions where the individual has ciphered his message incorrectly.

M'Lord Tieran, you take all the fun out of life, sometimes.

More to the point, codes are designed not to be shared. If this person wanted general audiences to be awares, she would have written it plainly.

Master Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Tainted Grove
It seems that if the person wanted their speech to remain secret they would have made it in another location and written it in a cipher that wasn't so easy to unravel.

Indeed. I had passed this by as a painfully unsubtle attempt to cull the stupid among Briarpass' criminal classes. Or perhaps a mildly more subtle attempt at ambushing those who would be thieftakers.

Either way, do you think it's really the smartest decision to seek such people's ire?

Master Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Mobius said:
M'Lord Tieran, you take all the fun out of life, sometimes.

More to the point, codes are designed not to be shared. If this person wanted general audiences to be awares, she would have written it plainly.

Master Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Tainted Grove

My deepest apologies, Master Keeper.

I do agree that codes are not to be shared.

However, I am of the strong opinion that should one wish a code to be kept secret, it is to be used between the individuals using it to communicate and not throw out to the dream for all to view.

The utilization of a drop point works remarkably well in this instance.

This, in my opinion, was just an invitation for whoever wanted to poke their nose into someone else's business to do so.

Should the individual in question take umbrage with my actions I will gladly speak with them in private and if they present themselves in a manner suitable apologetic for someone calling them out on their own foolishness, I may in fact furnish them with a cipher that is not merely a poorly disguised substitution code.

Master Tieran, you've taken the fun right out of the idea. However, it would have been foolish of me if I had actually expected something like my message to stay unannounced for long. I am Optimistic, but not unprepared. My simple ciphers are simply a singular step, you see. Also, all those 'would-be' assassins out there need not apply. I'm only interested in clever people that want to accomplish the amazing. I'll still be expecting those pigeons, pigeons.

~Maow Toodaloo~
Well i saw the mention of my name in there unexpectedly, What do you seek me for? Or do I have to find out by translating for myself?
Your supposed to translate for yourself im pretty sure. I'm not much one for puzzles so.

No one can ever say that Wayside is boaring. Just be careful what you get yourself into.

Mistress FallingStar of Mushroom Hallow