Gold to $ conversion


Ok, i know this is a lil unorthodox, but I need opinions.
As you may or may not have read, I will be looking to sell some homemade jewelry at the upcoming event, however I can not seem to come up with a consistant exchange for IG money to OOG money....

if i got with what i've heard as the norm, by using gobbies as a reference, stuff seems to be drasticly under priced.
$1 = 5gs = 5copper, so a $20 ring would only be 1g...

Its been suggested that i should go by what i would pay oog for ig money, ie if someone was selling 100G how much would i be willing to pay for it, and that brings me to $1 = 1G so now that $20 ring is 20G, which seems too much.

So then i decided to try and use what i've seen IG as a rule. IE Food. Breakfast is 3s, now I could easily expect to pay $6 in a diner for what the usual serving is, and that's being conservative (Plus i live in Jersey, land of diners, so food's kinda cheap) so 3s = $6 and we're back to the $20 ring being 1G...

I know that the stuff i'm selling doesn't have any IG purpose besides costuming (yet...) but then again it is real jewelry for fake money....

Anybody have any suggestions, should i take this to a different board? Any help would be appreciated...

Mike Wasielewski
AKA Redcloud
I would recommend against this, and suggest that if you are only wanting to sell items to make OOG money, that you ask your chapter for permission to "vendor" - that is, sell your goods for real $ before/after the game.

Aside from that, you can get whatever gold for your item that the market will bear...if someone will pay you 100g for a thing that $5.00, that is the rate. If they only pay 1g, then that is what the market will handle. It differs wildly from chapter to chapter.
Thats just it, im not looking to sell stuff ig to make oog money. Im selling stuff ig for ig money, just looking for what a f as irvand reasonable market price would be for said items. Due to them not being magical items, I really dont expect people to shell out tons of gold, but on the other hand im not selling a plastic peice of costume jewelery either.

Its kinda a way for people to say, ya know I like it, but I dont have the extra $30 in my budget this month for it... but, "Gandalfo" my celestial mage has a few extra gold I could spend.... or something like that.
Are you basing the $20 ring off of materials alone, or what an OOG price would be for that ring if it was for sale at a store or stand?
Personally, I would set a minimum that you'll take for it (mentally) and then haggle with people on it.

Fair warning: this may constitute role play and Gilwing may kick you out.
The $20 is what it would sell for at a craft fair, etsy, gemshow. There is a small markup(for labor and such) but its not that much.

Justin, I was headed that way, set a mental price, offer a higher starting price and haggle, course now that everyone knows that, nobody's gonna just pay the posted price... and Gilwing is ok with rp, as long as it brings in gold...
As someone who often buys such fun trinkets for in game coin, I'll say this will vary widely by chapter, and your target market. For example my Artisan in Chicago just bought a glass necklace and fancy wooden W for 5 gold (she was having a sale) I would have probably paid up to double that, but that artisan prints money, My Barrister would have happily paid 5.

Out of game the directly math doesn't apply to what I'd pay with cash. BUT remember that actual money to coin conversion is very heavily restricted (5 silver a day cap) so there is some value there.

Ultimately I'd suggest picking a price that you think is fair, maybe adding a bit for haggle factor and running with it. Your price point may attract different PCs based on it and the usual rules of supply and demand apply so it partly depends on how many you want to sell and if you want to have a bigger margin, or larger gross sales.
As a personal rule of thumb, I consider 1 gold to equal about $5 oog. This however is really about supply and demand/comfort oog. A individual chapters economy is a major factor too. Many people have said I run my bar cheap IG, and indeed I make ALOT more in a richer chapter when I increase prices. However, If your selling in GBurg, be prepared to deal with a lower economy, and thus poorer PCs
Well...private auctions aside, the guild auctions were quite low, and the high bidders in those were all character with over 15+years of play, plus has a team with a substantial treasury. In game money is a odd ball thing to be sure. One second your broke, the next you're loaded. Thanks Barran Obama.
Listen, if I want to pretend that I'm poor, I can totally do that.
You definitely have to consider economy.
I used to make and sell food a lot. and raffles. And now I do sewing items.

In Barran I believe a 20$ ring should est be 2-3 gold in game. Jersey, I would say 4-5. Kupspar, a gold. Another thing you can do it set an ig/oog price. Obviously do oog business oog and the character can have fun making the backstory of the item. I am going to start doing this with more intricate and tedious sewing wares.
If your goal is to make OOG money, then why sell them for IG coin in the first place? I know that's something I have a hard time with when I spend a lot of cash on IG items I intend on selling also.

If you don't mind spending OOg cash to make IG money, I usually do a $5/1G conversion. I charge about $60/hr for massage stuff OOg, and I charge 1G for 5 minutes IG.

The main thing I'd consider for the sale of your stuff is: How much do YOU want for it? What amount of coin makes the out of game investment worth it?
Thanks for all the info, it was def helpful. I have some ballparks and we'll just see how things go. This is all for ig coin, however, I will have buisness cards available that have info on how to view/buy stuff oog if you really like something, but lack ig funds.

I will not, I repeat, will not be accepting any oog $ during the event for things.